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Help me Sup Forums

I'm getting a blowjob in 3 days, and all the girls that sucked me off so far told me that my precum is super salty

How can i sweeten my precum in 3 days? And no, pineapple juice does not work. I tried it for 3 days in a row once

Pic related, the girl that will suck my dick


u can't dumb fuck, just a fucking condom if you are that scared.

Sure user, sure.

Blowjob with a condom? Why? You cant feel shit

Inject 100ml high fructose corn syrup up your urethra 30 mins before. Works a treat.

Ever think of looking up what could have made your precum salty. then cutting that out of your diet?

Did you try eating celery?

Really? Sounds like a nasty infection tot me

Smash heaps of fresh pineapples user.. at least twice a day 2 fucking pineapples.. dont insert into anus..
Insert into mouth with skin cut off..

cut out salty foods for the next days, stay super hydrated

Find a bitch that doesn't give a fuck haha op is a loser

This. I tried it with condensed milk and it works great, can't get them hoes away from mah dick tho

Also pineapple juice wont do shit...
Its the enzymes in the actual fruit flesh
Whatever you want to call it..

I'll try cutting salt

No. Would it work in 3 days?

"I'm getting a blowjob in 3 days"

Are you niggers this fucking desperate and beta that it's somehow scheduled for you?

>not getting blown everyday


Seriously. Also, who gives a fuck what it tastes like?

My gf

Eat shit

Ok I'll bite.

Cut on red meat, garlic, and preety much anything that has a strong taste. No smoking or drinking alchocol. Drink tons of water and eat a lot of fruit.

Good luck

Milk all of the juice out of your prostate before hand. The fresh juice won't taste as bad

Also I forgot. No diery products especially high-fat milk

Thanks, will do

So should i fap today?

>I'm getting a blowjob in 3 days
kek, underage and banned

by the way OP, I doubt 3 days is likely for results but for future reference, don't smoke, no junk food, try to avoid red meat or too much meat in general and most of all COCONUT WATER

How do you plan a bj? Is it marked on your fucking calender?

posts about pineapples I believe are also true

She is coming to town in 3 days

I heard there are some pills you can take

Well we all pulled together and helped.

Now post her nudes.

How big of a whore does a girl have to be to have a cum taste preference? I think she'd have to suck A Lot of dicks to develop a palate for jizz.

If she eats shit already why does it matter what your precum tastes like


Fapping isn't enough. You gotta get something up your ass rubbing your prostate to get all the extra precum out. Google it

Also, what's wrong with salty jizz? Chase it down with a glass of water for fuck sake.

A chick told me that my cum tasted like captain crunch and I use to eat alot of Captain crunch.

the stories...fiction...only a fool...seriously
>you get what i mean
dream on, op

my pre cum and cum tastes great!

maybe lose some weight OP you fat fuck

enjoy your stds