Why do Europeans get run over so much?

Why do Europeans get run over so much?

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cause they ain't got no guns to defend themselves. hurrr durrr durrr

>being this racist
grow up

Yeah. because believing that whites have a right to their own country and safety equates to "racism".

Keep sucking that liberal cock.


>being this stupid

Islam is not a fucking race.

>keeps kicking down an oppressed minority
>not racism
Has elementary school started again yet?

Considering that I'm not getting a major in Hurtfeelingsology and a minor in Gender Studies no, school hasnt started for me.

Keep spreading your words of wisdom. That PHD in Gender Studies sure highlights your intelligence friend.

Because they allow the liberals to destroy them. The people need to rise up and fight. The time for being nice and talking about things is over. It is time for blood.


> oppressed minority
> racism
> white people in south africa
> world is not america
I don't even know where to start. Sit down, kid. I think it's time we try and help your brain to start thinking.

You need to go back to school and learn the difference between race and religion, and racism and discrimination.

Fucking lowering of educational standards at work.

I'm not saying it's Islam.

But it's Islam.


I'll take Muslims running over a couple of dozen people a year over Christians systematically fucking the entire country all the time.

You're the last people to take advice on fundamentalism from.

Thank god people like you are going to die when Islam takes over.


So much edge. Such little thought.




Western Europe is the most atheistic place on the fucking planet, you mongoloid.

The snackbars drive religiosity up

>Christians systematically fucking the entire country all the time.
>Lets talk about all of the Christian suicid...oh wait.
>Nah, lets talk about all of the Christian mass murd...oh wait.
>Nah, lets talk about how Christians actively beat their wives and...oh wait.
>Nah, lets talk about how Christians actively support hatred and want the stoning of all gay...oh wait.
>Nah, lets talk about how Christians actively want their own archaic laws in place of modern laws so they can do whatever the fuck they wan...oh wait.

Keep sucking that large, veiny liberal cock you fucking cuck.

Actually it's northern Europe

Western Europe generally refers to all of Europe that isn't poor, unless stated otherwise.

Turn it around for a sec. What if a crazed lunatic only needed to fill in two sheets and fire a single clip to get a conceiled carry license in half the EU.

You know what it's like america, don't forget your current president has adressed more mass shootings then state banquets.

wise words from 12 year old's that'll never have to lift a finger to help in the coming conflict.

this is why we should raise the voting age to 25.

i betcha´ chinamen beat yuropistan in number of people ran over

FYI. Unlike you I've already retired from the military. I will fully support a civil war to purge the US from Islam and liberals including the UN-american cucks like you.

lol this

fucking liberals will defend islam to the death

They live in an extremely violent society, so they believe they need vehicles to defend themselves. Therefore their laws (or lack thereof) on vehicle-control are to blame. Fucking scared faggots, just use your fists like a man.

Just ban vehicles like the rest of the first world countries. Would solve literally every problem

I also believe they should get rid of the selective service and make it mandatory that every US citizen under the age of 30 to serve at least 3 years of military service. If they leave the country to avoid it they lose all rights as us citizens.


>acting knowledgable about firearms
Pick 1

Your lack of self awareness is startling.

Your entire response is discarded since you lack the knowledge of how to spell and difference between common firearm components.

Could have been talking about an M1 Garand.

Advanced bait

live with islamic terror my ass
you sandniggers it's time u go back

not the guy you're replying too, but literally everything on your list has been done by christians, and is supported by christian teachings.

you sound like a 50 year old racist cunt on facebook going on about the muzzies.

Got any real arguments against my statement? Or are you just going to ignore what you don't like?



Not the same guy, but Christians and Muslims do the same shit. Religion is violent. Nihilism is the one true belief.

Yeah because someone is going to use a fucking M1 Garand in a shooting. They are outdated, expensive and bulky. This person is clearly a liberal and so are you for defending him.

broken eurocuck fag. bet you're a gender studies student.


I'm actually dutch, and basically all firearms I know are from historic reënactments, also not first language, keep the discussion on track.

Something all you Islamic lovers need to watch.



Because these extremist cant get guns to do a shooting. Duh.

>I will fully support a civil war to purge the US from Islam and liberals including the UN-american cucks like you.

pro-tip. im not american, and i don't give a fuck if you did or didn't serve. be careful though, lots of your countrymen DO care, and will hunt you down for stolen valour.

>purge the US from Islam and liberals.
do you mean purge the US "of" Islam and liberals?

fuck me, army must have been down on their recruiting quota when they took you in.

There's no such thing as a religion of peace

>thinking they give you an M1 Garand to shoot when you're testing for your gun license


*tips fedora*

Hunting license perhaps?
>honeybadger don't give a shit


>ad hominem arguement

Go back to your liberal studies class bud, you're late.

>everything on your list has been done by christians and is supported by christian teachings

Weird, I can't seem to remember the last time a church actively supported violence against those who don't believe. Maybe, it could just be, that Christians know the fucking difference between laws from hundreds of years ago and now.

It's also weird that I can't seem to remember the last time there was a christian suicide bombing.

Or any bombing, specifically because their christian religion told them to kill the non-believers.

I also can't seem to remember the last time Christians wanted sharia l.. I mean ancient laws that support the suppression of woman freedom, the killing of non believers, the stoning of gays & child marriages.

But hey, you keep watching those liberal Facebook videos. Fucking faggot.


About 1 billion muslims worldwide, how are they a fucking minority again?

Former army 18f here. OEF and OIF. Lost leg got 100% from va. I'm genuinely curious wtf a liberal cuck such as your self knows about conflict. It's almost comical. You would cry if you pulled the trigger of anything bc you're a weak human as is the rest of the libtards. Talking about conflict.... no trying to figure out which gender you are isn't conflict. Fuck off you enormous fucking pussy.

post-grad engineering m8.

i'm not too concerned with your level of education, its pretty clear to me already.

nobody likes what islamic radicals are doing around the world, and most people are against any form of immigration/integration with islamic people because of that shit. but guess what, we don't go around screaming for genocide because their skin is a different colour, or because they face mecca when they pray.

grow up cunt.

Are they Poles?
The irony

He is right tho.
All major religions ask you to stone people to death for breaking sabbath, being active homosexual, etc. The laws on mariage in the Sharia (being forced to marry the rapist when the victim was unmarried) all stem from the old testament. In other words, the fundamentalists of all 3 major world religion support sharia.

i dont get it


Interesting. Most of my friends who were in came out as liberal lil faggots. Then again, none of them actually saw combat.

maybe they are fucking minorities and we all read wrong

>former army here

opinion invalidated, brainwashed robot.

Shooting folks isn't conflict either.

I bet you're mad about not being able to say he's wrong.

Disagree. If it were mandatory it would be filled with pussy faggots. DOD already getting soft bc of PC. Hoping Mattis fixes this shit


>nobody likes what islamic radicals are doing around the world.

Yet, most Muslims won't condemn HAMAS, a terrorist organization.

>post-grad engineering

I'm sure.

Lurk moar or are you fucking new or something?

It's because ppl who plays this truck simulator and thinks they can drive the real thing. wrong.

Its a democraticaly chosen terrorist organisation. Much like the USA government.

Neat. I'm saving this one,thanks friend.

un actor grabit
care spune
replica si a poi a plecat fugind

>much like the USA government

Watch out bud, you're gonna cut yourself that on edge. But regardless, ask Muslims what they think of gays. Ask Muslims if they think that those who leave Islam should be punished. Ask Muslims if they support the killing of those who talk bad about Islam.

you don't remember those things because you are deliberately ignoring reality when it undermines your argument.

I've literally never met a liberal vet except the fags in the Air Force. Less than 5% in any branch actually see combat. I've heard of them but literally never met one.

i dont get why you would use this meme and whats your point

No, but arabic ethnic groups are generally synonymous with islam, along with other ethnic groups in oceania, and africa.

>Weird, I can't seem to remember the last time a church actively supported violence against those who don't believe. Maybe, it could just be, that Christians know the fucking difference between laws from hundreds of years ago and now.
>It's also weird that I can't seem to remember the last time there was a christian suicide bombing.
>Or any bombing, specifically because their christian religion told them to kill the non-believers.

10,000 bombs set off between 1969–1998 in ireland, in a fight between two separate christian sects. that should pretty much cover that one, but there are hundreds of other examples dating back to the crusades, where christian soldiers (crusaders) were sent to murder their way through north-africa and the middle east.

>I also can't seem to remember the last time Christians wanted sharia l.. I mean ancient laws that support the suppression of woman freedom, the killing of non believers, the stoning of gays & child marriages.
Leviticus 20:13 calls for the death of gays.

im not going to go google searching to find you every reference, but there is shit in there about some cunt letting romans rape his daughter and then shunning her for being a slut. not gonna say its applicable for today, but its still part of your core beliefs.

don't pretend to be all high and mighty, your religion is based on the same evil shit as islam. you just try to hide the nasty side, exactly the same way moderate islam does.

Yep. Most of them are liberal, hillary supporting faggots.

Even funnier, one of them used to be a skinhead. Then got with a half black chick and is now acts like it never happened.

Muslims are from many different countries, cultures, sects and values, why should a muslim from a different part of the world condemn an organization from a totally different country.
It's like saying why Irish don't stop or condemn that Philippino president only because they both are catholic.

I live in the bible belt, and I imagine the Muslims will respond much like the cristians here. They politely say you will burn in hell, and god will send stones through the windows.

>screaming for genocide
There is a difference between not letting people into your country and killing every last one of them. I know, it's difficult to understand at first.

fuck off speedy.

Islam is not a race.

We'll then your friends are faggots. What branch and what did they do?

>science came from alchemy
>therefore all science now fundamentally believes that we can turn things into gold through magic

Cmon man. If all the major religions support sharia, then why is the biggest pushback against Islam from the other two religions that supposedly have the same beliefs?

I can't speak for every state, but where I'm from, hunting licenses only determine what animals you're allowed to shoot and where you're allowed to shoot them. Maybe you need a bear hunting license to register certain types of guns to your name in some states, but generally speaking, acquiring a hunting license doesn't give you the right to go out and buy the type of gun you see being used in mass shootings. Maybe in the backwards redneck states like Texas or Alaska, but those fuckers have to worry about running into bears, bull moose, families of warthogs, etc. when they're out hunting. If you want to really nitpick, you should be more worried about the grandfather laws that say I could own that M1 Garand without any paperwork or safety training just because it was passed down to me when my dad died.

They don't let you bring in your grandads old rifle because that largely defeats the purpose of testing you in a controlled environment. Stop saying dumb shit

>10,000 bombs set off between 1969–1998 in ireland, in a fight between two separate christian sects. that should pretty much cover that one, but there are hundreds of other examples dating back to the crusades, where christian soldiers (crusaders) were sent to murder their way through north-africa and the middle east.
>can only name events that happened in ireland
>citations needed that support they were killing specifically because their god told them to.
>I can wait

>Leviticus 20:13 calls for the death of gays.

Once again, you liberal cucks seem to keep forgetting that Christians DON'T ACTIVELY SUPPORT ANY OF IT. The closest thing you will ever see is the Westboro Church, a church of around hundred or so of people who support everything last thing the bible says.

Now, compare that with Islam and get back to me on it. I'm not even a fucking Christian but this shit is getting out of hand.



>why should they condemn a terrorist organization


>implying they actually will send stones through windows
>implying anyone outside of the 50-80 age demographic will tell you that you will burn in hell

Come on, you're not even trying.

HAMAS are freedom fighters, they, unlike ISIS, have a legitimate cause. i might not like their methods, but i understand them.

what would you do if the entire world decided to cut up your homeland and give it to your ancestral enemy? bend over like the cuck you call everyone else, or would you take up arms and fight the foreign invader?

stop trying to shift the goal posts you fucktard and read the post i was replying to originally.

All marines. They did random shit like drive humvees, repair radios and shit like that.

>suicide bombing created by Islam
>war between northern ireland and the rest of the country was dictated in the Bible
>remmeber this thing that happened centuries ago? uh huh, YOU guys are bad.


The truck events are psycological operations conducted by the intelligence services.

They have more in common with hollywood than with real life.

No one is dying from being run over by trucks or shot up in theaters. You have a mixture of drills, and cgi, and forged identities and false "witness" testimony, all done hand in glove with the media.

There's no bogey man, no pure evil, no terrorists.

It's paving a path to war so we have anglo domination of the entire world.

>grandfather laws
HOLY SHIT IS THAT AN ACTUAL FUCKING THING????????????????????????????????