Will you be on Sup Forums in 2017?

Will you be on Sup Forums in 2017?

>Implying you're not here forever

Sure, what difference does Dec. 2016 to Jan. 2017 make? It's all the same shit, just a different arbitrary number to organize time

Oh, yes I will.

Because you've wasted so much time here this year.

Go back to your celeb threads.


And G is now 18!

Oh you're clocking in my hours? Shit, I didn't know.

Who cares if there are no leaks ?

Have been since mid '07, why would that change after 10 years?

U first.

>tfw she does nudes but it is mistaken for cp

Should be here when the back drops...seriously, should be hitting puberty anytime now.

I've been here since 2004 (regular since 2005)
I don't know anything else.

Autism threads must end in 2017.

Could Happen

Well I only got 2 days to get a life before 2017, so I'd think it's safe to say ill be here.

I've been with the chan since it was 1chan. It's now Sup Forums. It's grown so much, can't wait to see it when it hits 16chan.


Nope i'm progressing to reddit in 2017. Thanks for being there during a tough time Sup Forumsros, but it's time to move on to people who cater more to my intellectual needs

Hairy or shaved?

This site died over 10 years ago... why do I still come here


I would wager a guess, it's because you're a faggot

Lets see more oldfag

no. new years resolution is to stop wasting time.

I want to be in an epic thread like this one.

I have nowhere else to go, so yeah.

Post G's nudes.

Completely Smooth

Unfortunately I lost much of it over the years, what remains is scattered on old disconnected drives

I don't think anybody would think she was a child after seeing her tits.



I'm going to stop using the internet as much as i do in general, but Sup Forums is at the top of that list. I'm going to come here a lot less. I already dropped Sup Forums and Sup Forums, time to drop the rest.

let me know how much time I have spent here

