Drawthread: OwO wats dis Edition

Drawthread: OwO wats dis Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


oh, i see.

why me

well, i don't have a problem when i'm standing. except it's for a long while.
i'll try to remember this, when this comes up again.
thank you very much, kind sir.

fuk u, u wasted my cake

>Me as a different food



Bullshit's over

i like how is this going...

Thank you very much!


Requesting Rukia doing something cute or cool with any one pokemon in this album
Pokemon refs: imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Thank you, Kahl.

Woah you drew a human face! I'm so proud of you Kahl! Welcome back btw

/r/equesting sword bro the technomancer

Requesting fem pyrocynical like in the pic with a sweatband around her head doing a split with little sweat beads coming from her head.


cheeky move, trying to one shot me. computer, divert 100% of remaining battery power into weapons system, and activate deep field psychokinetic restoration.


Hi guys. Taking requests.

you are going to be VERY sorry you did that to me.

thread feels dead

any requests?

requesting anything of superactivated robotboy

Requesting slime-cyborg.


requesting a girl riding a horse shooting lasers from her eyes, and the horse is the size of the earth!!!

thread feels optimal for shitposting

give reqs

literal shit that's at a computer posting in this thread

happy holidays thread!
any reqs?

Requesting someone to please draw nude futa pepper holding her cock in her hand with a lewd expression on her face. Thank you.

Requesting a candy cane

slimegirl pepper plz

Wew this place did not survive lunch very well.


Taking requests

Requesting a rabbit lawyer

On it.

just for you, my anonymous friend

Why is the thread dying tho?

So how are you decaf?

Slow noon. Thank you

hey hey hey, how is everybody ?

Hello, Scraps.

hoi scraps im doing oke, how about you

That's the sickest candy cane I've seen since Korea

prob because i memed as the OP... oops.

hi, scraps! i'm pretty bored tbh.

>tfw also sorry i got dubs instead of quads

how many Tv heads are there? christ

Tired fam.
I just want to go home at this point.
I doubt it televikun.

R u guys not fiting anymore or something?

I tried, Decaf.

>the shit not posting the request for shit posting
the potential

Hey there, how are you?
I'm doing good, I wish I was on my tablet i have at home :< the one I'm on right now is kind of annoying.
I'm also kinda bored right now, I just kinda wanted to draw something but i have no idea what ;v

idk, waiting for him to respond, i didnt deplete my main battery reserves for nothing

Oh guell, I guess I'll go play monhun while things spice up a little.
Why thank you kind user, being sicker than Korea is impressive.
You belong to the meme jail. pal

i'm a hybrid, mind you. i'm sure there's a bunch, i just don't know them all. halo, tv head (that's actually his name), wolf, etc.


would a request help?

you'll never take me alive! i'm not even a good memer/shit poster.

>50 minutes and 41 sec later

woah hey guys
welcome to erp with drawings

first time

you her smegma dude ? is it ok ?

>Don't ask.
>U don't need to know.
>.. just ask.
Can u tell me wtf a technomancer is? Cause it sounds silly as fuk but I'll whether the explanation. I'm confused by this cause technology and magic r the same in terms of story telling. Theyr an ex machina and interchangeable. Y the fuk r they mashed together in the word techomancer..
U tell em Steve dave.
Woa hei guy, this isn't the force ur meme thread.

Just being comfy in bed right now while chain smoking cigars
Feels fucking good m80.

Requesting Prince Robot the IV masturbating the porn playing in his head.

gib me dat sweet sweet request bby ;y

slim djim xd


Still here man. Thank you a thousand times.

what the hell
you're not a good memer, you're the meme itself

no moar fite for me, taking requests i guess

>wow I get to use the pic one meme.
>chain smoking cigars
>feels fucking good
Wew pick one. Cigars r garbage son.
So.. to b 12% alien, did ur grandpa fuk an alien, and the kids of that thing got together with some white folk and knocked the ratio down to 12% over a few generations?.. or..

it can range from non magical (extremely skilled in the usage of tech) to solely magical (creating golems out of a car/making a computer into a deadly weapon of sorts with materials nearby)
I can only imagine the magical portion would have a very latent to major role of telekinetic powers beside it

Oh ,will i ?

no problem dude, request was cool, here with a little edit


Requesting you riding a comet

adam yaunch memorial swastika or mike brown memorial tree u decide



Did my best, thanks for the request

nah, basic gene manupulation through surgery/mutation. i was born 100% human.


(nigga you took too long, im going outside for a bit)

aight, turn a pineapple into a dragon.

>:O ?!?!

kk fam here

I don't really give a single shit anymore

You are an amazing person.
I hope you don't mind if I request smegma related stuff in the future again.

Gene manipulation wouldn't make you 12% alien, just 12% prosthetic

Thank you.

>U knew the explanation was gonna succ.
Ok. Just sounds like a regular wizard making a thing from a car, or anything in that respect.
Or a scientist that can do the same.
For some reason both must be invoked.
Ok well.. this guy's fukin u up. Or something..
We in the same boat then.
Listen, I'm glad u survived that car crash man. I remember seeing about it before. Just wanted to say.

thanks mate, and sure you can ask me whatever you want (I probably won't do underage stuff tho)

well well thread, time to go, see yall next time

No, i don't feel a fucking thing.

>when you do better explaining a difficult topic than last time
>still shitty
It really is, they are just devoted to their tech

Thanks decaf

I did my best, His name is frooty booty


Requests, guys? Pretty please?


I got an hour left, I'll take 1 sfw request.

you had an accident, bro?
>haven't been on lately

could I hang out with you as part of the request?

Any requests?


show me that sexy spread ass ;y

A tit.
>talking about the bird btw


Requesting you post something on your blog. :P