I've been craving to have sex lately but my gf doesn't want anything...

I've been craving to have sex lately but my gf doesn't want anything. Just jacking it won't do it anymore need to feel a female body.

What to do Sup Forums?

find another bitch and fuck her then let your girlfriend find out

bam, you got 2 bitches to fuck, up from your current 0

find a trap on Craigslist

break up with your girlfriend. sorry, but it is either:

1) break up
2) cheat
3) be miserable

I normally choose 2, followed up by telling GF which leads to 1.

I tried #3 for about 6 years, never again.

lots of guys do #2, but I feel guilty if I do it.

this or go on rubmaps. I've been hitting parlors like once a month for over a year now and my wife doesn't suspect a thing. Nothing better than bending over some korean/asian chick after she rubs your body for an hr straight. You get at least a handy and feel great afterwards. Highly recommended. And it's not like some random korean will go tell your wife or something. It's the easiest way to "cheat".

break up with your girlfriend

how long has she been refusing sex?

Guess #1 would be the best and most honest
I'm in a relationship from 1,5 years. But for 6 years... how did the breakup go?

download tinder and an app on your phone to spoof your location to about half hr away

She's not your wife. I don't see a problem with fucking another chick if she keeps refusing.

Isn't that the deal between men and women? We provide and they spread their legs?


2 months


This. It's not cheating if she has a dick.

plus if you go to a well reviewed place, the girls are usually 8/10s. The bodies on these girls are amazing.

Dump her, tell her to call you when she wants sex, and that you're not looking for emotional comfort and support

That's not healthy. Dump her, because she's not that far from doing it to you.

Find a chick that's DTF. I promise asshole there are plenty of women who will absolutely fuck you down. My GF demands sex every night I'm not at work. It was cool at first but now it's like cutting the grass. I live for when she is on the rag. I am however going to have my first threesome New Year's Eve she is bringing a girl she went to college with. GF has already told me that she wants me to come in every hole the girl has. Think of me 2017.

She is banging someone else, bro

What's the best way to find a good place?

You're probably right, I should be the one to take that step

Yeah fuck that. She's using her pussy to manipulate you.

just told you, rubmaps. As a free user you can see places and star ratings, membership is like 15$ and you can read detailed reviews to make sure the place you're going is full service (If you're looking for sex) It's pretty much a guaranteed handy at any place though

If you got her, you can get another. It could be worse, you could be a kissless virgin. Find another chick Sup Forumsro

Why is she witholding sex (other than banging someone else)?

I actually started going when my wife was pregnant. I can't go more than a month without sex so it was a pretty good outlet for me. Granted if I'm going for full service I'm expecting to pay 150ish (prices in my area), once a month doesn't fuck up my money situation. It's worth it imo. Literally get a great massage, fuck and then leave

most of them actually put your clothes back on for you. It's a power trip for sure

Well, it'll be 1.

You can also go to Rubmaps, Backpage, or Nightshift.

You got variety and review in that case.

i've never used backpage or nightshift. I've only used rubmaps. I actually don't mind paying the 15/month if it leads to me not having to deal with any extra BS. And I like the detailed feedback

Married user here. Strip clubs, escorts, bars, and the occasional affair. the last one is risky if you care about maintaining the relationship

uk fag here, anyone from the UK got any good advise on this matter?

hey, if you have the subscription, would you mine screenshotting some reviews for me?

Has she recently got on medication of any kind? Or switched prescriptions?

My gf switched birth controls and completely killed her libido.

Dump some HQ nudes and sure, what parlor?