I used to date this 6'1" Amazonian sex goddess...

I used to date this 6'1" Amazonian sex goddess, but she broke up with me when I got a job in another state because she didn't want to move. She does her job from home so moving wouldn't have impacted her career at all.
Now she's dating a 5'10" manlet with a very wealthy family and they're moving across the country so he can start a farm or some shit.
She's in it for the money, right?


She isn't with you so what difference does it make

She was always in it for the shekels.

I'm a loser who can't let go of the past?

>fake as shit
but anyway if it were true, you dodged a bullet judging by that nosering. She's probably a coalburner

nigga what

This is Sup Forums where the average height is 7'20"

Sounds like she met a guy secure in himself, not some self centered vane guy
Besides he probably just has a bigger dick than you


There's nothing unbelievable about a girl not being with some guy on Sup Forums

5'10" is straight manlet next to a 6'1" woman.

how do i make it bigger

You gotta fuck a melon.

>septum piercing
100% slut status confirmed

nothing of value was lost

Yeah you are

You wasted your trips. She's just a liberal artist.

Yeah, I just said that, dingus.

No difference

It's really not. Freakishly tall women get insecure next to a good 5'10'' man

I'll let you in on a little secret user:

actions speak louder than words.

her actions align with one who is seeking shekels, yet you wanna take her at her word. dont be such a gigantic beta faggot.

Why would the TALLER person be insecure?

Full retard.


Look, she found an easy excuse to drop you when you moved. She was done with you. Now shes with someone who she's willing to move with. Probably really happy and finally in love. You'll never find love user. Your life will be one long string of dissapointments and regret.

ok tell yourself that. obviously this concept strikes a nerve with you. cognitive dissonance much?

Holy fuck you're a moron

Post nudes, OP.

I'M the one that posited the money angle, you illiterate piece of shit.

>not understanding women at all

Don't have any. I'm not a nudes-snappin' guy.

Fuck user, you dont know how to read?

first trips then dubs
because I speak the truth

>can't read
>speaks the truth

What fucking truth numbnuts? OP said she was doing it for the money, shes didnt days shit. How can he take her at her word WHEN SHE DIDN'T SAY SHIT. Jesus christ you homo.

>She's in it for the money, right?

his whole point of asking this question is because he's uncertain about reality. The fact that he even has to ask means I'm right. Answer is painfully obvious.

try reading comprehension faggots

She just didn't want to relocate user. Some people are just not that adventurous. Might have been a deal breaker for her.

The fact that she didn't follow also speak a different personality than yours. You two weren't that compatible after all.

You are legitimately retarded.

she just didn't want to relocate *with you* user.


You are a Fag.

Yeah, you did.


There's some truth to that.

ok OP, ok. sorry to burst your hymen kiddo.

You just weren't good enough for her. She did better. Get better or KYS faggot.

> The fact that he even has to ask means I'm right.

He asked before you said anything you cuck.

>yet you wanna take her at her word

Op never said she said anything

You are a giantic fucking retard.

Or she just didn't love you and your moving was her way out...

Yeah must probably.

BTW, where are you from OP? And your age please.

jesus fuck how. pathetic. read carefully:

>she broke up with me when I got a job in another state because she didn't want to move

>they're moving across the country

>u need to reed carfulee
>he can't read
Full retard.
We lived in New York at the time. I relocated to Los Angeles and she's now relocating to Oregon iirc. I'm 29 now but I was 27 at the time of the breakup.


so much self doubt. protect your ego more.

Full retard.


post more photos of this babylonian queen


>New York
>Los Angeles

Low T liberal beta faggot detected.

She was probably seeing the richer, more valuable man behind your back and didn't want to move away from him.

I make almost $250,000 a year doing basically nothing in Los Angeles. Who's the faggot?

Damn so it's been two years, that sucks.

And I lived in LA before, the dating scene sucks there.

I'd say the faggot in LA with $250k who does basically nothing but obsess about his ex (who traded up big time btw)

She has Marfans Syndrome.
You dodged a bullet.
Well done...

About a year and a half.
>live in a major metro
>get paid $250,000 a year for next to no work
>somehow bad

1000 cock stare

>non-serious medical issue
>treated with eyeglasses
>you lucked out
The hell?

So? I make 1 million dollars doing even less

The fuck did you say to me you little bitch etc

Oh yeah? I made a billion dollars last year just watching paint dry


>being a manlet

Avoiding genetic defects and human mutants is never a bad idea...