I got hit with banner early. I was so young I didn't even understand what it was

I got hit with banner early. I was so young I didn't even understand what it was.

I was really ashamed of it and hit it. I told countless lies to avoid taking my shirt off.

I would try to deal with it, but it's a very slow process, and knowing that the scars will still be there is demoralizing. But over the last year I've been using proactive on it and acne is minimal now, but scaring is significant.

I have real psychological issues at this point with it... after hiding it for fifteen years and constantly thinking about it I'm terrified of the idea of being shirtless in public.

But now there's something coming up where I don't know if I can avoid it. I'm considering getting a full back tattoo. Even the thought of going to the tattoo artist gets my anxiety going. But my options are basically that or suicide. I'm hoping to get the acne down to zero first.

Thoughts? Will this work? What kind of tattoo should I get? Do I need a specially skilled artist to make it work? How long will it take?

I should have a few months. But I'll probably need most of that to get my acne down low enough to tattoo it.

Fucking new phone. I gotta turn autocorrect off. I got hit with bacne early.

dude, don't worry, Banner is a serious life changing disease. People that suffer from this kind of radiation poisonong don't live normal lives. I mean just look at who it's named after, Bruce Banner is a fucked up dude.

Best advice is:
>avoid going outside when theres gamma radiation

I wish that I was more serious about fixing this sooner. A lot sooner. But I was a fucked up kid. Depressed. Probably on the spectrum.

I am where I am. It would be so amazing to be shirtless and comfortable. To swim. To just be comfortable in my own skin.

Thanks man. You're a true friend.

On the upside I already feel so much better. My back used to bleed quite often. Couldn't even sleep shirtless without risking blood all over my sheets. I'd almost always wear black shirts to avoid blood stains. Now it's rare for me to need to wear a shirt to bed. My back isn't all greasy anymore. It feels so nice to be able to scratch my back. Something so simple wasn't really possible before.

If there is lots of scars it might be hard as the ink doesn't sit well in the., keep in mind artists do this shit for people allllll the time. It's not new to them, go talk to a real tattoo artist and get his professional opinion

I'm really anxious about just asking even. Talking about this online is tough for me.

At some point you gotta realize you're completely anonymous and no matter what anyone else here says won't affect you. No need to feel self conscious, as soon as this thread 404's no one will be thinking about your situation other than yourself. Get what you can out of it and use that to gain confidence to speak with someone in person.

I know. It doesn't make sense but just posting about it has me feeling uncomfortable.

this isn't fucking tumblr, stop being a pussy. Also other user, stop enabling him to be a pussy.

I know I'm a pussy. But I need advice

I thought I was quite clear

>Don't be a pussy

How do?

Dear Op, how bad is the texture of the skin on your back, tattoo nerd here

Like I said man tattoo artists do cover ups for defects and cancer related things ect ect all the time, also tattoo artists have huge egos so if anything he will go above and beyond to help you just to say he was the one. But honestly just go talk to one...I have tons and all you will think about during the session is what you want to get next.

It's hard to get a good picture, but I just took this.


Better than I thought it would be Op, go find a local tattooist and ask for advice, im sure they have seen way worse. The confidence boost you will feel will change your life, you will feel back in control I promise you. It looks similar to acne scarring and self harm scarring which are all easy to cover, dw bro

Fuck off tard. I'll take your b8.

I'm not enabling OP I'm letting him know being self conscious is stupid when we're all anonymous here. You're literally talking behind a wall to people who don't give two shits about you. No one is gonna make fun of you outside the short moment while this thread is alive. No one will know who was who. If OP posted the thread then he may as well get some use of it to get over his anxiety.

You're making yourself uncomfortable. Everyone here is not in this thread to comfort you, nor are they all here to berate you. Get what you can out of your thread and use it to better yourself or else turn off your computer. If random strangers made you cry because of your condition then I'm sorry but the Internet is not for you

That's not so bad. I've honestly seen worse.

I feel it looks worse in person, it's hard to capture it in a picture

Tattoo bro here again, go for something high detail and colour, it will hide redness and the bumps. Think yakuza style artwork


Honestly it's not that bad. You made it sound like you had 3Rd degree burn level scarring but that is passable. It's all in your head.

If I were to see you shirtless in public I wouldn't stare at all. It wouldn't even cross my mind to think you're any weirder than anyone else around. If you had scarring on your face, that would be a whole other story....

I have really bad acne scars all over my upper body.

I ended up getting a full back tattoo and full chest piece to cover the scars.

If you look close on my upper back you can make out the scars

Like I feel much better about it today than I did when it was covered in acne. The scars are much easier to accept... but I still couldn't go shirtless in public. It would be so freeing though.

This. The amount of non-autism in this thread is... unusual to say the least.

Also, I just googled around a bit - it is possible to tattoo over scars, and I don't think acne scars are very different to 'regular' ones.

Nice. Thanks for sharing

Yes it is. I'm just wondering how long it will take, what kind of artist to look for, I don't know about timeline. Or what kind of tattoo to get. Also how well they'll be covered up. If anyone asked about the scars I'd be very uncomfortable. And I don't know if I have time to get down to zero acne and get tattooed. They can't really do the tat while there's acne?

I was just getting one today, I too have acne scars. Talk to an artist, do some research, start saving your cash. Seriously. A back piece of good quality that will cover your scars will cost a lot. There may be multiple sessions. But it honestly doesn't look too bad, as far as what you have going on and how difficult it would be to cover it. Make sure your artist has good lines, it will make a difference.

Like how much?

No need to over think it. It honestly is a part of your body people don't really pay attention to. When are you ever gonna get judged firstly by the skin on your back? Never. By the time anyone even comes around to consider it they'll have already judged your face, personality, style, etc etc

You've already had the guts to make this thread. The next step would be to speak to an artist. Just call in, they're not gonna know who you are or care enough to look you up. You can literally have the same conversation you're having here but with a professional. But you need to get over yourself. Find a phone both our use Google voice if it really means that much to you that you need to remain anonymous.

I know it's a bigger deal to me than it should be, I probably should be on medication for anxiety.

tattoo onto double masectomy with nipple removals, hiding the scars.

Plenty of tattooists will have done cover-ups of worse scarring than you have. It may terrify you, but getting over that is entirely your confidence. the tattooist will not be phased at all.

Or you could stop being a little bitch about it. Either jump headfirst into going shirtless or do small steps at a time. Doing nothing changes nothing.

Exactly this.

Once you're in that chair, try having some small talk with the people around you and realise you're the only one bothered by your back and if you get over it then everything IS normal and you don't have to worry about your back holding you down

spinal fusion scarring covered by a design?

you dont have skin grafts, like this guy needed.

In my area, it's sixty to begin, and after an hour 100 or more per hour. Could be from 400-1,000.