Why don't you have a girlfriend yet Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a girlfriend yet Sup Forums?

because that girl i like got a boyfriend already

Because my wife of 5 years cheating on me and leaving me for her 46 year old boss and taking our kid made me hate women

Atleast I don't have a polyethylene plastic bag lying around my house. /thread

Because I'm ugly and autistic

I'm not BF material.

ouch brother
im 28, have girl friends that are absolute whores, thought i was alpha af, found out gf cheated on me with a fatfuck while drunk, can never trust a girl again.

Because im no position to even think about picking up a relatiinshiop. Fuck dude I just got out of a 10 year and single for 8 months then hopped into a 4 mo with a NURU massage chick. That shit fucked me up. Im done for right now. Im going Lefty for the time being niggah.

Bad combination of:
>High standards
>Odd fetish

Because you said "yet". All I have to do is sit on my hands to get gf now.

Praise the lord.

Because having a girlfriend is nice for about 2 weeks, maybe 4 or even 6, then it pretty much sucks after that. There's only so much you can say, but bitches just don't shut the fuck up.

Most girls my age (22) that I've met aren't mature enough. I am taking to a 26yo right now tho and she's pretty cool. She has nice feet, too, so as a footfag I'm hoping for the best.

Because I was a dysfunctional asshole in high school let myself get cucked by an even more beta cuck ,falling into depression caused me to stop taking care of myself which ruined my body. Even if I could get a girl to like me It would never get passed the innocent flirty stage when they realize that they have no physical attraction to be me. Plus the bitterness of all my failed ambitions hitting me in the face as all my old friends finish uni and move into promising stem careers while I continue to shuffle from warehouse to warehouse breaking my back for $12 hour .


Depressed. Insecure. Dislike most women. Recently found an amazing woman. Asked her out. Got turned down.

Not confident enough.

maybe i just dont want one

What's the best answer to "without yes it's no" ?

Because secretly I want to be a slave to black cock

but who was camera?

I also have a fetish that fucks me up. Trying to get over it by not masturbating.

I lack the main key to happiness, success, and pretty much everything in between. Money.

>Why don't you have a girlfriend
Because girls suck
Oh wait...
No they don't...
That's the problem

I'm boring.
I'm not necessarily bad looking, or shy, but I'm just plain. I'm white bread, there is nothing remotely interesting about me.

I feel the same. I want a boring woman. I want to spend most nights just hanging around, cuddling up, watching movies. I also like cooking, going out to dinner, hanging out by the river.

girls aren't good for anything except being a hole for my dick

I dont get out much
Just don't know what to do and what hobbies you can do that get you out of the house but it is ok to be alone. Most hobbies require other people/friends

Because of my stubborn anal fetish , I cant really get off on vaginal only and there aren't many girls who match my anal demand. Eventually im just gonna settle with a trap gf with a small feminine penis.
>I've met one before but I want desperaTe enough to go through with it.

You are not boring, you like cooking and hanging out by the river, you already have something going for you. I got shit, the one thing I remotely care about are video games, and even that doesn't give me much joy anymore.

The girl I like is too hardcore into video games. I rarely play any more. I feel shitty because I asked what she was doing for new years. She said she didn't have plans. I invited her to a party. Seen. No response. I'd rather she said no. I hate when they see it and don't respond.

I feel this on a deep level...post more stunning anal

I really want to find a good christian girl then fuck her ass all the time...so hard to find though...guess itd help if I went to church....

Sure fellow Hershey rider

Me too.

Because I don't know any girls
Girls show no interest in me/I don't see them doing so
Except the fat ones, theyre desperate as fuck, but theyre disgusting, who would want to have a fat gf....yuck...says so much about oyu to others as well like 'oh he doesnt care about health' and sht...fuck fat people, yuck

and tinder sucks....hard to get matches, then when you do they dont reply, or think theyre too hot for you when theyre only 6/10 lmao

god, anal is a blessing. I wish all girls would globally accept it as the standard form of sex and the vagina was off limits and only for reproduction

Maybe you and I ought to look somewhere else then.

Bc I've never even tried and I'll never get one anyways kek

Well, I used to go to a small tech school that was close to a Christian university, had some good experiences there it's actually kind of a small tradition there too try and get with the Christian cHicks and cuck the Christian guys, you'd be surprised how easy they can be when they realize they're free from the parents.

This but like ten times in a row now. It's been 3 years.

I dont know where to meet them to be honest. I don't like clubs etc because I'm a 24 year old that looks like he's 17-18. I'm a bit shy to talk to girls.




lucky for some...christian chicks have so much pent up sexual energy

My personality comes off as very cold and emotionless. Girls tell me I intimidate them, or make them feel stupid. What's wrong with me?

hnnnggg anal is the only hole


What that fuck is that guy wearing, does he have no fashion sense.

crushing insecurity and selfhatred... and lack of effort

Last one , contribute fellow Hershey riders

The last few all wanted to get married

Because i prefer waste my money in video games and shit

i dont go outside enough to meet human girls. i met this one at a party like two years ago and im just masturbating into her basically. no emotional attachment. it sucks. im wasting time on this human fleshlight instead of looking for someone of real value.

They can be trained to love it


Yeah I know... but she's one in a million and she's shown a lot of interest in me... just only as friends apparently. I'll never find another woman like her.

GTFO you gay fagg nigger

Not enough money

look at the dude in the picture. looks have nothing to do with it. if you're autistic... look for an autistic girl.


Because I failed all my classes in engineering and feel too ashamed to admit it to someone I'd be in a relationship with.

Do you truly enjoy want to be an engineer or forced to take those classes?

Because I'm 21 living with my parents and giving all my minimum wage money to tuition.

Because I'm married

I worked overnight shifts so I fucked up by sleeping all day. They were easy classes.

>I'll never find another woman like her.

There are literally billions of women in the world. She's not that fucking special.



I got a mortgage and I probably can't sell, regardless, I'm not moving. The number of women in the world is irrelevant. What matters is the number of women in my city. And she's probably the best one here. Plus meeting new women is a huge pain.


Because I didn't reply to the post

the one that said if you don't reply to this post you will never have a gf

don't reply to my post.

Cause heroin is much better

So who gives a fuck, do them again. if you get with girl why even mention failed classes. just tell her taking engineering classes...

>no money
>no sane at all
>no handsome
>no values

She can do better.

Flunked out, can't get back in unless I do exceptional in college -.- I'm doing informatics and security now fml

where to find in california?
plug is in jail
going through wd right now

>no money
>no job
advice for me Sup Forums or should I just stop being a beta cuck?

It doesn't feel good getting 4.0 gpa with little effort lol

I do and she's a cute. Don't know why she deals with my drunk homeless ass.

because the girls my city are all ugly as fuck.

Pfft, don't you know it. What if she doesn't deserve better?

Original anal user. Not sure if just latent autism but lately I've also been craving a qt Asian gf with a phat ass, so that combined with my unquenchable this to ravish anus has left me with unrealistic standards.

K sausage

Because I'm no good with women.

I always confuse little obvious kindness lies like telling me I'm handsome and stuff as affection. End up over-reaching and getting hurt.

There's also the fact that I always come out as distant and uninterested even when it couldn't be further from the truth, so its hard for me to keep anyone around me, even friends for longer than a few weeks, months at best.

I'm also pretty bad at talking to people, doing tasks or making intelligent decisions.

I've hit 30 this year, I've never even been kissed on the lips by a woman so I'm definitely not in any confidence-based way capable of coming on to women.

On top of being molested twice as a child has left me pretty insecure in just about everything.

Like I said, I'm 30 now, I've gained weight, I've lost my job last year barely managing shit, I'm in no position for a girlfriend.

I tried fixing my life up, being confident, focusing more on work, trying to be more "normal" with people, acting confident, being attentive, responsive, etc... but that's it for me, I don't have the balls to kill myself so I took the easiest possible option now, which is giving up. I'm just tired, getting molested, laughed in my face the first time I asked a girl out, played like a fiddle by the first girl I liked, losing most of my family to a genocide, moving over two dozen times in my life, usually between countries, I'm just waiting to die, hopefully sooner rather than later. If there was ever a possibility of anyone being out there for me, its gone now, and I've finally accepted that.

What does that mean? I mean I have a pretty big dick.

how has anyone not noticed that woman ia mannequin?

I also wish to ravish a qt asian anus, also a new attraction of mine

because after a couple of failed relationships, a bunch of meaningless sex, a 50% divorce rate, ample evidence in my social circle of the irreconcilable differences between men and women, I've come to the conclusion that at nearly 30, my life would be better spent cultivating interests, learning skills, making meaningful connections with people which have nothing to do with sex (men and women) and spending my money on myself and people who are deserving of it. A girlfriend is a fucking money pit my friend. They want to go out all the time, they want to travel, they want to upgrade (appliances, dishware, mattresses, dogs, cars, phones) etc etc. and they expect you to be a part. All of that, plus I hate sharing my bed with people. Save your money, make yourself great, splurge on some high quality escort pussy once a month and, if need be, sign a pre-nup with some 25 year old broad when you're 45 and pump out NO MORE THAN 2 children.

Have a gf that I love very much, 10/10, perfect body, tight ass, tight pussy, way too good for me. cooks and cleans for me, does my laundry, folds my clothes, swallows my cum, lets me lick her toes. She cheated on her ex with me. I'd probably kill myself if she cheated on me, I love her a lot. Help me Sup Forums what do?

Is that Alexis Texas?

What genocide? Are you from the former Yugoslavia? My condolences about your shitty circumstances.

What do you want?

Pursuing women is no fun, it makes me feel like shit, it gives me anxiety, and sharing life with an attractive woman looks very uncomfy.

Does her name start with an A?


>also a virgin
To fuck a chick

slowly start to ween yourself off of her emotionally so that when the day comes, and you become the "ex that got cheated on" you already have a head start on getting on with your life