So why havent you eaten another mans cum today

so why havent you eaten another mans cum today

because i'm not a faggot

tfw no cute bf :(

no one to suck

Considering it. I'm in a hotel in Memphis right now.

theres always the internet

no black cocks in my area

lucky her

yes you are

Where you at?

Cuz I still live with parents, and I'm in the closet still

Not to mention even if I wasn't, Im shy as fuck, and all the cute boys irl are straight

does dog jizz count?

It does if you post pics


Post locations, please. 901 here for the night; wouldn't mind a qt to warm my bed.

because I need a girl to do that for me
no cute bf ?

Bump again

How many times do I have to bump before this thread comes back to life?

It's gonna die of aids

Because I'm not a humongous faggot of course. I've licked my own load from my fingers though, today.

That's hot

Because I'd burn in hell if I did.

Love the taste of my own cum, always get annoyed when women don't want it in their mouth. Curious about what other guys cum tastes like, though.

Guys weren't meant to swallow or have cum on their face. I'm bi, and this photo is one of the most disgusting things I've seen.

i have. i was face fucked twice this morning.. once at around 1am and again at roughly 4am. i ate up both loads too.

Great time had by all.

>Curious about what other guys cum tastes like, though.

The taste can vary dramatically even with the same guy, from sweet nectar of heaven to a horrible bitter metallic taste.

You fags should google throatitboy.