Guts has arrived and needs party members to take down the Godhand

Guts has arrived and needs party members to take down the Godhand.

DUBS decides who his party members are.

Trips become new godhand members.


Hot damn that was quick.


this guy, he would slap the all of the godhand's girlfriends on the ass at the club and see what they do

It appears that Guts doesn't approve. Probably because his girlfriends ass was slapped.



Welcome to the party



rolling for this

Maybe not Artorias, but a Sunbro?


Maisie Williams has joined the fight.



Choose me. My arrow is sharp.

Nicholas Tesla's vengeful ghost.

Don't Fuckle with Shuckle.

reroll for this


Obviously. Or Black Iron Tarkus.

God damnit user


Goin to fight the God Hand, folks. Don't worry, I've got my briefcase full of CP.
Everything's going to be fine.





The godhand is already dead.

He's such a little bitch after the Building saga though.. Having Pan turned him into a straight pussy.

does that mean he's a villain










Let us to join




tom brady

FNAF sex bots
and Tom Brady

This will be interesting.



>xfl but with spooky sex robots officiated by tom brady
but where does guts fit in?

The absolute madman did it again. It must be his destiny.

do we have 2 vinces or is the comic now about robot football?
what have we done

James is this you?
also check em

Brad Armstrong

The Goddest of Hands coming through


No James here, but let's see about the fate of this rock.

wewh that was close

rolling for un

skull knight


lol rawr xD i luv thiz image l0l XdddddDDDDDDDDD

Griffith just to confuse matters


The godhand is fucked

Apparently no one here will become a godhand.


all me

what the fuck kind of roll am i on

>sex robot football league guts team drafts Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in the first round
god-hand team is still undecided

Grinch baby's got this covered

dubs for op character

whats good niggaaahhh
rolling for godhand

You are rollin on dubs user and I like it.


You have no idea how much I would pay to make this happen.


woot! vegeta is in
that's all guts needs

Pepeliwag for godhand

Rerolling for this

finaly someone other than me get's dubs

>wrestling mogul
>creepy sex bots
>GOAT football player
>the wrestling mogul again but in front of the XFL logo
>GOAT robot that is so large it can walk on galaxies
>pince saiyan napoleon complex

nobody yet

You're a big guy.

I got you Senpai!

going as obscure as possible

It appears that the good guys will win before the night is over.

so damn close

thanks for the tetsuo support lol
godhand stands not a chance...

gogo godhand candidate!!!

Dubs Says Rock Lee

fucking kek

if not the godfather
then i propose....

Just fucking kill me.


FUCKING rock lee is in

>sex robot football league guts team drafts a guy who took weight training to the extreme


>SRFL guts team drafts a dead annon




wew lad another close one

>getting the same dog in window fireworks capcha
dammit google

Once the party is full we will get on the boat and set sail!

We should arrive in about 7 years.

Aqua volunteers
