Fucking ageism strikes again

Fucking ageism strikes again

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Her job is to act nice to people. She wasn't being flirtatious.

Her job isn't to tell them that they're funny and that she likes them, she was flirting

Settle down mr pedo, maybe you should try and date someone born in the same millenium you were?



Why jump straight to age discrimination? It could have been any number of other reasons for banning him, whether justified or not. Being creepy isn't exclusive to any age.

Sounds like a feminist jumping straight to sexism when they don't get it their way.

You've got to consider this from the perspective of Pedo Autismus. A dude who sees someone calling the cops on his creepy ass as 'age discrimination' might see a polite 'good morning' as 'i love you fuck me right now'

Are you the guy in the posts op?
Thats some pretty fucked up shit

I mean im 27 but can still pull 18-19 year olds for a quick fuck and chuck if im desperate enough, but most are too vapid and inexperienced for me to want to date anyone in that age group

Know the facts before you start spouting bullshit


Why not just settle for a prostitute that's 18?

Also, he's bitching about ageism but it sounds like he'd turn down a 20 year old for being too old.

You'd have to be delusional to believe any of this shit.

So basically you are trying to justify pedophilia, and generally being an ugly creep?

I'm a biologist.
I've never imagined someone would warp biomolecular science into that absurd and sell to people. That's so far from reality i'd have a hard time making that up.
Seems there really is not limit to stupidity.

This has to be an elaborate troll. It HAS to be. The autism is just too intense.

Check his site: conversationrage.weebly.com/

Way too deep to be a troll

Pretty much my reaction reading that shit.

why is this relevant?

Holy fuck that's scary. He doesn't understand shit but that doesnt stops him from citing nobel prizes and "muh sciences".
I feel kinda bad for the guy tho. He takes delusional (and ignorant) to a whole new level.

Just found this amazing tool....see what celebrity you can leak lmfao snap-leak-cf

stop trying to make people fall for this shit


this level of absurd is fascinating.

How is it possible, justifying/living like this?


I live in spokane and have met him before, can cofirm he's the real deal

the biologist in me died a thousand deaths

his facebook is a goldmine

This makes absolutely no sense at all. Take it from someone who works in the field.

if you find this scary then don't watch the news and don't read anything on the internet