Sup Forums, if you could keep a girl locked up in a soundproof basement, in chains...

Sup Forums, if you could keep a girl locked up in a soundproof basement, in chains, with literally zero chance of her escaping or you getting caught, would you do it?

ew are you david ray parkers lost son?

Yes - 100%

Would make her my little fuck slave. She'd shit and piss herself and cry herself to sleep knowing she'd never escape.

Nah. Unless I'm getting the house and basement for free or would take hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a house that works the way you describe where I live. There's a reason Texas houses don't come with basements.


I would do terrible things to her

We are like mind twins.

Seriously, everything else aside, what was up with his daughter helping him out ffs?

And the more I think about it the worse it seems. You'd have to provide all the meals, clean up after her, she would have no way of making income herself that didn't give her a window of opportunity to escape. I'd need twice the income I currently make to provide all that, on top of the remodeling costs I had previously mentioned.

i dont see why not

No because I would have moments of clarity and feel so bad that I'd just kill myself

Throw in a zero percent chance of anyone finding out, then yes absolutely. And i know the girl id do it to too.

I would not, because I'm not a fucked up rapist.

>no way of making income herself
pff, youve clearly not thought about this enough


More like a dungeon master than rapist I would say.

Would you clean up after her / toilet train her, or are you some weirdo?

fucking yes without thinking about it a second time. Can it be any girl i want?

I mean I guess I could make her be a camwhore or have a work from home job but that's gonna require giving her Internet access, which as I said that opens me up to her calling for help. I know OP said no chance of being caught but she's clearly in your basement against her will or you wouldn't need chains and soundproofing.

do I get to pick the girl?

Only if I can do my gf

Yes. I would duck her till I am bored then let blacks tuck her for cash and lotto tickets. Would also make tattoo a notch on her every time a load gets shot in her till she looks like zsasz

Yeah, like H. H Holmes.

You're a fucking idiot.

You don't give her a computer and a camera, you complete tool, you rape her on camera, with masks on.

I'm just here for the hypothetical btw. FBI please leave me alone.

There are times when i think "fuck yes i would, that would be awesome" but whenever i do weird shit t myself/ fap to weird shit, i always feely guily afterwards.

Id probably end up freeing her myself then regrettig it the next night

So no, to much hassle.

Only if the girl could be about 7 and I had a good 6-7 years of her in her prime without getting pregs, yeah. Without a second thought.

Want to elaborate. Her ass would sell for ten bucks or $ 8 in lotto tickets. Pussy would be five dollars more. And she would have to suck every sick she serviced clean before and after. Blow jobs would be five bucks.

But then what. it's a lot of work

Nah, if she's not about it I'm not either. It's not truly a conquest if I didn't get her to beg for my cock.

Beat her with a chain and tell her she can get the chain or get the cock...she will beg for the cock. That is real alpha

Bad idea. The more people you sell to, the more loose ends. One mistake and you get put away for life.

It's probably best to sell footage of her on the deepweb.

Please don't actually do this.

Not to rape her. Just to have girl on d&d campaign


Have a sick Friday on me go leak your ex gf or sister now at snap-leak-cf

Also every day after she had serviced at least 20 men I would go down and mock her for smelling like an animal and give her some food. Like rice (with some of my piss in it) and some protein bars. I would let her shower and shave once a day. And would allow her six hours of sleep. But the rest she is gonna be busy

pls stop

you mean like this guy?


I'd suggest anyone who hesitated to say no to look into watching the movie "room" and not "the room". It does a good job at capturing the feeling of what it would be like to be a victim in this type of situation.

I realize majority of you are being edgy by saying yes but for those of you who mean it, you lack empathy.

Not do it. I wouldn't want someone doing that to me.

You're the fucking idiot if you think that's any safer of a scenario. There's a reason red rooms and other shit like that on the deep web don't happen anymore, because there's no way to protect yourself well enough to stay out of jail if you're producing and distributing actual rape porn.

And before you say "hurr durr OP said no chance of being caught," you're only safe from being caught with a sex slave in your basement. He didn't say anything about not getting caught making and distributing actual rape porn or commuting other crimes.

yep. but where the girl is younger than his dumpy whore daughter. sexy little blonde thing.

You guys are fucked up... Then again this is Sup Forums were all fucked up so...

Definitely. To be honest it's actually gonna be a reality in a year or so, just not illegal.

Of course! But I'd actually be nice to her. Greet her every morning with some breakfast and end every night with a tip of my fedora

Nah, I like it voluntary.

Who the fuck pays for porn nowadays?

probably not

i like the fantasy but im too gushy to actually hurt anyone

You'd have a better chance if you knew what you were doing, if you needed to make money. That's the very best you can do.

>No redrooms anymore

I'm sure there are sickos smarter than the vegetables working for the government.

hit me with the synopsis.

Just find someone who's kinky enough to do it, problem solved.

Of the movie. Id hate to give away spoilers but i will in a few minutes. I just got to work.

Damn. You guys know the name of tthat comic that was like four cheerleaders get caught by rednecks and are raped and tortured?

The people who download it to upload it to their own porn sites?

People don't pay for porn unless it's livestreaming porn. You can't sufficiently encrypt streaming audio/video to maintain your anonymity. This is cyber security 101. If you have invented a method of doing what nobody had done before patent that shit and you'd be rich enough to buy your own willing sex slaves. It can't be done with our current technology.

when you can't find source

What's stopping them from just torrenting their porn like everyone else?

No. I get off on the willingness of my partners, so while I enjoy tying them up and beating them, I could not and would not do it without consent.

If i had food and bath down their etc, sure, something to do (literally)

Alright, thanks mang. I probably won't watch it. I hate horror movies, especially body horror / extreme torture types. Unless it's porn.

what story is this?

would any of u take her in that basement ?

only if she was my daughter

My kinda guy.

I sometimes have daydreams of doing this to multiple girls at the same time and they have to compete with each other to earn rewards.

Pic related: one of the girls

You dumb nerds would blow your load after 20 seconds while she screams and sobs begs you stop and then kill yourselves. You're not sociopaths you're just bored/frustrated/angry weirdos.

At least I hope so

play spore with her

who cares

i offer you thisone for your basement if you want ?

go be gay somewhere else you gay faggot

Check em


thats my fetish

blah blah blah edgy blah blah 2edgy4me etc.

We live in pretty dehumanizing times. And you have it in your head that the people who do this to others are just monsters. But they tend to be built up by circumstance and loneliness and desire, or feelings of powerlessness.

You can write people off slowly and get to a point where things have gotten so weird you didn't even notice it.

So before you start down this road to 'victim' empathy, writing everyone off as feelfags like you, stop and try to understand how the 'perpetrator' feels.

Plus, everyone has a vice. Some people drink. Some smoke or do drugs or gamble. I'd gladly trade mine in for regular access to one or two attractive 8 year old girls in my basement to use for sex. I'd overdo it like anyone with a new toy, until you get tired of it. But i'd definitely appreciate having access to it when I want it.

>no chance of her ever escaping or you getting caught
Fuck yeah. Put that bitch on a leash and walk around raping and murdering whoever the fuck I feel like and the cops can't do shit about it. It's a magical talisman preventing me from being arrested that doubles as a fuck toy. Who would turn that down?

Synopsis of room

It starts with a young woman and her 4 year old son in a small space. It shows them doing small things like making food, take a bath, excersizing. At first you kind of assume they are content.

As time goes on you see the conflicts. The child belongs tonthe captor, she doesnt let him see the child. The child doesnt know that thr captor is his father or what the concept of a father is. She lets him watch tv and has to explain that its flat pictures and nothing outside their shed is real.

You can tell she wants to kill herself but she cant because now she has a child she needs to protect.

Theres some more interesting plot points like the captor loses his job and cant afford to give them food and stuff. He also likes to spend the night regulally to have sex and presumably for affection. She cant kill him in his sleep because only he knows the code to exit.

Im bad at summarys but basically you would feel horrible and a prisoner, but worse than a prisoner because you dont know your fate.

Yea i know when i was younger age 19 ish (im 29 now) that i had thought about this many times i can definatley see that some perps are just, lonely. It doesnt make it right. Im broke and poor but i wouldnt kill someone if it meant i could be rich. Its selfish to take something like life away from someome because of personal reasons.

All of us have bas traits and vices but ive been of the beleif if you arent harming someone else directly then do it.

So the point is that I would feel empathy for the mother?

I suppose I might.

Good thing that I wouldn't do this kind of thing even if I wanted to out of principal.

You will, and the kid, and even the captor slightly, and the family members.

Its a good movie.

The 'never get caught' part does not make it acceptable.

nigger, where do you think we are?

worked for Fritzl

trips of truth.
we should all go an hero


Everybody's got 2 options. 1. Yes or 2. Yes