ITT steam game giveaway

>ITT steam game giveaway

Allright faggots, i promised to come back with some more keys.
The rules:
>post a valid reason for me to give you a game
>Rolling has no power here
>post email, not steam id's

Other urls found in this thread:

What keys user ?

Hey giftanon i'd really like gta5 i finished the storymode in cracked version like 3 times it'd really make my holidays
[email protected]

Begging does nothing.
Give me a valid reason, and you might get a game of my choosing.

well i'm in college and most of my money goes to food and rent

[email protected]
Because I have no income or job and no way of purchasing any games.

I don't know if there are good games among your keys OP, but if not, I need a few more cents to buy a game I really want, and that would be possible with games with card drops
but well, that's just assuming it's very shitty games
[email protected]

this is a valid reason.

is this not?

what games are they op?

Cause I have a completely unique username that I use on my most accounts. Nobody else uses it. Just me.
It's Soryion.
[email protected]

It's a reason.
tho you did say most of your money.
Implying you have more.
Also, you should study.

Single father of two and I'd like a good local coopt game to play with my son.
[email protected]

Already finish school and i'm paying for college

[email protected]

Thanks OP!!!

leftover keys.
Some are decent, like torchlight2, guacamelee.
But some are shit.


it's christmas break and the remaining money is for clothing and the train tickets i'm 180kms(apprx 111 miles) away from my home town

>[email protected]
no co op games left sadly. but here's something that may be nice to look at atleast

My study costs 2110 a year and my dad had an accident at work
I'm hoping someone could get me a fun game maybe any good recommendations ? I really enjoy DmC 5
Anyway this is all i got to give

Have fun with it

Id: gehaktballendraaier03

[email protected]
I need games to play with friends or alone and especially for youtube. I've hit a sortof rough patch for games.

allright, the last 2 games are pretty much shit.
So dubs with email gets.
Rerolls - infinite

preferably a modable game

Wow, you're just full of explanations and reasons, aren't you?

>being this much of a jew

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


This is literally the only explenation i have jezus christ.

>[email protected]
Ironically you get the game: TwoDigits

Okay, I'm not OP, but what the fuck is going on with all these e-mails? I sincerely hope that he doesn't say shit about what he's sending, so you cunts can't just go sell them on a resell site.

Walking Dead season 3
Finished both season 1 and 2 and thought they were really good, and I'd love to play the third season
[email protected]

there was only 1 left.
So i send to both of you fuckers.
First come, first get

Just found this amazing tool....see what celebrity you can leak lmfao snap-leak-cf

Sweet! Thanks OP!!
i don't have a reaston to live anymore i'll hang myself if i dont get something. + i'm faggot

quads pls

Those are shitty games anyways, it's not like anyone would actually want to pay for them and if someone does then not more than a 1$.

im out of games.
Happy new year faggots, cya next christmas

got it thanks op

Trips pls i only want hotline miami 2

got the game not sure what to do with it tho

I think you should give me some shit I made a minecraft playing faggot An Hero about 4 years back. That is my reason, I made a kid kill himself, he sounded autistic too. Come on, that's impressive OP.
>inb4 you monster!
fuck off, nigger
[email protected]
give me whatever the fuck you want.
I also have the text story I posted in a faggot feels thread about how the kid killed himself.

Play it i guess

I should also get it because I' not a kyke, nigger or a shill
I also wont beat you at any game you get me because I'm not a gook
I spend my free time jacking off, playing vidya, and scrolling through this wonderful shit pile of slightly above normal-tier memes
Also, I'll spend more time playing these video games than anyone else here
Meaning that your money is actually better spent with me rather than some faggot with a life who will play the game twice

Wew lad

slow down EdgyMcEdge

at least he doesnt beg
unlike some people

That's the whole point he is acting all smug.

OP said to give a reason
I gave like 15
>inb4 you're shit bro
An hero

*tips fedora hat*


is op still here

Its the end of the steam sale and i havent gotten anything
If someone can please gift me
Warhammer dawn of war dark crusades steam key it would really make my Christmas
[email protected]
If thats too much then anything would be appreciated.