Ask a secondary (high) school teacher in the UK anything

Ask a secondary (high) school teacher in the UK anything

why would you go into the least rewarding educational position

post more photos

see OPs image

Not very rewarding money-wise but I feel like I made a difference to their lives

she is just asking to get fuck. goddamn i would fuck the shit out of her

how old are you OP ? by the looks of your shoes 38

Do we have another Brookwood high thread?

is it nromal for girls their age to wear thongs to the pool? because thats what i've been seeing for the past week.


Mid twenties. Not my pic above

I expect you come on here for cheese pizza threads


planning to go on strike again any time soon as your pay, pentions and holidays arent already enough for you greedy fucks?

Though apart from that how often do school girls flirt with teachers + any stories as im bored and i dont mind reading possible made up rubbish

I remember I had a teacher that complained to the class about his £33,000 salary

I've never been on strike but the job is fucking hard at times. 12 hour days and several hours each weekend, as much (if not more) than 9-5 jobs

Girls flirt a bit and can dress slutty on non-school uniform days. The number of crop tops is crazy

Hahaha if I made that little, I'd fucking quit too. 33K, even in gob money, is shit for putting up with teenage fuckwits and their behavior.

How do you get heavy penis from not erecting, arriving in pants?

tfw when i saw this photo over milion times on creep threads

I have friends who wear these and we are in our early twenties. what do you think about me and my friends?

Save it all up for the evening

Unemployed basement dweller detected.

Actually, no - I keep forgetting that Sup Forums is mainly populated by 6' 4 Aryan ubermensches with 10" penises and six figure careers in IT and mechanical engieering.

Holy fuck way to start a thread and not contribute to it. HOLY FUCK OP TELL SOME STORIES YOU RAGING FAGGOT


Idiot, I teach in the US. I make about 1.5 your spending power, and I wouldn't teach HS for your level of spending power. Couldn't pay insurance, mortgage, and bills with it. So you're either a liar about your position and wages, or still living at home if you think what you make is worth what you're doing.


It says "ask" u retard

OP can you share some stories?

does your school have sexy female teachers ?

Not really any stories to share. I often see upskirts tho when girls sit down on stools as they spread their legs wide. I place the pretty girls so that they are easiest to see

What are the boys like?

Yeah a few, here's one of them!

Fine, some nerdy kids who work hard and some complete dickheads who are scum. Most poorly behaved kids are boys

Is OP so fucking retarded he cannot see his thread dying like a Biafran child being photographed by a western journalist. Post a good story and maybe someone will ask a good question.

Are the dickheads loud and cuss a lot?

Have any of the girls ever flirted or tried stuff with you? If so whats the age and attractiveness rage?

Lol, not as if ur adding anything to this thread or life

do you have lots of overly loud and rowdy black kids? my bus journeys are fucking hell because of these cunts. i'm glad a lot of their parent still use shoes and belts to beat them.

What's the sluttiest thing you've heard about one of your students doing?

Yeah, some girls always ask me to sign their shirts on the final day (yr 11) and try and direct me towards certain spots...

I've seen a few girls come to school braless before and I could see pretty much everything through thin school shirts

Not really, predominantly white area. The black kids tend to be alright. It's usually white kids trying to be cool who talk about drugs and swear all the time when really any adult could kick the shit out the them in a heatbeat

There have been numerous things I've heard. The main ones being them sending nudes over sc to other kids.

This thread is fail, somebody start a UK sluts thread instead

Nigga you only make 54,000 Canadian a year. With a university education. Does that make you proud??? If I worked 8hrs a day 40 a week it would take me 8 months to make that (this is with no OT)

How the fuck to you keep it together when you're spending all day every day surrounded by hoardes of slutty teenage girls inwith uniforms with raging hormones? I could never be a teacher for that very reason

Go on them - I'll be there

Do u do a shitty office job where u go to work, staple a few sheets, do a shit, and leave? Sounds like ur living life

That it? Surely they all do that. When I was in year 9 a girl got caught in the toilets getting fucked by two lads, she got knocked up and didn't know who the dad was for months, shit was lols

report this shit every time you see it

fucking faggots ruining this site advertising their own porn sites

>Does that make you proud???
I wish I could easily be fullfilled just by a well paying job.
it must be easy to be so simple

as an actual teenage girl this kind of made me inwardly vomit

>Ghetto rat detected

polish those wingtips!

Went to a private school actually

you know the rules, tits with timestamp or GTFO!

how many of your students have you fucked?

Those brogues are fucking filthy op. Dead give away that you want to fuck the kiddies.

This is why we have Sup Forums, to get shit off our chests

Had to break up any good fights?

Also, what's the worst thing you've seen a teacher do to a kid just for the hell of it?


how do you deal with the fucking hardman year 11's

you liar, there are no women in Sup Forums, only faggots who like cock too much.

Timestamp tits or gtfo you stupid slut

Lol, that pic is donkeys old ya chunt.

Did you get them shoes from Next?

Yes I am disappointed I do not make less money. That sure sucks. And my sick pension causes me shame as well. Boy it sucks being able to blow a 1000 on a night of partying. Boy I wish I worked 12hrs a day and a few on the weekend for less money. Boy I wish I had to put up with the PC culture of British SS. I wish I still had debt from uni.

Never understood why mechanical engineering is associated with high wages - it's no more than any science subject

I.T. though, yeah there's money there

You know the rules.

How long have you stuck the job out so far? Most secondary level teachers give up after a few years.

Just be super strict on them so that they hate u. Report them for everything and try to get them suspended if they are truly dicks