What are your ratings on this album Sup Forums

i think this is better than Is This It desu



>Neon Lights 10
>Spacelab 7


That is a nice fuckin hypnotic album. It was one of the few drone albums that didn't bore me.


its much better



>better than perfection



Is this some kind of website OP


Rating a discography Sup Forums doesn't care about


Never heard of them but I respect the effort


So what the fuck should I do?


I fucking hate both Is This It and Arctic Monkeys. Fucking awful music for dumb teenage cunts with no taste.

you probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me deserves a 10 but pretty accurate otherwise

Fuck you if you rate with %s or Letters

Brian McMahan of Slint's band that he formed 4 years after the release of Spiderland. I see their self titled album in many ways as the logical and spiritual successor to Spiderland.

just use Paint





I would personally have given View from the Afternoon and Still Take You Home 10/10s

Would put You probably couldn't see... at a lower score too.

Flood I is the best part of that album

template please

totally agree with the s/t ratings

The Model is the worst song on the album
Also Spacelab is the best wtf





Nigga, PCP is a 10 and literally the perfect one to that album.

I don't know how to listen to it without working on something. Drone is my go to when designing anything, though, and I've become obsessed with the genre since I started working.





Hope this is bait.

Just because le quirky hipster girls listen to this doesn't mean it's not a great album.
Unless you stop defining music by its audience, you will never truly enjoy it.

It's bad though, it's incredibly formulaic with the only noteworthy song being the single they released beforehand (because at the point in time you hadn't had to hear it for the 100th time).

Plus the dude really can't sing and I get that that may be part of the appeal but jesus christ he's awful.

>I care
good ratings my dude

>Eternal Worm isn't 10
>Hunter isn't 10
>I Don't Love isn't 10
>Deep, Deep is 10


deep deep is amazing


>dark fantasy
>not a 10

Most contrarian pleb opinion of all




I grew up going out in sheffield and whatever you say I am speaks to me on a personal level, I can see why other people hate it though. This is it is overrated as fuck