Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid...

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by them for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about.

The fact that so many Americans still believe it should be illegal to marry a 12-year-old only tells you how far America still is from becoming a serious culture. The Europeans have long recognized that the greatest relationships of all times are between male adults and female adolescents, who are the most biologically fit to produce offspring, as well as the most physically attractive. Followers of the Muslim faith rank the highly controversial Aisha over all of their prophet Mohammed’s other wives, who were far past the prime age for reproduction. Americans are still blinded by puritan values. Adult females are more mentally developed than adolescents (not true, by the way), therefore they must be the greatest partners. Europeans engaged in relationships with adolescent European girls in the middle ages, radical Islamists engage in relationships with adolescent Muslim girls in the present. Americans are often totally ignorant of the virtues of relationships with adolescent girls, they barely know the biological benefits. No wonder they will think that sexual relations with 12-year-old girls should be criminalized.

Hmm... did we listen to the same album?
The suite of songs on side 2 is one of the greatest pieces in pop music history.

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by them for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about.

pop as in music genre pop or popular music?

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by them for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about.

Dude, Abbey Road is very overrated and dated. But it's still a decent album. Don't react like a madman.

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by them for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about. this a copypasta? my google-fu has failed me

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by them for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about.

>Abbey Road

Awful. How people can sit through this uninspired, vapid, outdated turd (or anything else by him for that matter) and hail it as a "masterpiece" is beyond me. Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize this hack as anything worth talking about.

l u r k

Literally both you sperg.

>Hopefully in 20 years nobody will recognize these hacks as anything worth talking about.
their legacy has lasted 50 years, what do you think is going to change?

It's from his anti-gay marriage article.

It's their least dated sounding album.

keeping with tradition OP im gonna have to ask you to provide a better album from that time period


Yes. it sounds like 60s.

Not OP, but, uh, here you go. Really wasn't that hard.


Abbey Road and The White Album are overrated to shit. They made much better records.

This was the far better psychedelic proto-prog rock double album released in 1969.

>not quadrophenia



disregarding the date, quad was "proto-prog" as fuck

they are trash soo

Quad wasn't proto-prog, it was just prog you dummy. Proto-prog is pre-ItCotCK, prog is post-ItCotCK.