Who is your favorite Game Of Thrones character and why?

Who is your favorite Game Of Thrones character and why?



Ramsey is the best

Sam because he's me in the got world

None because I don't watch feminist SJW bullshit

Enjoy your strong independent women who will rule every kingdom though

>please, give your opinions, we're not selling these or anything really user

That's code for "I can't afford HBO."

My favourite was Mycah, the butcher's boy.


I do have HBO, actually.

Let's begin

i love both of them. also Lord Varys

49-52 pls

Pretty oblivious aggressive answer there. Sure you aren't the shill I was referring to?

Hiroyuki began selling our opinions to survey companies when he took over. This is a oddly specific post that could plausibly belong to one of said survey/ad companies.


fuckin numbers





>TFW No ship whore

Best character. Show sucked fat dick after he died.

97-99 or 13-16



The only correct choice

You're basing your opinion of the show on 2-3ish random Facebook posts
Anyone who's actually watched the show knows this and is laughing at you


>His favourite is not The Mannis.


snek girl pls



congrats the hound would love to have you
doggy style


RIP Ramsey Bolton

FUCK that is a hard one.
Uh... I dunno actually, I think theres a few.
Jon Snow: Because hes an excellent tactician and he got a Giant to beat the fuck out of people for him.
Cersi Lannister: Because she blew up a giant collection of religious fundies and it was glorious.
Bronn: Because hes just fucking awesome.
The Hound: ^See Bronn
Tormund Giantsbane: Because hes fucking fun to watch and he beats the shit out of people
Tyrion Lannister: Because hes a mini-Hound now and its adorable.
Sansa Stark: Because she had Ramsay eaten alive by dogs, which I could jerk off to.
Petyr Baelish: Because hes fucking awesome and he killed that one bitch with the bitchier kid.
Dragons: Not Danerys herself though shes a naive little girl.


Shame there were no nude Myrcella scenes.

get it girl



Someone post that "attacking the wall/ Runescape range level" gif

Hagrid because it's my birthday.




Tyrion obviously


common 97-99



Fuck it roll


Death. That motherfucker stays busy.

the hound, he's badass af

tyrion because he's the obvious lovable midget


Aaaaaand I'm a pedo


When you read the books, each chapter is title is the name of the character who's perspective it's from.

So when you turn to the page, you see who's chapter is next. Some you love, some you don't.

I loved turning the page and seeing Sam's name. Tyrion obviously, and Jon. I found Daenerys chapters boring.

Rool for Drogon

We have things in common...



Hey can someone explain to me how GoT waifu roll works? Does the last 2 didgets decide wiafu or what I'm confused


>implying I'd waste my time watching paid softcore when I have so many other things to do in life
...............would say end your life but Happy New Year.

05-08 get

Ramsey. Name a more interesting evil character who excelled at everything he did. Most of what he did was for the lulz too.




gotta, re-roll, pls drowned god, gimme that dragon




Here is how it works...
You're gay.


I want to sleep on a bed made of his voice




Who is this semen demon?


Azor Ahai!

Oh ok thats helpful


Cersei's Doughter



>People are watching that one show I don't enjoy
>Should kill themselves


Arya, she's so cute



poor girl had a rough election


John Locke, before he became the smoke monster


>pic very related