Buy trumpet

>buy trumpet
>spend weeks trying to learn how to play it to no avail

I can't even get it to make any noise. What am I doing wrong?

You gotta kinda do the horse lips thing where you rattle your lips back and forth

well you have to blow with your lips like you're making a fart noise, the trumpet makes noise via vibrations created by your mouth/lips

did you try searching for a youtube video that would explain the most basic aspect of every brass instrument?

I've tried that and it still doesn't work
Just the sound of air blowing through comes out

pinch your lips tighter together, blow with more force

your lips need to vibrate quickly, very quickly

well then you're not trying hard enough

I think something is wrong with my trumpet cause I'm doing everything right I think and it should be working. I guess that's what I get for buying and antique trumpet off ebay

You got to blow harder, try practising with another male, it helps.

Source: It did for me ;)

just attach a leaf blower to it

>antique trumpet

>>spend weeks trying to learn how to play it to no avail
take lessons, turn weeks into years, git gud

hope you succeed lad


Take lessons, but also start by just practicing buzzing on your mouthpiece. Once you can get a clear sound on it, then try the trumpet

the lip buzzing technique isn't exactly easy to execute, but it's not THAT hard.

why the fuck would you buy an "antique" trumpet? Especially if you were planning on playing it and learning on it?

I played trumpet in middle school, wish I still had it.
I now play guitar, piano, write my own music, etc., and the trumpet would be a nice touch.

Damn, I think I gotta get back on it. Thanks OP.

Just play the piano


and you will always BE nothing

you gotta suck on it harder

Do you even have a mouthpiece? The sound is in the buzz that your lips form. IF you someday figure out how to get any kind of sound out of the instrument, get the Arban book for excercises.

I was told I didn't need a mouthpiece

Why did you believe them