This needs to stop ban MrGear!

This needs to stop ban MrGear!

Other urls found in this thread:

Enough is enough! This is horrible, just like the time that kid hot stuck under the hydraulic press.

Anons unite to destroy MrGear for good!

dammit anons too fucking soon... you blew ur load too soon. it would have been great

Literally who?

That motherfucker should have shown warnings. He needs to be banned and his videos need to be taken down immediately.


wow... dumb ass kids ruined this... the troll would have been awesome

This. If you don't know what the fuck you're doing just stand back, watch and learn, otehrwise you just ruin everything.

what should we google.


Just go to imgur, create an account and upvote it so more people see it
imgur gallery 9aESGZn

I'm the guy who started this
These were all my posts
You fucked up a possibly good troll


Because thats such a reliable news source. Are you fucking serious right now?

We'll have to settle for this
Next time, stay out, newfags

Right, we can still push the narrative

These faggots are gullible as fuck, it will help.
What else was I supposed to do?

Say she was doing something cool kids at were doing.
I'll comment on this saying
Someone needs to answer by pure casualty yes
I'll pick it from there.

Gimme a school name a 12 year old could go in in california
Must be a real school


He's only social media is Google plus. Try posting him there and tagging him in it.

all anons need to make new accounts and spam +1

Also his twitter. Let's start a hashtag #earningwhilekidsareburning.





You're too late

Poor girl.. I heard she tried to 1000 degree knife a cigarette lighter. This shit is a huge danger to our children and should be removed immediately from Youtube.

MrGear should have to pay her hospital bills. He is liable for not telling people not to try this at home in his videos.

We need a discord server.

you fuckers need to invest in a good fingerbox and stfu

>a reliable news source
Facebook doesn't have it listed as 'fake news' so it must be okay.