Come join the party

Come join the party

There was one girl who said yes. Looked a bit like Zarya from overwatch, total butch lesbian type.Then I noticed she had a penis and I escaped on a trip to the bathroom.
Good, I hear it's overpriced anyways.



Probably. I enjoy having sex, but not nearly enough to want to pay for it or even think about it that often.

>she had a penis
Not a fan of the feminine peen?


I wouldn't know, I'm on the path to becoming a wizard.
No, afraid of a dude trying to look like a girl that's trying to look like a dude. It was also bigger than a feminine penis. Like this guy looked like a linebacker for a college football team but gave off the lesbian kind of vibe so I assumed it was a chick, voice and clothes and everything...

Girl with pens is like banana with seeds


Could have been a fun night for all you know. Bet you anything he was anything total button too

How is it that I've had sex and you people who are obsessed with it have never gotten any at all?


I dont have sex cuz i like being alone and honestly, iam scared i will get HIV or some kind of this shit... also iam massive douche

It's the grass is always greener on the other side kind of mentality. Pathetic virgins like me are obsessed with it because we think it's a "greener" side to life.

Wait what? I don't even have that image.

Wow that's really hot I bet his taint smells musky.

Wear a condom and fuck someone that's been tested recently. I'm an insufferable cunt that enjoys being alone.

It's not any different. Virginity is a bullshit idea anyways.

tbh, i hate condoms and everything like that, such as gloves etc etc... But it seems like thats all i can do...

Torille, perkele!

Well, you can also fuck a person who was tested recently and has a clean bill of health.

It is but it still doesn't change the fact that men who haven't had sex don't know what it feels like but see it glorified in society. Society as a whole makes it out to be this great thing that every guy should do all the time. Leaving men who are grossly incompetent at wooing ladies in one manner or another obsessing over it as something they can't have. Giving them the idea that if they had sex a couple times of week they'd be enjoying life much more because of what society tells them. Hence the grass is greener on the otherside kind of mentality I was saying earlier. People who don't have sex but see it glorified everywhere are left thinking and obsessing over what society tells them it's like. Also my arm is tired from all the fapping I've been doing recently and it needs a break.

And not worry about diseases so you could theoretically skip the condom. If a person doesn't have any STDs then you aren't going to get an STD from him.

Ok, thanks master Fukyual,any other tips for my sexual life?

This is gay

Then why not go out and get some strange? Just don't be yourself if you're the problem.

Sounds about right

I gotta be honest sex is a bit too overhyped.

Just sayin', man. You're worried about STDs, then fuck people that don't have any.

°• .: *^* :. •

I'll be back in a bit. Gotta pick my brother up and take him home.

Because I have the social skills of a potato.
I know but it's one of those things that despite knowing I still at my core can't accept until I've experienced it myself. Not really sure how to word it properly though, expressing ideas isn't one of my strong suits.


What social problems? i can help you, we are family of psychologists..

>wear a condom to protect yourself from aids

Shit nigga, are you that much of a degenerate that you'll risk ruining your life just to bust a nut?

I'd rather wait for someone who I know is clean and actually cares about me.

No it totally makes sense. You need your own experiences rather than just what other people say. What I'm trying to get across is that your first time won't be magical at all and it can't be helped so don't have high hopes. It does get way better with experience and as you find what really works to get you off