8 new years on Sup Forums

8 new years on Sup Forums.
>6 alone (including this one)
Happy new year from France!

So guys what are your numbers?
>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=webcam video from

celebrating a decade on Sup Forums in six hours!

>5 years with current g/f. Engaged for two. >Feelsgoodman.jpg

Bonne année, tapette

Love Québec xoxo

Nice dude, you're lucky the past two years my gf was with me (3 years relationship), but this year she's sleeping.
>coming baack from USA, jet laged as hell
Hope you can have fun again with her this year

I'm not a newfag cuz ive been on Sup Forums since this summer after I heard a youtuber say Sup Forums was a bad website so I go on here to feed my dark fantasies that I couldnt get on youtube XD

‹Inbefore "B8"

Thanks dude, greetings from 2017

youtube.com/results?search_query=webcam video from

>I'm sure you can find some things you might be interested on YT

9 years on Sup Forums and frenchfag too
Happy new year!

Just 3 years but i used to lurk just for some time when jounger..

Just 2~4 month, i am a neeeewfag

BTW, happy new year from Spain

Are you the user from earlier that was supposed to go into the catacombs?

No but i live 5 min far from it, if it could help

Early 2009 here. My bestfriend in highschool was the weird Sup Forumstard who introduced me. It was a different place back then. I kinda stopped coming on Sup Forums regularly in around 2012. Other boards are alot better.

I don't live in Paris. I'd like to explore them one day though. Have you ever been? I'm not talking about the official guided tour shit

Fuck off you French cunt

So it's been 8-9 years you celebrate new year on 4 chan?
>Nice trips BTW
Know how it feels, a friend of me introduced to 4 chan when i was in a mental hospital, we were all weirdo at that time! We have great giggles when we meet now

Live in Paris ATM. There are plenty of things to do for sure, depends on who you're with, or if you're alone. But you can stay one week without get bored

7 fucking years in this hell hole

I miss jewpons more than anything

Those were pretty dope. I find it hard to believe any of the biger ones worked. You would have to have balls of steel to go and try to redeem a free xbox 360 at Walmart

Typical jew things, no shame to do that, only good business