We're creating a new gender to troll SJWs with

We're creating a new gender to troll SJWs with.

Clovergender: a child trapped in a man's body who is attracted to other children.

Pronouns: Cl / Clir / Climself

We will be trolling on tumblr and facebook

Needed: propaganda images, accounts


Other urls found in this thread:


I see potential in this

bump for potential

actually LOL'd

Im in.

where should we start?
pretty much everyone is busy with >muh 2017
not many people will catch up that fast.

This is a hilarious idea! You definitely have my mental support!

A while back I suggested that we create a sexual identity to label a male who is sexually attracted to feminists and trend it. Feminisexual or something. Never saw where it went. Probably nowhere.

Gr8 b8, m8.

Would take some time before we have our promotional material. That should be the first step.

Share anything you create in this thread!

this is also a great idea

you should probably stick to discord for out of character stuff, post content on twitter, tumblr, facebook, etc
people will screencap the Sup Forums threads if this gains any tractions and then it's all over


SJW look like this

This should be a thing

How do you wanna realize it?

Finally something good

we all need to make as much content as possible so when we make any futuree threads were pretty much read to go. then we just need to get Sup Forumstards on board to spam it over tumblr

Let's go on Omegle too and get this shit started

the idea is good but the name is an anchor.
come up with a better name and new pronouns

at some point it's going to be mentioned here again.
it really doesn't matter where else you do it.

Good point. Okay all content should be posted on discord. Will keep it running.

bump this can be good

bump for potential

We have to create a following. A large one. Wait a month before beginning and fuck shit up.

This. We should sage this thread in a few minutes so it gets deleted asap

instead of just bumpin' you could help us create spammable material

this looks good

fuck off pedo. Not helping you win your federal case

I don't do discord

but bump


Looks fun, but I think my grandma will take it serious

private tab, random username.
no need to do the signup shit



Captured thread, and will save idea for posterity

Clearly Fake

> It would have read " All liberals support 6-year old man child"



well done user, keep it up

nice lol

This is good

good one


I think creating a few types of this would be more relatable

Some people are children trapped in a grownups body
A portion of them are attracted to other kids

Since lots of 20-30 year old people feel like they are not adults yet, it will be easier for them to accept it

DO IT, make it widespread on January 24th

The picture reminds me of a local sysadmin service.

Worst support you'll ever receive.


what will you do after you give them a new gender?

what's funny about just giving sjws a new label to wave around?

unless someone gets pissed off, it's not trolling; it's just really elaborate autism

how would you "describe" the "situation"?
it either goes or does not go at all.

I am making shit images, but anything works right?

Also, the doujin is called : Neko Len Len no Seigi

you made me laugh thanks


focus more on SFW content,
easier to spread

got it b0ss


Fucking brilliant.


Here is my contribution to the propganda


I could try and send it to one of those tumblr gender acceptance blogs??

fucking kek

dubs says kek approves this


clovergender is lame and can be traced back to Sup Forums.

It needs to be something plausibly liberallly-retarded. Something like

Bump for incredible potential

Get this spreading

>Implying this isn't already a gender

Way to erase Clirs, shitlord! I can't even right now. :(


haha not bad

go ahead

Not a bad idea

Kl, Klir, Klimself, Klerself

The word you're looking for is "cuck"

We need a condescending infographic explaining what it is and fake stats about how many people are clovergender and how its natural with some references to animals in nature.

Child trapped in an adult's body, but not far off the target

klil klimself?

This thread is filled to the brim with potential, OP. I would though, like to bring up: #PissingForEquality. Remember? We trolled SJW's into pissing themselves. Anyways, it got debunked by some people because we all did it at the same time. This has to take natural progression and mimic a real trend.

All strategy aside, I'd just like to take a moment to appreciate the brilliance of this idea. The liberals, SJWs, and feminists wouldn't be able to refuse this, seeing as how they believe all genders are infallibly valid. This'll show that behind their idiotic ideologies they're really just a bunch of mindless sheep. I mean, we know that, but a lot of people don't, and perhaps this is a very entertaining way to show them.

this is gold

Maybe, I think Kindergendered is far more subtle



It's already a thing. Rule 34 made flesh


good idea


Glorious faggot

sauce on pic
for clovergender purposes

This is so good

he literally said it in his post



more of this

we need more females, or famewhales will get angry

sorry I didnt read a shit.
my bad


On what depths of tumblr do the foul SJW's lurk to spread this shit??

Kindergender it is

this is fucking perfect

I've heard you have to really go deep to find the where the whales are...

>David Attenborough should narrate this troll operation

re edit this one

Almost all LGBT blogs. Which gives me an idea. Any anons want to create an LGBT blog and infiltrate the SJWs, and then use it in the future to troll even more? I'm unable, but if someone wanted to, I'll bet you could.

Some sjw with a tap of sense can call it staturaury rape.


i feel like some of this shit is too obvious. i like the idea tho