What are people drinking on New Years? I'm drinking Crown Royal Northern Harvest

What are people drinking on New Years? I'm drinking Crown Royal Northern Harvest.

Rum and Coke. I haven't tried Northern Harvest yet, is it any good?

yeah its pretty good, Its really smooth. I'm being a fuckface though by mixing it with ginger ale even though its a sipping whiskey.

Shit just realized it's 45% instead of 40%. Should have got it last time instead.

busch cans, cheap as fuck.

Zubrowka with apple juice

unfortunately I went to Europe for a while and acquired a taste for delicious cheap beer (0.15 euros a bottle). Can't bring myself to pay for bread water anymore.

Rum and Sprite

Tater vodka

ferne con coca wacho

Bourbon and eggnog.

Cooking beer brats right now while drinking beer. I picked up some wine too. I also have some peach brandy and High West rye which I use to make old fashions. I polished off the gin I had yesterday. I need to restock but I'm trying to build up a nice selection on the cheap.

Just discovered the deadly combination of PC watermelon lemon and whiskey.

Im pregaming with some PBR and then who knows when I get to the party later.
I tried potato vodka once and thought it was disgusting, did I try a shit brand?

Makes a great Manhattan

Probably, Chopin is breddy güd

Alberta Premium. 100% Rye

Britfag here, I'm on the Central European booze, because Central Europe is fucking awesome

Disclaimer: English beer is also fucking great you cunts and I drink that much of the time

>did I try a shit brand?
First impression is yes.

I'm going to go with yes.

Also, it's just turned midnight here, so Happy New Years you cunts

I guess you yanks still have 5 - 8 hours left

Enjoy it


Fuck yeah for cheap Eastern European booze. Karpackie for me tonight, £1 for 500ml 9% lager which actually doesn't taste bad so long as it's refirgerated. Happy New Year, fellow Sup Forumsritfag.

this is breti gud

jager tastes like that cherry shit dentist use to freeze your mouth. Everything I have it I get unpleasant flashbacks.

Happy new years user. Have a good old time.
Love and happiness for everyone.
Have some tits.

east coast, 4 hours 40 mins away, i'll most likely be passed the fuck out and soaked in piss before midnight.


fireball tonight!

I'll have to try a different kind then. Although I really don't like vodka unless it's a mixed drink.

South or North East?


Put it in some energy drink. Then conquer the party.
Man, I used to love me some jager.


Didn't feel like asking someone that is 20+ to buy out some Captain Morgan.

Feels bad to be 19 in Sweden...
Stuck with 3,5% beers and snus

I would think that Sweden would have low drinking ages like the rest of Europe.

I have released the Kraken...into my stomach.

18yo chivas regal, not as good as I expected tbh

I thought the same thing about Chivas Regal. It's better than cheaper whiskies, but not by a lot. The price is not justified. But if someone else is paying, I am down. Smoother & easier to drink than most I've had.

Your guy's drinking laws are ass backwards. On the plus side if you pour the beer in your asshole you will get drunk instantly.

My own urine.

18 on beer and alcohol under 3,5% to buy.
20 to buy stronger stuff here

Local favorite


ahh, you must be African

Gon' have me some Crown Royal Black.

I ran out of my Cap'n Morgan Private Stock a few weeks ago and have been too busy fixing my old project car to go get more. Now that I'm back from visiting my mom, I feel like that piece of shit (car) can rot for a while, and I CBA to go out to the store.

Nope, I'm Aryan white so I'm so full of myself I think my own urine is delicious.


I tried their "NightTime" last week...

Yuck. I thought it would be porter smooth... nope.

Kraken mah niggah

Yeah there's no reason to drink vodka straight. It's supposed to taste like nothing.

Kraken and pineapple juice is cash

I'll have to try that, thanks !

Fuckin what?
I drink it straight from the bottle as it is, the manly way

Beefeater and then Tanqueray if I go through that.

some homebrew made by fellow coworker & Christmas beer made by my father. Feels good man...

I would go to the bar with my family, but eh, i'm in the mood for some alone time. Get drunk, play some BF1, enjoy myself. I'm drinking box wine cause having win on tap is fun, Dogfish head beer, and then whiskey at midnight.

>the manly way
prolly a 15 yo hiding from the adults at a family party, and if not, get over yourself queer.

gasoline aftertaste

Not sure what this is called but just lit a ciggie after one glass and now I'm in hospital

Pineapple malibu

Kraken is good. Goes fairly well with the Ginger Cola from Pepsi's 1893 line.

None of my family invited me to anything and all my friends have moved on in life. Spending new years drinking whiskey and playing Fallout NV.

Well, except neither Pilsner Urquell nor Jagermeister are cheap, they're both pretty expensive

If you were going for Polish stuff I'd recommend Zywiec or Lech, they're both pretty tasty.

Have a happy new year my compatriot.

Not bad.

I think it's great.

Damn. Nice tits. Thank you friend, HNY to you too.

Good man. Cheers m8y.

Yup jagerbombs are ace, I'm having coke though which is nearly as good.

Damn Sweden, you need better drinking laws

I don't know why you're complaining though, I would be very happy with a few 3.5% beers and some snus. I fucking love snus. Haven't had it in years.

Actually to be fair that's quite good. Means you can still have some booze when you're 18, at least.

You ever tried English IPA (where IPA originally comes from)? I'd recommend Greene King, people say it's really bland, but personally I love it.

If you want something more flavourful though, Brew Dog are a recent Scottish brewer and they do a good IPA.

Dunno if you can get either over there in the States though.

Nothing, I'm a belligerent alcoholic. Sucks, but better than getting killed or Kipling someone.

Casually sipping on some of this dynamite concoction. Can't drink too fast though or I get the hiccups :/


Which one Sup Forums?

>box of wine

i like how this dude rolls!

That looks gross


random lagers my >mom bought me

fuck you guys im home for the holidays and she offered to grab me some alcohol when she went grocery shopping. i told her to grab a few tall boys that looks neat/interesting. im not really into getting drunk anymore, so i want to experience new beers for new years

Good stuff


mah nigga thats all i drink these days.

>Yeah there's no reason to drink vodka straight.
Vodka with a bite of brown bread
Vodka with a bite of brown bread
Vodka with a bite of brown bread

Getting drunk on 3,5% beers is heaven, basically no hangover and no blackout.
But yeah snus is great. It's a creation direct from god given to Swedes

both, drink both

Wish I had a father who brewed beer / gave a shit about me.


wish I had planned ahead and bought myself something good to eat. Have to settle for making chicken burgers with avocado and bacon.

>Have to settle for
>chicken burgers with avocado and bacon.

>settle for

fuck off.

I don't have my id on me and my friends are out of town for tonight, is there any better ways to get it than a stranger?


It is great. I wish we had it here

Happy New Years from my lonely Denver kitchen

find a homeless dude, buy him something cheap for his efforts, you get booze and do a nice thing at the same time.

>pils urquel
My nigga.jpg

that is settling for me, its something i throw together in 3 minutes with no effort. Everyone calls me an idiot for not going to culinary school.

cheers from ma, sorry bout ya team.

tommy errand boy

Congrats user, you just made new years for me and a homeless dude.

Shit tier m8
Try this shit. Its the absolute tits when it comes to rum. Heavy vanilla notes

All Czech beer is amazing. In order of how much I like them:

>Kozel (yeah it's cheap but I love it)
>Pilsner Urquell
>Budweiser Budvar

Not a fan of Staropramen really. It's expensive and tastes shit in my opinion.

idk anything about wine. But this is sweet and has a good bit of alc so im happy

shows that hillbillies can make more than just moonshine

This is the only guy drinking anything of quality. The rest of you must not have meaningful employment yet

Diet Pepsi for i am not a drunken degenerate

isn't it obvious from us being on Sup Forums?

This, plus Sailor Jerry and ginger beer

thanks for your understanding. duuuuude, man, we can't believe how they are letting up. man.
>am disappoint


sound a little bitter, seems about right for a team that just had their playoff dreams stomped out by the chiefs.

enjoy the night user.