Marshall Mathers will die on January 15th, 2017

Marshall Mathers will die on January 15th, 2017

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Sure and i will get dubs on this post

ICP says, "Fuck 'em."

And nothing of value will be lost

did ya balls drop yet(retarded laugh)
its how i relate to the kids using words like weed and balls talking to them on their level

Not soon enough

4 days before betty white?????

If I get numbers, it will be done.


He's been dead to me since the relapse of 'The Marshall Mathers LP 2', if not 'Relapse'.
RIP Eminem


Ever since thingy died of a heart attack the other day I've been thinking about his death and how it could happen any day with all the coke he did. :(


Also is he a drug addict or something ?
What will kill him ?

Things ICP also say:

"One of us should get frighteningly fat"
"I'm glad our fans are retarded enough to like us"
"How do magnets work?"
"Shaggy, can I borrow some Valtrex?"
"Shaggy, I also need some viagra"
"Shaggy, why is Em so talented but we're not?"
Shaggy pulls small cock out of his mouth "Jay, I can't talk with my mouth (barely) full!"


and nothing of value was lost...

This has to be bait.

>says he was shit after relapse yet knows nothing about his life even though he talks about it in all of his albums. Like how fucking retarded are you?

Capped just in case

>only had 1 okay album (mmlp)
>4 or 5 terrible albums
>went from 'stan' to singing with rhianna
>worshipped by 15 year olds who dont listen to any other rappers

let the piece of shit rot

no way jose

The drake fans got here quick.

Relapse was silly as fuck but okay
SSLP & MMLP are untouchable
Surprisingly, Hell the Sequel was pretty raw

No I won't faggot

That still doesn't explain how the fuck you don't know if he was an addict or anything like that. Do you not even know what relapse means?

user that wasnt me you replied to earlier
I just wanted to give my thoughts because i love him