Serious question

serious question.

would you shorten your natural life span by two years in exchange for 24 hours with Emma Watson as your sex slave?

Other urls found in this thread:


She's too plain.

Without a second thought.

Why if in a lifespan i can kidnap her and rape her to death?

I don't want her to be *my* sex slave.
I want to be *her* sex slave.

Fuck yeeeaa

you sound angry user

Can I kill her during those 24 hours?
Regardless the answer is yes, but that would make it sooooo much better if I could throw her semen covered corpse with prolapsed rectum and vagina out infront of TMZ hq or something for all to see

I'd shorten my lifespan by 2 years just for a week of cute dates.

Hot girls are everywhere. Emma Watson is just a famous one. Besides, she's a dumb feminist

Not at all me lav

This is not a serious question


>ywn be Emma's footboy

i'd consider shortening with 5

Ahhhhhh Hell Yeah

No girl who went to the Dragon school becomes anyones sex slave.

No, she's got the clap.


I'd say yes but with my luck I'm supposed to die in 23 months and I'd die as I signed the contract


it hurts :'(


>take pics of every possible thing of her including the address
>every few years make 5 million or more of a different part of her body.
>become rich
>extend life span by 10 years

Oh and I guess the sex would be nice too.

then why are you here hurting yourself? get rid of your obsession and you'll find peace (retard)

What The Average Sup Forumstard Would do 24 hours With Emma Watson as Their Sex Slave:

>First 45 minutes: be paralyzed with fear
>Next 12 minutes: change into a non-soiled pair of cargo shorts
>Hour 2 through hour 4: awkward silence
>Hour 5: find way to build up courage to speak
>6:30: h-hi
>Additional 45 minutes of awkward silence
>Eat a pizza pocket then fall asleep with body pillow for four hours
>11:36 into Emma Watson as Sex Slave: think about touching her hair
>11:37 into Emma Watson as Sex Slave: cum in your cargo shorts
>spend next 12 and a half hours playing Call of Duty

No... she is plain and average.

I should get paid for having to look at her.



damn you went full retard son!


Am I one of the minority that just doesn't find her attractive in the slightest?

Hell yeah, why the fuck would I care about my years in my 60-70s or w/e
I'd bury my penis so hard in her pooper for those 24 hours she'd never shit right again

I don't find her particularly attractive or repulsive. I just don't lose my shit over jpegs on the fucking internet.


But not as dumb as you.

I would also like an answer to this anons question

my life is worth more than someone's cunt

but you get to destroy someones cunt

It's made for it

>hey, what did you do new years eve?
>i hung out with a bunch of lonely 14 year olds on an image board and discussed how we would have sex with jpegs of various celebrities

>What am I doing here?

you know you're here too, right?

Well, enjoy your night, I guess.

I'd let her slit my throat just to bang her once; literally soon as i came she could slash my throat and i'd have no regrets at all.

mfw this entire fucking thread

>Why if in a lifespan i can kidnap her and rape her to death?
>I could throw her semen covered corpse with prolapsed rectum and vagina out
>she's a dumb feminist
>ywn be Emma's footboy
>I'd bury my penis so hard in her pooper for those 24 hours she'd never shit right again
>you get to destroy someones cunt

so much fail in this thread

claiming to destroy her cunt
>blow your load 2-3 times
>too tired to do more
>she's yawning from boredom

2 years? sure. my grandparents are in their 90's, I don't want to be like them.

Lmao 2 years?!
Who the fuck even cares I'm probably gonna end up killing myself anyway.

Emma has amazing pubes!

You Emma fucktards are hilarious. I'll tell you what this skinny no talent bitch would do if you have her around you for 24 hours. She would rant about her feminism ploys and how women should be free to be bisexual since she's a closet dyke. Her ass cheeks are already half way down to behind her knees and she's still young, can you imagine what her ass will look like when she's 30? Aim your sights higher Anons.

Of course. What a stupid question!

I'd floss with her asshole hairs.....
