I've been messaging this Asian chick from school. She just sent me this. What do you think? Should I keep messaging her?

I've been messaging this Asian chick from school. She just sent me this. What do you think? Should I keep messaging her?

>from school
yeah no thanks OP

It's college. She's 20



Keep messaging! You'll get nudes soon enough

Ah! Got some boobs! Also, I'm really drunk, so I might fuck things up

Did she take this at the back of her dad's shop?

Pussy next nigga


Ask her to put on 3 sweaters


Cmon get pussy

look at her belly button , shes had kids you can even see a pacafier in the bottom right of screen. shes in her late30's to early 40's.Most asian girls would never allow themselves to get pregnant at 20 also look in the display case the medicines are in chinese and some korean. she most likely works in a traditional chinese medicine shop in china ? So your a exchange student ?

she looks hot. don't fuck it up, drunk OP

Have her do your math homework then eat her cat.

get a photo of that ass

dooooooo it fagot

She said no to pussy pics. She went home to China for the holidays so She's really head in time. I'll keep trying. Here's a photo of her ass when she was in the states

get an ass pic mirror shot like the first two

Say you'll do anything for them

im usually not disgusted by women, but, god damn man thats horrible


Tell her that you're going to whip her bare ass with a belt the next time you see her. Asian chicks love that.

Op here. I fucked up, I drank too much. I just vomited. I'm going to bed. We'll probably fuck when she gets back, Idk

wear a condom, your life is over if you get that pig pregnant.

go for it she looks smart

idk dude she looks kinda ugly or avarage at best but if you think you can mess up her emotional state and find it funny then go for it

I once had this girl that was totally all over me but she was kinda ugly as well and had a bf so i made her cheat on him with me then made her break up with him and a few weeks later even managed to make her commit suicide it was awesome

see how she pulled her jeans up high? she's trying to hide her muffin top. do not do

either you or i are autistic because there's no pacifier in there.

get pics and/or video when you fuck her

I'll try, she goes to GMU so she comes back on the 19th of Jan. I'll try to record it. I'll post it when I do. Right now I'm only fucking my ex

pics of ex?