Regressive leftists use statistics and history to demonize men and white people

Regressive leftists use statistics and history to demonize men and white people

Alt-Right-wingers use statistics and history to demonize minorities

Nobody knows how to treat each other anymore.

>leftist nutjobs
>using statistics and history
boi am i laffin

And this is why I don't go out anymore. Civilized society is an anachronism. We're living in the Idiocracy years.

>Regressive leftists use statistics and history to demonize men and white people

>Regressive leftists
>statistics and history

Hah. They are fucking retards, they butcher statistics because they jam anything remotely relative to the current thing they are pushing and history.. oh don't even get me started, yet again.. they are professional cherry pickers.

you talk like a fag.

>We're living in the Idiocracy years.

and isn't it just wonderful! It's only going to get worse, society is getting more split and radicalised on both sides.

Well, at least we'll be able to get handies at Starbucks.

I'm just glad I'm old enough and have enough money that I don't really need to bother with people anymore.

the alt reich uses made up statistics from uncredible biased news sources and idolize nazi germany as the ideal society even though they lost the only war they ever fought to a bunch of "subhumans"

>Well, at least we'll be able to get handies at Starbucks.

As nice as that sounds, it's also implying I'll ever leave the house to get them but yeah, having enough money to do away with people sounds enjoyable.

So what you're saying is we should get rid of statistics and history.

Most of the alt right faggots have no idea what they're talking about. They're just bandwagon jumpers parroting information they heard from other people who have no clue what they're on about. It's a cult of ignorance. Most of them aren't even political, they're just doing it to try to fit in.

One side uses the information correctly, the other ignorantly. Thin skinned alt righters regress into sarcasm and trolling to make the world a joke so they don't have to face reality.

>End of 2016
>Still being triggered by facts

No, both sides are awful. If you identify as either a liberal or a conservative, you are taking up a mantle of values without analyzing and thinking critically about each issue individually.

Welcome to Sup Forums, one of the many threads on Sup Forums. You must be new here, I'm guessing you signed up as a member of anonymous around early 2017?

Great. Well there's only one thing you need to know before you carry on your way.. you're a huge faggot. Catch cancer, fuck it into the prostate of your father and then die.

>Welcome to Sup Forums, one of the many threads on Sup Forums.

Take you and your shit literacy back to Sup Forums faggot

>Take you and your shit literacy back to Sup Forums faggot

>Muh literacy

Damn, you really do love acting the faggot. Here's a free insult for you.

Your a faggot.

>hint: I spelt "your" wrong for you to point out, because you seem like the type of faggot to jerk over insulting someone for that

nice dubs faggot, but i was merely pointing out Sup Forums is your containment
> thread

>argues against dubs

As I said, welcome to Sup Forums.

>argues against dubs
satanic dubs, faggot

>use statistics and history to demonize men and white people
No, they ignore statistics and history to demonize men and white people. I've never seen an honest regressive leftist who made a good point without invoking emotion. This is why the movement is failing whilst the more logical Alt-right is raping them in a spiritual sense.
It shouldn't be hard to prove me wrong on this. Just point out a regressive leftist who states their case without having to stoop to ad hominem and appeals to emotion, but, pro tip, they don't exist.

Mmm, you're one lucky little faggot tonight hitting dubs + 1.

and your shits all fucked up

The alt-right isn't any more logical than the extreme left. They're both emotional movements. The alt-right exists because of spite and bitterness towards the left. They do the things they do because they like how it feels to lash out at the left. It's no different. SJWs and alt-righters are two sides of the same coin. Both are equally cancerous.

I see what you mean but they don't act exactly the same like OP implies. It reminds me more of the early 2000s when Christfags were shitting up the world and atheists started crapping on them.
It was nice at first but then it was just a sea of shit and still is long after the evangelicals fell from grace.

>trips v. dubs
He may have won the battle, but you've won the war.

>Regressive leftists use statistics
>Alt-Right-wingers use statistics
everyone's using ststs, now what?

>Both are equally cancerous.

Both are equally cancerous whenever you're talking about how they are a handicap to their own less extreme groups such as the left and right.

Extreme left make the left look emotional and a joke, out to kill the white man and do away with civilised society with police killings considered justified on their behalf and blah blah.

Hurtful to the left, yes.

Then there's the alt-right.. it's nothing overly cancerous, the best way to explain it is that they are the victim that has been picked on every single day and finally has snapped. There's a reaction, but it's extreme. This is why white pride and such is becoming a thing, because of how fucking stupid the extreme left have been against it, telling people they are bad and all these other bad things, expecting them to take it.

Hurtful to the right, yes.. but if you ask me, the left is a lot more insane. To me the alt-right is somewhat justified and necessary in suppressing the opposite.

You are the most boring person I've ever met.

That's a good analogy, actually. Yes, the alt-right is a reaction to far left PC culture that got out of control and is now as big a scourge as the one that inspired it.

It's still true, though, that it's not a fact-based, logical movement. I think any really reasonable person would be a moderate centrist and deal with issues individually. The only sort of person who joins political movements, be it on the left or the right, are there because of emotional reasons.

So go back the the
>(((echo chamber)))

>insert smile png here

well aren't you a thinking faggots faggot!

The problem, though,mid that two rights don't make a wrong. You can't fight fire with fire, hate only begets more hate. The reason we're in the situation we're in and the reason it's getting worse is because both groups exist.nsurpressing one type of cancer with another type of cancer doesn't cure the patients, it just means they have two different kinds of cancer now.

Both groups are extremely harmful, not just to their own less-radical parties, but to society as a whole. Their existence promotes divisiveness.

Well that depends on how we define the alt-right. Initially the alt-right was just people going conservative in ways that confused people. For instance I was considered alt-right because I went from being a democrat to supporting Trump fiercely.
Now, thanks to a lot of pain by the main stream media and some legitimate infiltration from white nationalists, the alt-right is actually pretty racist instead of just being accused of being pretty racist.
Those racists I will agree are as retarded as an SJW but the movement does have a core of rationality similar to that of early 2000s atheism imo.

three rights make a left assboy

>Both groups are extremely harmful, not just to their own less-radical parties, but to society as a whole. Their existence promotes divisiveness.

Both groups are undoubtedly harmful to society, and something the world would be better without but at the same time, a better way to explain it would be to say the extreme left are a type of cancer, and it's rapidly growing. If you let it continue, it won't stop and will have infected the entire body.

Then we have the alt-right, another form of cancer.. and what this cancer has done is suppress the other dangerous one.

Sometimes you do have to fight fire with fire, it has been proven fighting the crazy left with water (facts, statistics and kindness) has gotten nowhere. If anything our lack of reaction has emboldened them.

Ah jeez.. even the fact we are talking about it in this way really goes to show how bad this shit has got.

Yeah it's bad, but it could be worse.

Get going whiteboi

I will repel you with quads, nigger.

Here they come.

>insert quads here

I already got the trips

Oh, to be sure. It's a very difficult issue, because the left have certainly been doing a lot of harm. If you look throughout the world, there's been a pretty big crackdown on civil liberties in the guise of "human rights". For example, many countries are making or strengthening prostitution laws in the name of fighting human trafficking, even though it's been pretty conclusively proven that prohibition leads to MORE abuse and exploitation.

There does need to be something done about that, but the way the alt-right is doing it now is just making people more angry and hateful toward one another.

I don't know what the solution is, but I do know human nature. If you push someone, they will push back, and that's what's happening now. We have two groups constantly pushing one another, and I fear it's going to get much, much worse before it gets better.

except the alt-right doesnt believe in statistics or history. they think they only need one book.

Leftists are damn annoying, but I think most of their policies are good.
Alt-right are just as annoying, and I think most of their policies are bad.

This whole right-wing pushback can suck my nut. Spite against the left ain't justifiable for anything they push. I'll put up with SJW smugness over a GOP administration ANY. FUCKING. DAY.