Fucking alone on new years. I have 0 friends, my family hates me...

Fucking alone on new years. I have 0 friends, my family hates me, poor as fuck can someeone please try to connvince me not to paint the fucking wall with my brains

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nope that's all on you.
i dont have the linguistical genius to convince someone to not do something.

you got a cute lookin' cat :P

What about your cat?

at least you're healthy , happy new year user :-))

Well I'm also alone so don't feel to bad

Get a haircut, clean up, get some hobbies, work out get fit, get tinder, actually make an effort to meet people, and your life will be 100% better just quit complaining and fix it faggot.

think about the cleanup work the guy has to do after you selfish cunt
hang yourself or poison like a respectable mate


Ur kitty cat needs u.

Have no reason for you not to, world's going to shit anyways

How do you know? Why would you just assume he's healthy? Worst thing ever when I had kidney cancer, was people saying "at least you have your health!" just because I didn't go around telling everyone I had cancer. Don't assume everyone's healthy.


Because you should never paint a room wholly red. I'd say a more neutral tone would raise the value of a home a lot more than such an aggressive color.


Wanna Skype or text ? I'm alone too

just fucking kill yourself. there isnt any point to living whatsoever. the universe is eventually gonna die and everything that we will or could do will be wiped from existence. everything is temporary so you might as well end it and save yourself the suffereing

I'm alone, too. This is the first holiday season since my 5 year old son died and my marriage crumbled. It can always be worse, user.

Im not going to try to convince you when I'm having trouble convincing myself not to start the new year with a bang

Come over user I have lasagna

Shit let's go I'm also alone

who is that woman?

Skype is cherrymaiduno let's do this

That sucks sorry man, I couldn't imagine lose one of my kids

that is such a cute cat

It's the new Barbie doll from the projects


worst comes to worst i have a fucking forest behind my house
my cat died months ago

I just sent you a contact request


OP here sitting with a joint and my last bit of rum 10 minutes till new years

Answer what i wrote faggot

Because everyone is alone OP. Some people might have other entities near their inhabitable space, but we are just beings that can only express the reflections of our observations, and feel only that which directly obstructs our individual realities. We talk at each other, not with. Two individual forms of matter cannot occupy the same space. Therefore, we are all alone. Everyone else is just noise. Enjoy your peaceful quiet

i have a haircut and am pretty fit

Then go out and make an effort to meet people and you wont be alone

i really don't care that you have cancer , this post was for OP go fuck yourself

why don't YOU kill yourself?

i have met and know lots of people i just cannot make any sort of connection to people or even get close to anyone

Im used to holidays alone. But for some reason feeling really down today. Do have a variety of drugs tho. So as of now going to run some good ol' Halo 3. And maybe just be kept company by preadolescent kids yelling nigger into my ear.

sounds like shit im sitting here with playing skyrim
what kind of drugs you got alls i got is weed and 151 rum

get in here bro youtube.com/watch?v=aAk8rs0E4RU

fuck america, canada is where it at

Why is that? I'm not the same person as above but I'm genuinely concerned about you my fellow user, I feel like you do for most of the day but I want to help you get through this. I might not be back to read your reply but trust me Sup Forumsro there's a lot of people in your shoes.

If I was to describe my situation, I'd say I'm just not good enough of a friend, a son, a coworker or anything at all, I'm just some npc to others.

This is after 4 shots of rum and a quarter of a lager after work though so trust me I'm speaking from the heart.

i dont know i just havent been able to make friends, fuck i was even one of the most popularkids my first year of high school but i havent made a single friend in my life i just cant relate to people. im super fucking depressed all the time and keep to my self

Even when it sucks, life is pretty dope mang

i grew up super fucking poor and my dad was always fucking drunk and stoned and treated mom like shit, soome of my first memories are of him beating her
i had a friend a few years ago, we wernt super close but he lived near by so we drank every now and then but then one day he was in a fucking car crash and was doa and it fucked me up cause i was just talking to him the week prior then he was gone

I'll be doing a nine hour shift stocking shelves at a grocery store all night. Quit yer bitching

Don't be a bitch. Grow up its life. Welcome to adulthood

Best place to shot yourself in the head? Is the T shot the best or through the temple? I got my hollowpoints loaded in my glock and I just need a bit of motivation.

you ever watch a dead thing rot? when i was a kid my cat died near the front door and no one fucking buryed it because why the fuck would they. i had to walk by it everyfucking day seeing it rot more and more. i learnt at an early age that life is worthless and we all end up the same, at rotting good for nothing corpse

Get a new one! There are so many in shelters who need you! Get two!

poor bitch i fucking cut logs for a job in fucking mud and snow

best placce is under your ear.
i have a 12 gauge, .22, 7.62x54r, and a 125ib crossbow and am consideridering ending it

I just spent 30 minutes doing a motivational on why to shoot myself. I am afraid of the pain, so why under the ear? I feel like I might not hit the brainstem.

least chance of becoming a vegitble plus your going to hit your corrodid and jugular

Buy rare military history books such as Island of Fire.
Scan and post pdf
Become legend

Lol, once you're older you'll realize how foolish this type of thinking is. Right now, my wife is sound asleep while I'm sitting in my backyard watching the fireworks by myself. Everyone goes through the same shit you are now,m it's just a matter of not letting it get to you and rejoicing in some of the benefits of solitude. When you're a teen you want to be around everyone, once you have kids you just want to be alone, but after that you learn to enjoy both as everything and everyone you knew begins to change and you're just trying to hold on.

I'm drunk also.

This tbh

so many "forever alone" faggots wiithout perspective on this website

im trying to hear you but the lonlyness is so fucking painful. not painful like a kick in the head or any psyical injury but just an empty pain of complete uselessness within the forever expanding mass of the universe

Yeah but imagine if you never had a wife and kids

Imagine you've been alone this entire time

Would you feel the same?

You're suffering from pop culture and peer pressure, everything pushing you towards sexuality and impulse. Nothing is roses, all relationships are give and take, the pain merely strengthens them. You can't sit and sulk and expect some ephemeral mistress to materialize in your room, you either take the world or let it take you. The hermit is the 9th and one the most eclectic tarot, usually represented holding a staff and lantern. Nobody will forge your path for you, it's a difficult journey but you must be willing to walk into the darkness. Maybe then can you find someone and help each-other on your path.

i almost killed myself in a car accident about a month ago doing 140kmh in a fucking hailstorm, i was literally 2" from hitting a power poll mid air yet i came out completly un harmed, the crash didnt scare me it was my reaction because i was completly un monved by the fact that i sould of been dead


I had a chance but imagine having such awful skin that not even taking accutane for 6 months and leaving you with ED and deep depression. To where you have to prep up and watch porn for 30 minutes of sensory overload becoming disgusted with yourself considering cucking due to women in the past saying how gross my skin was. I was 190lbs 5'11 and ran 3 miles a day when I took accutane 6 years ago. It cleared me up but those months caused me to develop severe depression and a year after had acne worst than some 15 year olds.

Now I am 26, 290lbs with ED and acne. I change my sheets every other day, switched soaps. My diet is terrible but it doesn't matter if I change it or not. My body is destroyed and I cant get a hard on no matter what I do..

I have resigned myself. You say how wonderful it is to have a family and how you want to be by yourself. I had a chance but she cheated, telling me I had a small penis and my acne grossed her out. She told me she loved me we were engaged after 11 months but didn't stop her from cheating. I considering cucking but what leverage would I have? None. Now I go out on dates and go through the motions but imagine kissing a woman and foundling her and not getting a feeling in your cock? Imagine not being able to jerk off nor really wanting to but if you wanted to having to watch porn for 30 plus minutes just to get that sensor to register.

It's a miserable life. Loosing weight wont change anything. Accutane killed me as a man might as well end it myself.

And what are you hoping for, within death to have a fancy house, a trophy wife, a perfect child, and a fast car? You'll find nothing of the like, only the leviathan. You're possessed with these materialistic notions of what will bring you fulfillment in life. If you want to control life you must achieve mind, body, and spirit. It will never be handed to you. post a million threads. cry a million tears. die a million deaths. only change brings about change. Feminine attracts to masculine, masculine is the driving force, the conquering, the primal instinct to move forward, determination.

Don't paint the wall with your brains. Paint someone else's wall with their own brains.

OP here its 1 am and iam gonna finnish off this rum and see where the night takes me thanks for all the kind words you merry b/astards

>Check em

First successful dubs post of 2017

Keep reading your Jack Donovan. I have trained in MMA and did Judo for several years and took up boxing. "material" is not the problem the fact that their is no primal instinct in me anymore. I suppose you have no idea what ED is? It's not a character from Ed, Edd, or Eddy.

I suppose I can appreciate the manly transcendent response though.

Yes - you'll lose your cleaning deposit.

do it faggot

if I get dubs, kill yourself.


Most erectile dysfunction originates from depression, you lost your drive, so you lost your libido. If it's that serious of an issue for you, then go to a doctor and get bloodtest to check your hormone levels and possibly get a prescription for cialis.
The materialism is exactly the problem, sex is physical, material. A real relationship is about getting to understand eachother, if you want a fuck, you pay for a hooker, it's far cheaper than a girlfriend. You look for a girlfriend only once you're grounded and ready for a commitment. and if you're looking for depth in the aesthetic, it's no wonder they cheat, mounts stay in the barn. Before you "drive" anywhere, you need to figure out the direction you want to head.

Mounts stay in the barn?

Sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'd like to share my experience with acne.

I've had it for 10 years now and developed ways to fight it.

Your diet matters a lot, because your skin is an indicator that shows what goes on inside your digestive system - gut, liver etc.
I stopped eating added sugar and fried food.
Lots of buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, vegetables, fruit 30 minutes before or 1 hour after other meals so that it doesn't rot inside your guts. Eggs, poultry and fish, yogurt and hard cheese sometimes, but dairy can be inflammatory for some. Nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oil. As much raw food as possible.
And soup or broth every day. This is very important.
I started eating anything that doesn't make me feel discomfort.
Next, I started drinking turmeric with water every day and grapefruit seed extract. These had wonderful effect on my skin and general health.

Washing sheets, hair and things that touch your face often like headphones and glasses helps.

I bought a gentle sponge that I used to scrub dead skin off my face every day. Because my skin is dry and very oily, dead skin flakes clog the pores so I make sure to make them clean. But not too clean - too much washing can be bad too.
I also switched to handmade soap with olive oil that has no added perfume and other unwanted substances. But it's necessary to hydrate oily and dry skin well so I use hydrating gel cream after I wash it. Lately I haven't even been using it and it's fine either way.

But the most important change that made my acne go away is love for my self - this might sound very goofy, but when you think about it, when you're comfortable with being who you are despite of your circumstances, you stop thinking negative thoughts that are poisoning your mind and - in turn - your body. Because looping around negative thoughts and hate for yourself in your head is stressful and fucks up hormones.

Congrats asshole! I did get a blood test done and a sample. It is ED and my sperm count went down as well. You think you know my problem with ypur pseudo masculinity.

"mounts stay in the barn" what does that mean? More shit from Donovan or Cernovich? Haha you are projecting an awful lot. I have yet to say I have a problem of getting woman but keeping women with any sexuality is a huge problem. The assumption that I am some sort of high sexual creature is incorrect but all in all relationships nowadays do come to a sexual road.

It might seem impossible right now, but please, OP, stop the negative thoughts. Catch them and stop them, because it's poison.

I've read No More Mr Nice Guy and it helped me a ton to regain my self esteem after many traumatizing events in my life. The most important lesson was how and why you should love yourself.

Constantly being in a negative state turns your subconsciousness into an enemy. I wish you all the best.

A rural joke, you mount a steed, you mount a woman, a steed is sometimes called a mount.

i'm glad ilooked before i made this very same post.

life is not only suffering. the pain can be seen as a price, but it's up to you to make your deal better by reducing pain and getting good stuff in life.

Go see the new star wars.

>I play video games with mounts and am now pretending I use the word because I live in a rural area even though no one really uses that word anymore

Gotta love that world of warcraft vocabulary

I knew that. It was the "stay in the barn" thing that puzzles me. I even googled the phrase and got nothing.

I don't have any friends either, ever since I was arrested a few years back everything has lost its meaning..It wasn't a major crime I was in custody for 3 days for weed...Got out the news spread and I was alienated , started doing calisthenics and eating clean no more weed ,I'm fit now but alone AF..

I was only trying to give you some advice from my over 40 years on this earth, but you're coming off as quite the angsty kid, have fun chasing whore and phantoms of a future that could be. You hear but you don't listen. I don't know who Donovan or Cernovich are, I'm not into borderline homoerotic sports. I've lived my live and sorted out what I know for myself, I don't read self help books or any of the like I don't need anyone to spoon-feed me salted tidbits of life experience.

A horse is an animal, you don't keep them in the house.

A mount refers specifically to a horse that has already been broken so you can ride it.

No shit, Sherlock. I rode horses for eleven years. Your folksy phrase still makes no sense. Your advice was otherwise decent, but what the fuck did that mean?

A "mount" in the joke is referring to a whore, a cheap woman, less than human which you "mount", it is a joke in the means in that it is absurdly demeaning to women to refer to them as an animal, and say that they must sleep in the bar because of that fact.
Do you have autism?

I can see what you mean now, but the analogy was still pretty unclear. Just because it makes sense in your head doesn't mean it makes sense to the rest of us.

I didn't think it was that cryptic, you act like I was speaking Old English or something. I've heard the phrase from elsewhere a few times. It's probably a regional thing, Dutch/Amish culture spill over into the area. That's probably where it originated

>..um.. hi.. ive never used this so I dont know what to do..
"Its the new year, why aren't you out?"
>*hangs up the phone*
Yup. Never using the suicide prevention hotline again.

Where are you from? Just curious. Part of me wants to believe that you're former Amish or that you're Amish and secretly a Sup Forumstard.

Wow dude why didn't you bury it your damn self, any other kid would have instead of being a pussy

I got bored of everyone's shit a long time ago. Now I abuse steroids and lift 4 days a week because i can't think of a better way to kill myself. Went from skinny ass need to massive cunt that poses in gym mirrors. Cause who's gonna tell me not to? Someone smaller than me? :)

For anyone else wanting to go out the same way just go to eroids dot com. It's not a source but they rate sources so there's plenty on there.

>poor as fuck
If you can afford a gun and ammo, you're not actually poor, stop being a dramatic bitch and make a better life for yourself this year.

My grandmother was a former amish I live in Ohio, right by the border of PA. My parents never practiced it and my grandmother left it for my grandfather when they met during rumspringa. I'm not amish myself though, but they're way cooler than you'd think depending on how orthodox they are. Like mennonites, they can still use electronics, but everything else they do is like amish.

Just kys already faggot

I was wondering if you lived in or around PA. I'm a Marylandfag myself.