B/anons who are legitimately spending New Years alone, explain yourselves

b/anons who are legitimately spending New Years alone, explain yourselves

im homeless lol

people don't like me lol

im in prison

Because I just don't give a fuck user, I have tequila and some hard lemonade. That's all I need.

shit is overrated

Where are u rn user?

I had work :(

i'm watching anime rn

just guess why i'm alone

im a sociopath who would rather stay alone that be with family

im dead lol

at a rehab. although i did smoke some weed with my neighbor a few times tonight, so I'm not that misserable right now

hashis*, if that makes any difference

I'm alone, I chose to be. I don't like to be high in public. And I'm off my fucking rocker right now


>Mikes Hard Lemonade

Not many friends.
Don't care for my family.
Those I do have are with their families.

But I'm OK. I'll be with my friends tomorrow.

Happy New Year user.

Problem? Shit is delicious compared to drinking shitty piss water beer.

doesnt get more trashy than that?

I don't feel like getting shitfaced with people I don't know and having my wallet stolen just because its the start of another year. Is that so wrong?

Four loco and steel reserve gets way more trashy

No friends, prefer the peace of mom's company, or solitude.

Came here looking for a loner thread

why would you care about if something is "trashy" when you are alone?

my best friend is visiting family.

my other best friend is 75 so he fell asleep.

i intend to go to a bar soon so i can get a NYE kiss and then go home.

I'm alone watching old heavy weight championship fights on YouTube

why dont you know them?

severe clinical depression. happy new year's

damn you still turn to your mommy for attention, so no one else will hurt you?

I'm not alone. I have vodka.

normie friends don't want to hang out with a faggot like me,
and normie family is too quiet and uncomfortable to be around

you count on a stranger kissing you?

Got caught up in the right crowd, have hella money and my job is kickass but everyone is scared to be around me

we aren't alone we have eachother... right?

lol you sound like those wanna be normie, "go out there and get it!", "kicking ass at work everyday!" types

last time i went to the club my ex and I had a bet to see who could get the most kisses / make out sessions.

We tied at 6 but only because the seventh person who wanted to kiss me was ugly.

no friends oh well

>we have each other right?
>- pixels on my screen

all I need ;)

yes user, you have me. I will keep your anal cavity warm tonight,

Girlfriend works at a catering hall, my other friend is with his gf, two of my friends are out of the country, and my mom is sick.

So I spent the intro to 2017 home.

It tastes like date rape.

I get a hold of cars and sell them for profit, family is scared of me, and no real "friends" in this business, money is money tho

thx dade

I don't like people, my family has generally disowned me, and most of my friends live in foreign countries.

I'm never in one spot long enough to get to know anyone.

I think I enjoy the loneliness at this point, user...

Nice try, but I'll always turn to my mom for any reason. It's been her and I since I took my first breath, and no other person has shown me unconditional dedication and love while accepting the multitude of shitty things about my existence.

>inb4 hurr mommy's boy

You're damn right, user. No one else gives as much of a fuck about you than your parents. Don't be afraid to admit it.

>get a hold of

who you going to the club with?

My grandma had surgery the other day, Im watching her house and her dog.

Otherwise Id be at my parents place I guess.

you wont be fulfilled if you spend your lifetime around the easiest choice

dont have any friends

alone. its easier to get absorbed into another group and find someone to kiss that way

I don't have friends except one but he decided to just hang out with his girlfriend. I'm just a nuisance, an annoyance. I try to be more social and make friends and what not but everyone ends up hating me. People just hangout with me I'm highschool to copy my homework or so I'd do projects for them and copy my tests. The moment I stopped letting people copy me they left. I just watched everyone else on snapchat that I asked to hangout and what not partying with other people. No one except my parents wished me happy New Years. Atleast I have them.

Hungout and in*

Who is this semen demon?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this cock dock?
Who is this erection ejection?
Who is this dick tick?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this seed steed?
Who is this prick chick?
Who is this cock stock?
Who is this seminal sentinel?
Who is this phallus chalice?
Who is this anus ignoramus?
Who is this smegma enigma?
Who is this beef curtain hurtin?
Who is this cunt runt?
Who is this jism prison?
Who is this ballbiting ballerina?
Who is this dongle mongle?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this chin chin bin?
Who is this scrotum sorceress?
Who is this wiener cleaner?
Who is this pole populator?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this pillar pimper?
Who is this column culminator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this sperm specialist?
Who is this glans gladiator?
Who is this frenulum fractionizer?
Who is this foreskin fornicator?
Who is this penile private?
Who is this smut sergeant?
Who is this cock captain?
Who is this orifice officer?
Who is this rear admiral?
Who is this cummander?
Who is this pantless enchantress?

That sounds unprofessional

underage b&


fiance is at work and all friends moved out of the city I currently live in. does that count?

Agoraphobic and live alone.

I dont party. Dont have much friends from hs to hang out with over winter break, would do something if i was at college

im broke, and sick. 2016 was my first dateless kissless year since I was in elementary school, shit can fuck right off

your fiance is fucking some nigg

What is past tense or senior year for 500

Was invited to karaoke. Instead, got high. I've been trying to lose weight and I have no interest in drinking for another week.

My family is asleep, I am playing overwatch, I forgot it was new years eve.

Kek. Is that supposed to be some kind of good advice?

What information do you have about my perception of fulfillment? You think everyone strives for the same shit you do?

>easiest choice
Sure, it's a choice to want to stick close to my mom, but it's not easy, or hard. It's simply a choice. It's my decision to care for my mom in the same ways that she's always cared for me, and in that way, there is no difficulty. It's called not being a piece of shit like you, and giving back.

user, you won't be fulfilled if you think fulfillment is achieved through making assumptions and living your life based on the template society gives you.

Gf is asleep. Haven't talked to her in 3 days because we're fighting.

Can't drink so I'm on vicodin.

It's my birthday, and I don't really celebrate because fuck my birthday and new years.

Nowhere to go, would rather stay inside and do shit I enjoy

Poor, stuck in ski chalet because friends are out skiing but I can't afford shit and the qt I was being introduced to is with Chad. Getting smashed fast to forget I'm a waste of space

Im sick- got a fever. Have a date tomorrow don't even know if that'll follow through. Ive just been sulking all day because I hate myself

Because my best friend is spending it with his girlfriend, and most of my other friends are with family. My parents are both pretty old so they pass out at like 7, so It's not really my choice to be alone, but fuck it what can ya do

then why even go? go work out and ditch your friends.

Feels bad man..

Had a couple things I could've done, said fuck it I'm going to lay in bed with my dog and watch anime. And drink.

Because i frequently browse Sup Forums is reason enough

I thought it wouldn't be like this. Buck hill? More like cuckold hill. Fml

Because people make me feel more alone than I do when I am actually alone.

you've rationalized the shit out of this. Under your logic everybody grow up and stay in the house with their moms and dads their whole lives, "giving back".

You can give back to your mom a few weeks a year. A month max. Otherwise you need to be out there meeting people and experiencing as much as you can

dude forget the cuck stuff... just take this year to work on yourself, fly solo for a lil find out whoo you are. from what it sounds like i used to be like you.

your friends are skiing at midnight?

how old you is

why yo family go to bed early?

Not really. It's not really so much a fight as it is me being mad at her for something she did a few days ago and her being mad that I'm mad.

what she do?

Have to drive her to work because she doesn't have a car. Been telling her for 6 months I need to get it into the shop. Income was cut recently so I told her if anything happens to the car that it's going to be difficult.

Brakes on car went out. She wouldn't take time off her shit pharmacy job so she spent half her paycheck on cabs. Didn't talk to me the entire time.

Car gets fixed and suddenly she acts like nothing ever happened as well as blaming me for her having to take cabs.

ah, that's annoying. I'm so glad I'm single.

You're still making statements without enough information to support them.

You don't even know what my logic is, and that's clear. Under my logic, people stay at home until they're physically, mentally and financially ready to live independently, while always being a figure of care and support, because that's what I think matters. Therefore, this is exactly what path I'm on. I don't try to push this mindset onto other people.

It's also still clear that you're one of those people that thinks others should live life the way you do, because you're telling me what I need to be doing as if you're me.

>You can give back to your mom a few weeks a year. A month max.
That's pretty sad. You quantify and put deadlines on the amount of reciprocation and care your parents deserve? Then again, I don't know where you stand with them, so I'm in no position to judge. Even so, generally speaking, people have much more humble intentions when it comes to their parents, so you're still a piece of shit.

I'm a gay homo faggot


I don't have a social life

no i was initially trying to rescue you from a very depressing life, and a bad road you were going down. Trying to substitute your mom's love for potentially thousands.

Thought you might be receptive to this advice, but you aren't. And yes i do put dates on it. Life's very short. The mind's dreams exceeds reality exponentially. It's a nice attitude to say "I'm going to care for my parents for as much as i can", but then you'll wake up one day realizing you lost so many years doing that and missed out on so many things

I lack social confidence and really there is no point in watching a ball go down. It is just another day.

Was going to spend it with my gf but she piked out on me so I dumped her.

I am not spending my money on a party with a bunch of strangers making drunken assholes of themselves.

Secondly, I find myself deep in Mormon country this New Years and these cunts are boring or great hypocrites... Sadly, I don't know enough of the hypocrites yet to have a good time here.

Additionally, my white ass isn't welcome on the nearby reservation where good times must be going on as we speak.

all my friends in nola

the one friend i have here is with his girl

wanted to bang his girls sister

she's fucking a sand nigger


so I'm playing clans and getting high. what else is there to do?

On probation and cant do anything. Since im no babysitter just watching netflix.

My lifestyle wards off potential women willing to cuddle.

>rescue you from a very depressing life, and a bad road you were going down
I knew you were ignorant before, but now I know you're a fortune teller. At least you'll be able to tell me about how soon I'll get some pussy.

>Thought you might be receptive to this advice
I'm quite receptive to quality advice, but yours wasn't that. Sorry.

>lost so many years doing that and missed out on so many things
Maybe you missed out on time and experiences, but how are you so sure that that's the path I'll take?

That's the difference between you and I, user. I don't give a fuck about having the love of thousands, because one of the few things that matters to me is having the love of my mother. I don't need to substitute my mom's love with anything, because her love and presence is all I require to continue pushing forward.

If you still haven't realized my point, I'm trying to get you to see how different things matter to different people. No matter which way I say it, you won't get it, so I won't persist. I'm not trying to get you to agree, but merely understand. Clearly, that was a waste of time. You're right about life being short, but instead of worrying about how many irrelevant people "love" you, you could be thinking of and doing shit much more objectively productive and beneficial.

The first eight minutes of my new year was spent trying to explain a simple concept to an user who wasn't hugged enough as a child. Happy New Year!