/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Guitar And Bass Edition

How do I start learning guitar?

Suggested Practice Routine:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone else here build and play cigar box guitars? I've been doing it in my spare time for fun and extra money. Whenever the GF and I go hiking I carry one with me.

If I put jaguar pickups on my jazzmaster will I die of being gay?

i hate really ornate guitars with all those layers but thats kinda a beaut

It would be extremely painful.

What would be the best pickups to install in an Epiphone Les Paul to make it better?

What kind of aftermarket pickups do professional musicians use on les paul guitars?

>go to talent show tryouts at my high school today
>School hired a professional sound engineer to set up a huge speaker system
>4 stage monitor, 6 4x12 vertical PA speakers, and a 4 Subwoofer/woofer speakers
>Guy plugs my 6505mh in with the straight to PA XLR output and EQ's everything to perfection
>Entire fucking gym shakes when I palm mute and the fucking leads sound insane
>I've literally never played anything other than my 2x12 in my bedroom until now

It was amazing lads, It was like playing Wacken. I think tomorrow is going to be fun

>talent show tryouts at my high schoo

Les pauls look nasty and rocking yet classy and beautiful

i have literally never seen a person with even the slightest sense of style play a les paul before

I am of legal age to post on this board faggot and I just wanted to share my cool experience today sorry for upsetting you

its the autist guitar of choice

>even the slightest sense of style
Do you mean that in a faggot /fa/ way, or in a way relating to music?

curious to know what guitar you consider good lookin

inb4 generic fenders

What;s it like having a girlfriend?

Superstrats are the pinnacle of guitar style

why my guitar buzzes like shit on the open strings and low frets
its like helpless, i took it to my luthier and he said the guitar was fine and i was just picking to strong. no way its not

When will Fender reissue the Performer?

Just buy an OG they're not that expensive, if Fender did reissue them they would cost around the same.

Pretty great. Like having a best friend that cooks for you and lets you fuck them .

Great and terrible
Someone to
>chat with 24/7
>go on dates and other cute shit

>no free time when together
>demands tons of attention
>spend money doing shit you wouldn't do or spend alone

That sorta shit

>bass strings just shipped
>progressive tension

>can't find a boss pn2 or behringer tp300
senpaitachi are there any other pan pedals? is there a 3 or 4 output pan pedal?
>amp in each corner of the room
>dank riffs swirling all around you

That's very pretty.

any metalfags with guitarpro willing to listen to a brief idea I put together? thrashy, groovey, simple stuff

how long should this go clyp.it/jivc4u4k

>tfw i'm way too old to start playing guitar

Start anyway.

Maybe take a bunch of Adderall and spend all day practicing.

whats a comparable amp to the peavey super festival? some big pa head style amp is what im after

How old are ya?


seems to me you're too much of a pussy fag

>>tfw i'm way too old to start playing guitar

do you have to start learning guitar on an acoustic?

Is it even worth this much?

I'd say that of the cheaper PRS before LPs.

>talking shit about big sexy fripp

>tfw i'm too young to start playing guitar

looks like a vigier, check those out

No. Don't do it if the music you want to play uses an electric



No that's a meme pushed by retards who only play grandpa chord strumming songs

How do people play hammer-ons so fast with their ring and pinky? My middle/index fingers have a decent speed/dexterity but my ring and pinky are way too slow and uncoordinated. They often get too far away from the fretboard (involuntarily) and can't really hit any notes fast enough, and they'll miss the string at least 1/3 of the time.

is it westone or ibanez

Finger independence exercises and years of practice.

yes, Fender Performer is not only a rare collectible, but also it's good, with its tremolo and unique pickups

who /MIJ/ here?

currently have MIJ jaguar
lusting after a Yamaha SG

LP, tele and jazzymasty desu.

>Finger independence exercises

What are some good ones for this kind of thing?

>Buy my amp for those sweet djent tones! Made in China and only $1900! Sounds just like your favorite amp, the 5150!

1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 4 - 3 - 4

>Superior Nippon wood, folded over 1,000 times

Ibanez fan boy here. OG Wizard is god tier neck.

the micro terrors are cute

blue + maple fretboard is GOAT

Yeah, that's about it. They get loud through an actual cab, but I don't much care for it's actual tone.

oranges sound bad and have shitty lowmids

That's a good price for one

I agree outside of the Thunderverb 200. One of the best amps I've played through

forgot pic

Stuff dreams are made of

how do you transcribe chords?

seeing as there's an awful lot of substitutions etc.
do i just have to try and find it?

transcribing melody is kinda fun but chord sequences is dildos

Keep index on 5, middle on 6, ring on 7, pinky on 8 for everything. Use a metronome and keep it slow and steady to build up the technique. Focus on keeping your fingers close to the fretboard and your hand as loose as possible - excess tension and movement will kill speed

What you got in that there rack case?

If you think wood doesnt affect the tone of a guitar but pick material and thickness does you're a fucking retard

I literally know that you came from reddit, please return

>this guys pointed out a flaw in muh fallacy, he must be from reddit!

Kill yourself, im from 9gag

Fedex tracking says my Strat'll probably be here tomorrow. Here's hoping it's not shit.

Nothing special. Korg tuner, BBE 362, and DBX 266XL

best pair of 1/4" jack headphones for plugging into an audio interface? looking for something noise cancelling.

Beets By Dray

Maple boards > everything else

genuinely true desu. i saw the absolute worst band the other week playing dad rock shit with solos and everything and the lead guitarist was using a les paul

Got a 70s lawsuit Ibanez Les Paul custom goldtop.

What? Most good headphones come with an adapter.

I also like ebony to be perfectly honest, but I can't understand the love for rosewood.

Hey. Is there a resource like this for improvisation: Like a description of what goes through your head while you're doing it? I've learned some things about chord tone playing and so in a simplified way, what I am doing right now might be:

anticipate the chord coming up
locate a root, third and fifth of that chord
find a way to, from where I am now, land on one of those notes in the first downbeat of the new chord
play some notes in a scale that sounds appropriate over that chord, going back to the chord tones during downbeats
anticipate the next chord coming up

But I'm looking for something more fleshed out. In order to better direct my practice, to isolate the different steps involved and mental shortcuts people use. I can find lots of "licks to memorize", "shapes of scales to memorize" and then actual theory, but I want more of like something that ties it together and directs your practice.

If you want to get good at improvising, just improvise more often. Just play over backing tracks over and over again, trying different things.

Look at Dimebag for example. Chromatic scale wankery with some blues pentatonic thrown in is what he made his living on.


should I get back into guitar? this is where I stopped

I've made several

Super fun and satisfying

I agree. I haven't played acoustic in years, but after building a few I started playing slide again and I realized how much I was missing out on. It helps that I collect cigars and have woodworking and guitars as a hobby. I don't have to buy anything to build them.

Hey how do I improve upon using my fingers when playing acoustic. I have this habit of just plucking all the strings with my thumb and I realize it isn't right and not necessarily convenient. Is it a matter of just practicing slowly and a certain angle your hand is meant to be placed at when you pluck?

Try anchoring your thumb on your bottom string and only using it for the E and A strings. Only allow your fingers to pick.

he was so cute..

Most fun i've had making an instrument was my 6 string one. Felt like Bo Diddley.

And yea, thankfully the boxes are super cheap


Ive yet to make a sixer. That's something I need to do. I've been making 3 strings and keeping them in open tuning for slide noodling

I've installed Peavey Revalver 4 and it beats the fuck out of Line6 and most other amp sims, these Peavey models are just too good, which is surprising considering the fact that revalver is barely known and its rivals are super popular.

I'd marry him, n-no homo..


BC Rich ironbird

tfw no one responds ;_;

Do something because you enjoy it, not because others enjoy you doing it. I don't give a shit what you do with your life


There exists a chart comparing all guitar loop pedals that I can't seem to find right now it is very exhaustive if not potentially outdated. Does anyone have the link? (It's not a Sup Forums chart just a web page).


I don't get how anyone could want to play guitar but wait til he was 32 before trying. I mean, if you'd really wanted to learn you would have started long ago.

hey /gg/ I've been playing guitar for about 6 months but I've been considering learning bass. So what's different about learning bass vs regular guitar?