If you're also stoned af (maybe waiting on new years like me)

If you're also stoned af (maybe waiting on new years like me)

watch this


oh man

Dam desu, those reddit tier comments killed my high

what do you mean fam


stop sperging

get lit instead


wat you smoking? i got sour d

also can't lie, those fireworks were off the chain

>sour d
literally everyone in this thread is a newfag millennial fucking faggot. I fucking hate your generation and I hope you all die before you procreate. No need to reply I'm closing the thread. Just thought I'd let you know how fucking cancerous your whole generation is.

I wasn't fuckin around right? It was fuckin Finland dude. Their 100th year of sovereignty or something

lmao, not even close lil boi

Ay man I was trollin. I mean everything past OP. Calm down

That shit was well done

what a massive cunt.

fr fr, why don't you spark up fam instead of being a autist

8 minutes till new years down here?

time for a shot brb

aight my g, have fun

you know what I'm drinking?

a rumjob. dumb as fuck but it's what I ended up having left. Tastes sort of like vanilla orange cream soda. Eh.

at least you have something to drink



I'm about to light up some quality mids now. Cheers m80

fireworks are loud as fuck outside

happy new years Sup Forumsro

same cheers

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nice try