ITT: Pick an album which you think is flawless and others point out its shortcomings

ITT: Pick an album which you think is flawless and others point out its shortcomings

I'll start with one of my faves. How could someone not like this record?


Well for one it's Pink Floyd.

Specifically Have a Cigar is so damn boring. That song has no hook, and has a really awful wail of "riding the gravy traiiiiiiiinyeah" as a chorus. It's so much worse than the rest of the album it's unimaginable to me that people think on the whole this is the best Floyd record.

Anyway, keeping with prog.

welcome to the machine

not ambient or tone setting enough to an important addition to the atmosphere

not catchy enough to be worth while

really it's only flaw, except maybe have a cigar drags on a bit but still pretty good

forgot mine


>has no hook
the words of a normifaggot pleb
>awful wail
that line is one of the better parts of that song
so in other words you have shit taste. gotcha.
no wonder.


>Pick an album which you think is flawless and others point out its shortcomings
>get defensive when I point out its shortcomings
>doesn't point out the shortcomings of the album I posted because there are none.

Good thread so far OP.

Except I'm OP

It talks about the down side of the music business but doesn't mention that you could put out your own music independently.

It goes out of it's way to kill the hopes and dreams of young musicians. And The Wall is just as bad if not worse for the very same reason.

It drags in the middle

Well then that guy was one hell of a faggot.

That's not the flaw
The real flaw is not enough Syd


hood politics kinda sucks and his flow in general is a little awkward at times throughout, also some of the interludes and little skits are grating, like the mexican maid bit on "u"

hardmode: no mentioning moonchild

bring it on

(somethings) and instrumentals aren't necessarily needed, the drone that's held throughout the album gets annoying when you notice it
besides that most of the criticism thrown at this is that it's "whiny" and he sings out of tune but that's subjective (this album isn't even that whiny, AJJ is fucking whiny)

OP, WYWH is one of the most lopsided albums in history, especially for Pink Floyd. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" is absolutely brilliant and heartwrenching.

Unfortunately, the rest of the album couldn't lived up to SOYCD if it tried, espcially considering how mediocre the rest of the album is.

"Welcome to the Machine" isn't melodic, isn't rich or sophisticated enough, and certainly isn't brilliant in its lyrics or songwriting.

"Have a Cigar" is boring wankery.

"WIsh You Were Here" is an alright campfire song but that's as much as I can say.

The rest of "Shine On" is a good closer but comes off as a lazy effort to close the album. Re-hashing its opening track is just a half-assed with if giving a sense of closure and completion.

I still often call WYWH my favorite Pink Floyd album because of how incredible its best song is (and to be fair, "Shine On" takes up about half of the album). This is largely a recurring problem for Floyd; they write brilliant songs interrupted by pseudo-intellectual filler and audio masturbation.


>no mentioning moonchild
I mean, Moonchild is a piece of shit. Besides that, though, ItCotCK has kind of shit production.

come at me

inb4 they didn't write most of the songs. They perfected other people's work, as I see it.

it doesn't have any particularly memorable melodies or riffs and several of the songs sound pretty similar (ie. going from riffs to batshit tremolo picking and drumming then back again multiple times on several songs, such as Been A Long Time Cousin and City Folk Sitting, Sitting)
that's the best I can do

all the criticism I hear of Sgt Pepper are just that it's not the first album in history to use any of the experimental techniques in it, would love to hear other
that's fair


the melodies and production are somewhat bland compared to other Beatles albums (e.g. Revolver). I don't much like the Beatles for the same reason that I don't find Jessica Alba very attractive; too much perfection leads to blandness and a lack of edge, which leads to a failure to stick out.

1)James LaBrea

2)Boring generic piano songs

The album cover.

Preferably point out a flaw that isn't strictly poor lyrics, Kanye isn't known for his outstanding lyricism (typically)

edgy ur a part of the machine (with cheesy production)

It peaks very early on

i start bawling when listening to this so i can't listen to this as much as I want to

fuck you i'm mentioning moonchild

The intro to Iron Man feels super cheesy

dont really think any album is flawless, but heres one I like

Ozzy seriously needed to take singing lessons. His voice often sounded good (e.g. "Fairies Wear Boots") but he had no conception of proper singing technique. His voice almost always sounds extremely nasally and likes he's completely straining his throat (e.g. the beginning lines of "War Pigs", and though from a different album, the heavy "Where can you run to?" part of "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath"). That's probably why his voice started to sound like horrid cat screeches by the beginning of his solo career. I also think Ozzy is just a hack that has lucked out in associating with phenomenal guitarists.

>all these plebs think Moonchild is shit

Rushed production, ends up sounding rough and 10 tracks is a bit disappointing.



This masterpiece.





It's not MBV


compared to the very vertically dense MBDTF yeezus sounds too... simple? for lack of a better word in many places. The soul samples seem kinda forced at this point and don't mesh that well with the instrumentals

I'm in it is a pretty fucking tasteless song to begin with considering it samples what seems to be porn audio, also the jamaican guy isn't really needed. this also has probably the worst lyrics on the entire album, which is saying something

the Caribbean guy on guilt trip ruins the song for me, and also it has especially shit lyrics

Kanye's sampling and use of R&B/Soul vocals on this album in general seems to be an attempt to make up for his own terrible flow and rhymes, and kanye has proven that he can make good, meaningful, or even tender music with 808s as well as parts of LR

send it up also has fucking awful lyrics from kanye, his feature doing so much better than him while still not making anything particularly good (and again with the fucking jamaican)

the music videos for this album also fucking blew dicks

I enjoy ozzy's vocals and think that a more traditional singing style is ultimately not necessary for metal as a genre, but I see your point it does sound strained at times


o c e a n m a n

>implying cause of a meme its not a god-tier surf rock song



>implying niggers r gay
take a nap in a pool u silly billy.

His production has aged very well at all. Not to mention how the album gets shitty towards the end.

sister ray isnt longer

skits are annoying, i get the concept but they didn't help the transition well
there are some really out of place samples near the end of the album, particularly extra kings
mastering is ass on some songs
beat wise it's pretty amazing, some of the lyrics are so fucking bad though

it had to be posted

For sissies and schoolgirls, very bland and uninteresting, awful album cover that looks like it was made by a woman in her seventies named Doris

Refer to the above, very bland and forgettable. I've read billboards more interesting


The hooks are shitty, most of the theme is corny, the religious aspect is disgusting and the album is pretty boring musically and thematically, also some of the lyrics like "I WENT BOOBOO" are unforgivable

>only memorable due to first song, the rest is trite shit not worth a crap, DUDE SAMPLES LMAO

*Yawn* 2.0


Yet again, a one hit wonder album with too much filler and an awful album cover, his voice is grating throughout too

>actually listening to old buttrock made for soccer dads

DUDE ACID LMAO-tier and really really stupid lyrics

>emo kid core for hipsters + vacuum sounds

Edgy black music for white teens, also a copy of death grips but with garbage lyrics and disgusting beats

LOLSPOOKY.jpg this is fucking boring as fuck and made or weird cult members and autistic kids

Made for weird, edgy greasy stoners who have no friends and unironically blast Ocean Man at parties

So fucking bland, awful album art, every song sounds the same-core

So fucking overrated. The theme is shit and contrived cliches, the hooks make me vomit and the singles are pop shit

Poppy mainstream trash with soccer mom rockabilly anthems, forgettable and some of the worst beats ever and LE EDGY lyrics


Don't get me wrong, I love Pet Sounds, and it's high points are GOAT, but there is a lot of filler. At least 1/3 of the album is meh.

Is it an amazing, genre-defining album? Of course!

Is it flawless? Fuck, no.


The title track sucks.
That's all I have to say about it.
Difficult to get into and stick with. Supper Ready feels pretty fragmented to me, musically, not lyrically or sonically.
The Battle of Epping Forest.
The title track (it was better live) and Corporal Clegg. Dodgy production all around, clips everywhere and obviously rushed recording process.
There are extended moments in the album that are directionless and become background noise almost - a lack of distinct melody or musical direction.
lo-fi done badly
whiny voice
Moonchild, unfortunately, breaks up the pace of the album.
Good Morning
The title tracks
Relies far too heavily on George Martin's input.
John's distorted lead guitar is so out of place.
Too many acoustics guitars, lacks memorable melodies, only one or two really stand out tracks.
Production in general, unless you like that thing.
Sister Ray is literally about cops fucks a transvestite.
The beats are always so damn repetitive and boingy in this album. Some of his later shit averts this trope but goddamn this album can get on my nerves.

I want to point out that I love every album I just criticised quite a lot.

You're absolutely correct, fellow Genesisfag. Our albums are literally perfect. Only people who've tried to criticize them are buttmad plebs with zero taste.





I can't hear what the sad man is saying.

>No Review/10

I haven't gotten attached to title track or a few of the slow ones near the start not including don't talk. Otherwise a solid 10/10. but with those 9/10

>Battle of Epping Forest


More Fool Me is not that good. Otherwise no flaws.
Moonchild should be at least 7 minutes shorter.


>bodysnatchers is kind of a joke the lyrics are awful
>15 step is shill and "complicated" to the media/mainstream critics for being in 5/4 wew
>faust arp isn't even there as a song
>weird fishes has not aged well

It is a little vapid/flat. Admittedly, this is a retrospective criticism after Pinkerton/Black Hole/Maladroit. It's as perfect as a first album can be, and more "perfect" than the following albums quoted, but still a bit unpolished.


Their other album was better


get a load of this contrarian faggot

Nah, that forced-glitchy shit was too much on there. This is easily superior and has better melodies.

Fillers is pretty much the only thing i dislike about this album

They've got the same god damned vocal harmonies on every track, and the album as a whole lacks emotional range.


kill yourself


It's cheesy and overly descriptive and musically doesn't even gel with itself, let alone the rest of the album. The rest of the album has this beautiful flow on effect with sections sliding past each other and sometimes together effortlessly when Epping Forest slams it all in together, changes time sigs for no reason and overall sucks










Generic post-punk with girl singer. Will never be as good as Fever to Tell.






The fucked jam

A bit overly long imo

I know I might get hate for this but is touched REALLY needed?

Its good but not perfect at all. Too many songs that arent 10/10. A 10/10 song is like, mind blowing. this album isn't.

Kalopsia and Fairweather Friends drag a bit

I really don't like House of Cards


way too FUZZY

Album kind of drags on, needed another My God Is The Sun or two to keep the pace up.

What is wrong with corporal clegg?