Dudes after we get down shopping at this radical thrift store lets head down to the gas station to pick up a pack of...

dudes after we get down shopping at this radical thrift store lets head down to the gas station to pick up a pack of cigs. then finish up these tracks for an album. only got 2 good songs written down so lets make some minor changes and stretch them for 8 more songs
duuuuuuuuude were gonna be so rich!

Mac hate is becoming the most annoying meme

who gives a fuck

He's a better singer & guitar player than you. His songwriting is boring but no matter how badly you want him to be "talentless" he never will

He's fun music-man :^D

oh wow im so jealous of a pop artist
you sure got em user

I bet you LIKE 'ciggies'
I DO :^D

I have his number and LA address. Do u guys wanna prank call him

Mac is p good

>caring about someone else's mainstream music popularity vs. your own non-popular preferences

wow user im s0 btfo how u do that son
mistah pop man sure pwnt me

nah, poor MACk-bOY

>implying i'm not a super-lax deconstruct abstract music-man like urself? :O :P
>p0p is prob gr00vy for 0ther pe0ple
>i don't hate p0p th0

: )

but that is actually his endgame, write some simple song with chill acoustic guitar riffs and relaxing vocals.

poop is pop le man dun't even front catdaddy mac ain't got shit on me


Why does this /goofball/ trigger so many Sup Forumstants? Redpill me on viceroys

so EpiC :D

Not everything is a meme u fuckin goober

making 10 threads a day about how much you hate mac demarco isn't any better than others making 10 threads a day about how much they love him.

why is everything demarco so cancer. he should just be banned from the board.

>uses same picture as the same Mac hate post but with a different caption

How is this not a meme?

sounds like you need to stop stalking mac

sounds like you're new here and have never seen that picture before

the average Sup Forumstant is like 16 and from what i can gather normie teens like mac which triggers young autismos

i don't think its mac fault that mu/ hates him its more to do with the people he attracts