If it's shit, why is it so popular?

If it's shit, why is it so popular?

what's the question?

I think the band Slip Knot knew the answer to this question

because most people have shit taste

Because a record company run by Jews with a big marketing budget is shilling the fuck out of him. Same thing with Stormzy and literally every pop artist since the 90's.

lol. Something is good because a large number of people believe it is. The opinion of many outweighs that of a few.

Right just like in nazi germany

majority is always right

'muh majority is right'
lowest common denominator anyone?

I just realised that this album is divide, and his last album was multiply
Is there anything this man can't do lads?

if you want to get this point across here, use the URSS.
Or the flat earth theory.

However, there isn't a "right" and a "wrong" in music

Can't wait for Subtract

His next album is gonna be "Subtract".

I was gonna make that joke and I tought I was so clever

Fuck I hope so that'd be some next level shit
Can't think of another artist with such a cohesive vision for his work, he's probably already working on tan(x) in his head
Truly the GOAT


Well said

Either this is bait or you are seriously the most disgustingly retarded person I've ever come across and should kill yourself immediately. I replied.

tan(x) will be his blackstar when he's dying from nandos induced obesity

>Contrarians butthurt when confronted by common sense.

it is vanilla ice cream

surprisingly accurate

>Ed Sheerans album sucks
>Drakes new album is GOAT

Cuck fucks

Vanilla is good tho

Not only they have shit taste, most people are also just shit.

Argumentum ad populum.

its catchy & safe.

Can't wait for Reinmann Zeta Function



The Shape of You is the real powerhouse of the album. it perfectly fits in with the recent popularity of tropical house and it's catchy as all hell. It's not a very good song artistically speaking, but it has massive pop appeal.