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Sup Forums's memey band strikes again. For how long will you beat that meme? I give it 1 year.

They've been one of my favorite bands my whole life but I knew this release would be pretty shit - Plastic Beach was the beginning of the downfall. Even the artwork is a shell of what it used to be

Plastic Beach is their best album though

all four tracks are dope af

I miss this old artstyle

The whole "Sup Forums hates Gorillaz" meme is about a year old anyway so by that time we'll have gone back to openly loving the band as the default reaction.
Plastic Beach is their best album, and I love all of them (and the G/D-Sides)

And I miss your mom but we all have to move on and take the things life gives you.

All the art tracks were good

808 percussion + jamaicans on every track = how to make me lose all interest in a record

Well I like it
am I stuck in the past or do i just have shit taste?

Does it really have to be A *OR* B though

I thought it was pretty good. You can't expect every album by an artist to be as good as their original work. I'm glad they've changed their music style every album. Based off the four new singles, I'd give it a 7 out of 10.


neither, you think for yourself rather than following the opinions of a chinese sewing imageboard like a sheep.

The artwork was the only good thing about Plastic Beach. Their whole visual gimmick is absolute fucking shite and having them not indulge in this wankery with that album was quite refreshing.

Well if you like it your definitely not in the past. I mean it is still the same genre fusion beauty that makes the Gorillaz great but the tracks are very current in terms of music culture

>Mom joke
underageb& detected

andromeda and ascension are fucking amazing

musically pretty simple and accessible but great nevertheless


new tracks are fucking woeful lmao


I was worried about Noodle, but I think she looks pretty good, just more grown up. She still looks like noodle
pic related

Was Plastic Beach really as bad as people say it is? I fucking loved that shit.

I wonder why Sup Forums doesn't really allow for nuanced opinion.

I guess A or B mentality makes it easier for people to make decisions and feel validated.

At least on news/contemporary music - a lot of people here seem to love to jump to their conclusion and then begin antagonizing people who either haven't made up their mind or who've chosen the other option.

It's really annoying. I used to come here to find new music and discuss music differently. Now it just seems like a fragile echo chamber of agreed-upon opinions.

Nice Reddit spacing faggot

Say what you people will. Andromeda is amazing.

saturnz barz and ascension is fucking shit

Andromeda and we've got the power is the shit

Fucking thank you, so many plebs calling We Got the Power shit. It's the simplest song by far, but it's so good.


Please, please, please let the rest of the album be like Andromeda and not these other tracks.

Sup Forums has always been shit. Stop conflating singular people posting their opinions as the board groupthink

The average thread's lifespan on this board is just too low to justify writing out huge, intellectualized opinions on everything.

And anyway, it's all subjective - what's the point of trying to convince someone that a song is actually 'good' anyway?

It's not as commercially friendly as Demon Days.

>tfw someone says they actually liked saturnz barz

you're a fucking idiot

>tfw someone likes a song then gets criticized for doing so.

>tfw someone has an opinion

>liking a shit song

>oh no why is this website so shit
>better complain about it while formatting my posts in a completely pointless way that only makes sense if I'm double spacing instinctively after karma whoring on a different website all day long

>am I stuck in the past
you're stuck in the now

Listing to Andromeda right now, it's pretty fucking good.

all the songs are good, Sup Forums is just full of contratian fucks who don't like the new thing from the popular band

All 4 tracks are great

Huh, just checked them out and honestly I don't really like any of them. Like Andromeda is maybe a generous 6/10, wasn't even feeling that one, and considering I actually kind of like Savages seeing Jehnny get wasted on a track like We've Got The Power just depresses me. I feel like this is gonna be DARE: The Album, and I fucking hate DARE. Also, Hallelujah Money made the cut. Fucking Christ, this is a mess. I just listened to Demon Days on a whim the other day and almost every song blows these the fuck out.


"DARE: the album"
"Hallelujah Money made the cut."

pick one

Between those two, I'd probably take DARE: The Album, and that says something.

I really liked the fall

Are you the same faggot from the Tomo-chan thread on Sup Forums? You're one autistic motherfucker.

Hillbilly man makes me angry with the violent shift in tone. One of the only songs ever to piss me off, the fuck was Damon thinking

Out of all the leaks Saturnz sounded the most shit. I think the rest might be better but this song is just a giant turd. Especially for a lead single.

hated the songs first listen. guess i was too hyped. but after listening to the songs a few more times spirit house is definitely a favorite. starts weak, but i get real into it when 2D comes in the song. the rest are decent but nothing note worthy


Sup Forums isn't 18+ ya dingus

>feat X
>feat X
>feat X


Sup Forums as a whole is you dumbfuck

>who are gorillaz even

Is this a new meme?

isnt that their thing though?

To be honest Demon Days and ST did not have nearly as many features as Plastic Beach and this album did.

>no more nazi keith richards murdoc

>plastic beach was my first gorillaz album: the post

New Gorillaz album art work revealed!

>tfw I like them all

no offense kid

>that face

what did he mean by this?

Thats a fair thing to say, but it is kinda their trademark to feature artists. S/t and demon days had features on almost all of their singles
Actually it was demon days

Plastic Beach > Humanz (so far) > The Fall = Demon Days > Gorillaz


Your opinion sucks.

So, you're underage for real, then? or are you somehow really THAT retarded

>tfw they will never make anything as good as Feel Good

feel good is fucking shit in my opinion. make something like d-sides again please

I know.

lmao pleb

top tier taste

rate my shit taste

d-sides > self titled > plastic beach > demon days > the fall > that self titled space monkeys remix

also do ya thang is legit one of their top 5 songs

Andromeda is awesome, Ascension is at least decent, Saturnz barz didn't really strike a chord with me, but it's getting better after listening to it a few times, We've got the Power has a great instrumental, but the lyrics are extremely corny. Kinda disappointing, but I'm still looking forward to the album.

Feel Good wasn't even the best track in Demon Days smfh

my niggas

the beat is really good
the autotune bullshit sucks, as always
I'm torn

>rating an album that hasnt come out yet as the second best
>ranking the first album as last

really wish you didn't post this

what do u think of this

God, don't you HATE music?????

There's something wrong with you son.

Plastic Beach is alright. Demon Days and Self Titled should be higher than it though.



At least it's better than Hallelujah Money.
Ascension is dank, Saturnz Bars is pretty good, Andromeda is k, We've Got The Power feels like a feel-good movie ending song.

>Gorillaz artstyle has them looking less cartoony every album, now almost looking human(z)


Also for a little lore talk, what's the reasoning for Russel being normal size now? He was bigger than the house in DoYaThang

Stop this

Danny Brown's track was leaked a couple days ago, it's fucking amazing.

Yeah I'm practically desensitized to that sound at this point. Just feels so uninspired

The song gets so much better with Damon singing

new track fuckin SUCKS

Ascencion > Adromeda = Saturnz Barz(after like 3 listens) > We´ve got the power

Russel washed up on North Korea after a fight with some japanese whalers, where he was kept as an attraction. He shrunk down because of how little food NK had to give him

I fucking bought d-sides. First and only album I ever bought. It was cool having all the new songs. The two you posted are the standout songs. Most of the other songs feel like filler. I think I paid 27$ and it was worth it for the special edition with the trinkets I never used. Why don't they make special edition albums with a CD, a USB/SDcard, and a tiny box full of little thingamajigs. I remember making a video with "Stop the Dams as background music".


only pop worth listening to imo..

you're a fucking pleb imo..

gorillaz hasnt put out a good record since 2001