ITT name genres you want to hear and other anons recommend stuff

ITT name genres you want to hear and other anons recommend stuff

>bluegaze (blues + shoegaze)
>noise country
>blackwave (black metal + new wave)

Other urls found in this thread:

>noise country

>noise country
I've been waiting for someone to ask for this.

Thanks user I will check it out.

Huh yeah I hadn't thought of them but I guess you're right.

Noise pop

that is the actual name of a genre

Dream punk

Fuck this fucking meme.


microsound pop
deep trance
more breakbeat shoegaze like bowery electric

Would this be like Crystal Castles

National Socialist core

nah, cc are synthpop and synthpop subgenres

Name some dream punk then

Ska grind

Operation Ivy

Crystal Castles are synth punk. And some of their music is kind of dreamy.

Industrial house

Psychic tv tune in turn on the acid house

Op Ivy is not grind at all

Jungle grunge

Blackened techno

I have no clue
I said synthpop AND subgenres
yes it is, but they don't really have any dreamy synthpunk, that i remenber at least

>they don't really have any dreamy synthpunk

Jangle Trap
Industrial Swing
Grunge House
Math Funk

that's synthpop, synthpunk has harsher vocals

Progressive Dub
Minimal Prog
Synth Country

>Math Funk
The Stickmen - Insatiable

Closest I can think is Rudimentary Peni, way more post-punk than new wave though

>more hyper grunge than just oneohtrix point never
>chopped and screwed death metal
>bluegrass x doom metal

nvm they do have some dreamy synthpunk

Jazzgaze or brassgaze
Synth folk
Chip metal

>chip metal
Horse the band
>synth folk
Joan of Arc's folky stuff
last exit


What is hyper grunge and what has OPN made that fits this description

I think this fits both hypergrunge and chopped and screwed death metal

He's called Garden Of Delete hyper grunge

Will check out, thanks

oh fuck how did I forget about Horse the Band I fucking love them.

any other chip metal?

I'll def check out Joan of Arc and Last Exit

I thought it was cyber grunge.

>prog dub
eh fishmans?
>minimal prog
literally a subgenre, tubular bells for example is often referred to as minimalist prog
>synth country
almost any country on the radio today, shits loaded with terrible overproduction and computer noises

closest thing to industrial swing I think would be Komara which is more of an industrial jazz album in general

>Progressive Dub

I didn't know I wanted this but I do now.

baroque noise

why is Black Monk Time discussed so infrequently on Sup Forums? It's one hell of an album

I dunno. I've always seen it as an essential listen. Fun as fuck to listen to.


Psychedelic Juke
Chopped-and-screwed Jazz
Progressive Jungle

Psychedelic ambient.

Not psybient. Also, I know of some psychedelic drone music, and it didn't really work for me.


also, trap folk

is this trap folk?

okay wait I just checked out Last Exit and this shit is nuts, though I'd consider it more free jazz with some rock influence than straight up "jazzgaze"

>Math IDM
>glitch soul
>blackened techno
probably EBM