
red flags edition

Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=field hollers&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=&limit=none&countries=
soundcloud.com/search?q=i pass my class

more than 5 5s for every 1k ratings is a red flag


>more than 5 5s for every 1k ratings is a red flag
>has a completely retarded rating system

desperate attempts at "le ironic humor xD"


why is it completely retarded? It's how I genuinely feel

this is a red flag

1.5 is such an odd choice of rating for things you consider the worst.

1.5 is for everything that is mediocre to awful. There's no point in having a bunch of ratings for albums you don't like when you can focus on rating the albums you don't like instead.

you like instead*

so why do you have 2 0.5s for no reason

0.5 is for the music that makes me feel physically sick a.k.a the worst music of all time

btfo once again

This is a red flag:

what could possibly be bad enough to induce physical sickness about some obscure burmese classical album.

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&include_child_genres=1&genres=field hollers&include_child_genres_chk=1&include=both&origin_countries=&limit=none&countries=

god DAMN

well the quality is fucking atrocious but not in a good was like LRD but I still understand why people like this burmese classic album because of that but to me it's unbearable. The vocals sound fucking scary to me and I just got a extremely uneasy feeling from the whole album



the realest red flag is when you click on someones 5s and they have either ABBA or AC/DC


holy shit...

.................. how will he ever recover?

his bandcamp is gone

>not liking ABBA
t. Poseur


I mean people can do whatever they want, but I find these random rating systems kinda useless. It's nice if someone uses one that make sense and you can quickly look at stuff he loves or hates when you want to rec or get recced something.

give an example of a "random rating system"


or people who give random names to the description like "5 stars = strawberry"

or people who use 9 ways to say they love something and 1 for "the rest"

just some kind of bell curve (doesn't have to be perfect) + descriptions that make sense are the best to me


I am very sorry?


That's me. It's not at all random though. It's how I genuinely feel

>or people who use 9 ways to say they love something and 1 for "the rest"

literally what is wrong with this? Who cares about albums you don't like.


what are your beige flags?

I think it's interesting to try and rate stuff you dislike and make decisions why you hate something compared to something you just have a mild distaste for.

>posts on the forums
>has never been banned before
>is on good terms with the moderators

>click on someone's 5s
>there's trout mask replica, twin infinitives and black saint and the sinner lady

hi shamepai

-no ragga rated
-no jungle rated
-no ragga jungle rated

Judge my rating system pls

>19 ratings
>Judge my rating system pls


>2.5 - average

what did he mean by this?

my literal face when a positive gaily faggot enters my rateyourmusic.com general thread


it's spelled raga

It's spelt raggamuffin you mowly cruff.

Finally posted my first review last night, if anyone could check it out and give any tips on my writing style I would appreciate it


im not talking about raga u idiot im talking about ragga

what's the point of using rym if you're going to give everything the same rating.

L "Y" J unmasked

anything by the beatles 5 starred

There is no bad music

>female as profile picture
>gender set to female
>token "world music" album in fives
>ooga booga thump thump music rated 4.0+
>bla "depression is a fashion accessory" dee rated 3.5+
>eastman rated above mozart
>any vaporwave rated higher than 2.5
>"18" or age set to maximum (usually code for underage)
>listens to bandcampshit and takes it seriously
>tumblr linked on profile
>less than 1,000 film ratings
>highest rated films includes anime

sonemic logo

marcel is a sperg

typical positive faggot mindset

anysong that starts out with "yeah nigga".
Exhibit A:
soundcloud.com/search?q=i pass my class

avalon already is a slowed down siguyr ros song. JUST

>2.0 No enjoyment
>1.5 Tolerable
wew lad

R8 my tops

fuck off febreze

The review was ok tho right

No u can't hang with me
U wish man

marcel deleted his replies btw

>still talking a out this Marcel kid
Pathetic lol.

>talking a out
is that nigger-speak or a typo?

>look mom i have ~range~

please dont reply to him

I'd rate this 1 and a half dubtechnos on my google now scale

>doesn't post his
Put your money where your mouth is faggot

>>bla "depression is a fashion accessory" dee
when are people gonna realize the shit he makes is literally a mockery of mental illness


Dubman Kys u smelly nigger
What release are you even talking about?

>don't even know what's on your own chart
dumb ass

>all this nigger and chink music
White guilt alert

Im south korean

Speaking of red flags the ultimate one is Jazz desu

Only musicians* understand jazz

*people who know theroy not guitar strummers. It helps if you have perfect pitch too

That explains the female chink worship lls

when are you gonna realize there's no one correct interpretation like that..........

Hm ?
Lucky digits confirm

gummy >

There's this stereotype that Asian men are meek and subservient when faced with a female which would explain your latent cuckedness as displayed by your chart

$5 says your not even white

Lol ur mad
Even niggers know this stereotype

Lol you are black arent u squidward

Mozart tokenism is real, kids add him to their favorites after their first skim through a /classical/ thread

that would include you, dumbass

is akbokrug a ladyboy

>rates singles
>soulja boy single a 5/5


>soulja boy five stars
holy shit ahahahahha

hello i'm new here

it's classic

You act like you're not a walking stereotype yourself with your Lel so esoteric chart lls
U know what they say about pointing fingers

>music :)

oh no


i am so happy to be alive

really a musician among musicians. i hope my paulstretch skills are as good as his someday!

Lls @ chinks who try to act tough

lls ... ?

anyway, listen to some Li Xianglan and Kpop so you stop being so butthurt all the time hahahaha

Lls you really are a total spazmoid