Be me, a white cop

> Be me, a white cop
> Be racist, because I'm white
> See kind nigger walking peacefully down the street
> Immediately feels the urge to kill him, since I'm racist, since I'm white
> Pull my gun and shoot him with no reason
> When he dead, laugh because I know Justice will discharge, since I'm white and we live in a racist country that never charge the whites
> Walk away looking for another black man to shoot

This what retarded liberal actually believe.

How old were you when you grew out of these bullshits ?

Other urls found in this thread:




Don't get it.. I don't expect any personnal army here, only a debate on how we should eradicate liberals.




stay mad white boys








Why would we be mad, ya'll are destroying your own genetic lineage kek.

Oh, and no one wants to fuck a nigger woman anyway so it's not surprising they beg the attention of white women.

At what point did OP ask for us to do anything other than make discussion ???

Don't feed the teenager...


Fuck you and your dead mother in the ass.


>Believing that liberals think this way
Wew lads. Guess it's winter break still

I'm a liberal and I don't believe this.

>vets shouldn't get priority for cop jobs
>cops are public servants not a branch of the military

That's about all I believe. I know a bunch of vetfags will get their fucking panties twisted over that opinion, but oh well. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the whole "he was an ex con/pedo and was resisting arrest by sitting in a car guess it was all OK to skip the Justice system and kill him".

Yes, a lot of criminals who have done horrible things deserve to die, but it's not an officer's duty to dole it out.

>inb4 dumb millennial/cuck/imma vet I gotta work too idgaf anymore

Sup Forums is so cute when they're mad

Fun fact: Peanut butter wasn't even invented by a black person.



Day of the rope when ?

thank the Gods for Gamergate


No race is equal it is like saying all dogs are the same.



be mad at your ancestors for bringing them here. so go piss on their grave today.

No liberals believe that you inbred retard

We don't care

What if the vet was an MP? I don't think they're just handing out cop jobs to every ex military. That would just be dumb, I agree. I worked on nuclear reactors in the Navy, but that doesn't qualify me to be a cop in any form or fashion. Nobody's ever tried to offer me a job as a cop though, or suggest that I apply, because I'm obviously not qualified in any way except probably physically. But why wouldn't working in the Military Police qualify them to work as a cop in the civilian sector afterwards?

Is that why you're all screaming shit like:



Flawless logic. I guess policing a bunch of soldiers qualifies someone to police a bunch of civilians since they're all just Americans anyway.

This way of thinking is what pushed is into a militant police force, combined with the mindset that it's still 1890 or that cops are some comic book character.

I'm not sure if you understand the meaning of this thread.

The thread is to criticize liberals for believing into 'racist cops' or something like that. It's not a black hate thread.

So which of the niggers does she rape first?

>How old were you when you grew out of these bullshits

i was 20. i took my first acid and realized money runs the world. money is the reason racism exists, money is the reason every good and bad thing happens, and no matter how liberal i wanted to be, money would still rule over everything. so now i hustle every day as a capitalist trying to turn my chump change into trump change.

Does someone really believe in this xD There might be some cops that exaggerate, but black people do stupid things more often.

We don't have to eradicate them. This last election proved that. We beat them with logic. We best them with the realization that they are a bunch of a snowflakes that melt when they don't get their way. With conservatives in control of every branch of government they would t get their way anymore. Well no more than anyone else. Supreme Court will see to that when a conservative takes position (s). It will get better on its own. When people start finding jobs. When people start having it better they will realize how bad the left have made it for us and things will settle.

>We beat them with logic
I am certainely not a lib but hold your horses
just because you elected Trump doesn't mean you've won

We'll see what he decides to do and if he'll be just another soft-core politician that can't do any shit worthwhile or important

What exactly do MP's do that would not be allowed for a civilian cop to do? Or are you just covering your ass now that someone's called out your idiotic train of thought?

Dat mother fuckers dead HAHAHAHAHA

Do 100% of cops think this? No.

But if one of you thinks this way, the rest of you are culpable for not getting in his face about it every day, even if it means you get fired.

Look at a black person's Facebook page . Many of them are plastered with images of white mugshots and various complaints about white people and images and videos ridiculing white people. Also admonishing white people. Then the comments are filled with delusional rants by black people.

Link to someones page with shit like that.

Logic? Ignoring reality is logic now? Nice and easy, don't cut yourself on that edge faggot.

>facebook gary.elerby

They can keep the fat bitches

> Be me
> Jobless blackie payed on social services
> Lurk money from white people while being a disgracefull human.
> Black and angry manchild, midager
> Daily basis on 4ch to feel offended by childern half or 1/3th my age.
> Leftist hate media influenced my 4,5 braincells.
> I believe that all dindus were not guilty
> I believe that niggers are civilized people
> I believe that niggers are not obnoxius and potentially chimpouts on a daily basis.
> I believe that niggers got exact the same capabilities and social or intellectual skills as any other race.
> I believe that niggers are not hatefull sub-humans.
> I believe that niggers are not afraid of white people so for that manner not hatefull and whiteblaming.
> I also believe that niggers are a huge contribute to society and non of the black neighbourhoods were polutted because of the amount of niggers.
> Be me OP on Sup Forums
> Potentially the rapist of your white girlfriend
> Obsessed with white mimmmin and in a hard denial of my suffering and urge to touch a white skin in real life, legally.
> I am OP: nigger in real life

This is far from a NYPA moment faggit

Nobody cares. Really. Its just niggers who really believe that one out thousand white women is their tropy. This is why niggers only gain moderate and low achievements in live. They can't handle common sense.

Haha this particular group of people doesn't share my opinion therefore they must be retarded

You're a true faggot OP, i'm proud

So I'm supposed to be mad that these well-to-do white women rented a couple of darkies to ride around on during spring bash? I don't think so.

>implying not only whites can be racist
really breaking new grounds here

>be me, white
>fucking my entire family
>living off welfare and judging black people for it
>find out more white people on welfare than black people
>gonna shoot up a school and kill myself

I was a raging libtard until 24, then I woke up and realized that each race have their own sort of cultural differences and that certain racial lifestyles/cultures produce more bad apples than others, hence why there are more black gangs and problems in black neighborhood than there are in white.. Blacks tend to thrive in lifestyles of hostility, selfishness, and disrespect for other races, women, and authority, not to mention a lack of respect for themselves. Crime and poverty seem to be a common theme as well..

Whose fault is all of this? Maybe it's the oppression in the past that they faced to a certain degree, but it's also blacks, too.. for they refuse to have common sense and pull themselves out of these gangbanging, ghetto trash, gangsta, hoodrat lifestyles.

God knows, blacks used to make great music and actually be kind, friendly folk.. but not so much anymore. They are hostile, irrational, loud, obnoxious, and brainwashed.

Take into consideration as well that blacks tend to produce less Vitamin D in sunlight, as do all darker skinned people. A lack of Vitamin D leads to producing less dopamine and serotonin, which leads to depression, apathy and laziness, emotional and anger issues, blank/dumbness, and overall frustration frustration and unhappiness in life.. This leads to drug use and that can lead to other shit.. and being a part of a culture of people that look down upon sensitivity, they don't talk about their problems.. they mask them with tough attitudes and just bottle it all up, become hollow, self-serving shells of people.

I'm not racist by any means. I'm actually quite empathetic towards people. I try to understand and see the reality of their situations, and this is my conclusion.

Your worldview doesnt reach further than your own nigger neighborhood. Obviously. Why you always will stay a nigger

Im from Poland.
If I kill a nigger today, the media will not even notice.

If I want I can beat a nigger to death and walk away with it.

stay fucking your dad and living in the country while you suck horse cock

its okay, we don't want black women either

its basically the only thing niggers and people with jobs have in common

>suck horse cock

I thought Africans were the ones fucking pigs, monkeys, goats, cows and of course toddlers?

I can kill a nigger for fun. Nobody will notice it.

Exact. This nigger is confused about the facts.

we all know white people get farms to fuck the animals because something is wrong with them. and as much cp has been posted on this site there has not once been a nigger toddler. try harder faggot


Animal abuse includes sexual abuse, niggers overrepresented of course, as they are in every other crime.

Most of them cant even communicate with cops because we dont learn English as second language.

Just walk by one of those niggers and stab a screwdriver in his neck and beat him to death.
Police will only make a report.


>cluster sampling
>cheap way to not be accurate

is that kanye west eating out kim kardashian?

>nigger toddler

They can't afford cameras deep in the bush in Africa, my friend. I doubt they even know what a camera is.

>tfw read an article yesterday about a 26-year old woman finding her horse injured after having been, presumably, fucked by one of the new, exciting immigrants our country took in last year

It's pretty crazy.

>When he dead
OP is a nigger

Okay, I'm willing to take in new information

please cite research that contradicts this with a greater sample size

Look this guy just posts that in almost every thread to get reactions. He was gone for a month or two but I guess his school is still on break.

Never thought that was the case. Not everyone is so easily convinced and/or stupid.

proof that white people love bestiality



its not the sample size dipshit
cluster samples are just unreliable

about 30

its a new banana , some autistic genetic mistake replies like that to every op

I still believe this is a racist country.

This means. Not a good idea to be black in a 5miles distance close.

People just dont like niggers and their blackness

>his what retarded liberal actually believe.
> how we should eradicate liberals.

If you wanted to have a debate you failed already.

>find out more white people on welfare than black people
well no shit, it's about percentages sperg


Kanye Eating out the phat booday

This is from a documentairy about nigger-habbits. This nigger is brushing his teeth atm with a cow anus.

>googles whether or not white people actually are on welfare more than black people
>realizes most of the shit he said is made up

Exact. But this Dundu dindunuffing at school like all dindus dind

>>gonna shoot up a school and kill myself

Whites are capable of thinking out evil plans even know its wrong. A nigger would rather kill another nigger just because (gorrilla instinct) he walked, passed by and looked him in the eyes.

Who the fuck invited niggers to this board?

If you're black your only obligation in life is to end yourself and as many error-skins as possible.

Fuck niggers.

This is liberal logic and cannot be reasoned with.
They have no understanding of the military and the people who serve.

You should not have taken their bait. You can't argue with idiots. They will bring you down to their level.

Then you have no concept of racism.

A country cannot be racist only the people in it.

If a country were racist; say like Germany to the Jews; then you would see death camps where the minority would be eliminated.

>inb4; holocaust didn't happen.
>inb4: get out you fucking jew

Not a Jew, German descent. Accept that shit happened.

>This what retarded liberal actually believe.

She is blinde

Your sizable check from CrimeStoppers is
in the mail, Sir!