I just watched Mike Tyson clips and I want to punch people today

I just watched Mike Tyson clips and I want to punch people today
Who want to get slept? I can kick the ass of anybody on Sup Forums

I'm in St. Louis, I will literally destroy you

Name a time and place you want to get floored

You live in Seattle OP? Let's fight.

Give me 3-4 hours I'll book a flight just to come put you to sleep

Do you know where teachers is?

Ill starch you homie

also in St Louis
i'll fuck you both up with my king-size kung-fu man-hands of abysmal fucking fury

Cool. I'll pick you up from the airport.

Do you know where Macdonal park in st Ann is, I'll meet you there

Let's have a beer first?

I'm gonna be there in 45 minutes. I'll be the shirtless, ripped mother fucker in the Guy Fawkes mask. I'll be by the swings, bitch. See you soon.

golden glove checkin in
will toy with you and then tuck you in homie

Can I come?

kick his ass then throw him on the baggage carousel

anytime baby ;)

i'll fight anyone who is not a nigger or a spic or asian or jewish or arab or mixed blood. I can take on any human but admit that animals like mentioned above might best me

I'm sparring at boxing tonight. Me and this other guy. We've sparred about 6 times before, and I've been a gym-only boxer for the better part of a decade. But I still get a little nervous doing it. Just not cut out for it, but I still push myself to do it. Great exercise.

I got 50 bucks on this guy

found the /fit/ poster

Where you want it?

Don't let this thread die...I wanna hear who wins the fight.

bring a friend and livestream faggots

i don't have a friend
can i bring a hobo?

someone post pics!


nigga, just take any homeless on the street

give up boxing. move to wrestling or judo. most fist fights wind up grappling.

Yeah he should do the job for a bucket of chicken

You said 45 minutes an hour ago. Which one of you pussed out?

shit i was thinking a 2-piece with a biscuit.

Lots of homeless niggers in STL.

I think they're both pussies

probably had expired bus pass

You faggots are using the wrong bait.

idk i've seen people go crazy for popeye's biscuits

True that. Fight anons have forsaken us. I'm abandoning thread. Fuck you op. All blow and no go.