Post your music workstations and/or instruments and rate

Post your music workstations and/or instruments and rate.

>Fucking 2/10 right here

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This one is my favorite.

>not using sheet music

Just finished putting this one together. I thought it turned out well.

Yea I'm just learning. I've software to learn formally and this particular software will show the .mid file as sheet music too.

I don't know what I'm looking at but it looks sharp.

Try to use just use it in the sheet music mode, you can do it with the falling notes, but once you've learned to do it with just the sheet you can get songs down alot quicker.

Lol it's just my guitar and one of my bass amps.

Believe it or not, at my parents house I have that exact keyboard and I learned keys using synthesia, no shame. Strings come naturally to me but I needed all the help I could get figuring out keys.

this is a few months old and im lazy to take a photo again basically i have that all full now and i have a chorus pedal and a delay pedal and the amp has built in effects and shit it's pretty mad i also have more guitars now

Dang dude! This guitar is sexy. I was looking at these a while back but ending up getting squire

I also rate mine 5/10 because i think it's average and nice :)

Here's my ray with its rig, this is actually the thumbnail for a cover video I did a awhile back lol

I'd give it a 6, it's at least a good place to start.

Fucking beautiful.
My Guild Starfire.

That is the sexiest hollowbody bass I've ever seen

I mean I'd give that a 1.5 tops.

Heres mine

i wanna call bs but if it is yours, very nice friend.

Nice double bass. What make?

I'm rocking this little faggot

shit instrument
nice dubs


It sounds like an upright and it fits in my tiny ass car. Someday I'll get a big one. Does feel like a toy tbh.

It's been modded with an emg 85 in the bridge since this pic was taken.

I think that'll be the long-term plan. I've a cousin visiting for a week and we're looking to jam out for a bit in the garage with her on the guitar so I just wanted to nail down a few riffs now. But yea, I really need to learn sheet music.

Nice! Yea I've had it about 7 years now, but I've been off and on. I'm trying to genuinely make it an effort.

Okie dokie. That's how to do it.

Fucking tight. With the EMG's I bet it's a beast


I do upright on and off too. Its too dependent on other instruments for me to play it daily I find. Its just not fun unless I'm in a group and I don't play out too often since the last band fell apart. Still a neat toy if you can afford it lol

Oops. Thought it was the other guy lol, either way. I can't play keys worth a crap, good luck with it

>Clavia Nord electro 73
>Takamine Accoustic Bass
>Takamine EF440SC GF
>shitty 15€ Hohner Concert Guitar (for fun)
>Yamaha PS-55 (retro as fuck)
>student violin (metal strings, whatever, does the job)
> Clavia Nord Lead 2X Rack
> Keilwerth Alt-Sax
> Sonor Drum Kit (900€ back in 2009)

Ew an acoustic bass guitar

I like my rig

Nice mesa

it's semi-accoustic, built in amp and tuner

works fine although it needs a lot of editing, sounds great

definitely not bs.
I'm a music composer and mixing engineer

>tries to be high and mighty
>acoustics all fucked up in the room
>recording probably sounds terrible

some dumbass with a $450 laptop and pirated music software with less than a $100 midi keyboard could probably make better music than you lol

also I used to play one dem big ass basses and they are gay as fuck

If you can make it work Hell yeah power to ya. It was too much effort for me to care enough to get it sound right. Near for campfire jams tho

> comes into a nice thread being a dick to people

welcome to the inet faggot

negative reinforcement is always nice

actually the room sounds amazing. nice natural reverb. I also mostly record live instruments, and dont just make electronic music like a faggot..

also I actually make money from my music and recording.

so fuck yourself.

also "one of those big ass basses" is called a cello, and it's a pretty beautiful instrument if used properly in your arrangements.

I'm not afraid of heavy editing.
I put a compressor and gate on this editing and messed with the EQ a lot. suited my idea.


name of software pls

Not bad at all. Very p-bassy.

everyone with laptops and midi controllers in here is a fucking god damn scrub

learn to actually play an instrument nobody cares about your fucking "mixes"

edm is a god damn plague i fucking hate this next generation your music has no god damn feeling what so ever

or cello for short... lol

You tell 'em.

is that a kill la kill wallpaper?

That's a decent setup especially if you're a beginner. I would give it a 5.5-6/10. How long have you been playing?


before any fucking laptop moron on soundclloud tries to say some shit.

I play drums in an actual touring band that plays all around the USA and Canada. Have about 7000~ monthly listeners on spotify and over 60k bandcamp downloads of our last record.

which is not huge, but more than your stupid shit will ever do

Thanks. I've been playing for around 3 weeks. How about you?

kek, big ass bass

I agree with you as an instrumentalist myself but for a lot of people it's difficult to get groups together and I suppose EDM or whatever the fuck it is is a good way to make music on your lonesome.

dude, it's Sup Forums. don't get heated up over some cunt saying you suck on no good grounds

I know I know. I have this kneejerk reaction to this kind of shit. I should be happy because anyone trying to make music/art is cool if it makes them happy and they like doing it.

But at the same time theres something in me saying "EDM IS A STUPID TREND AND YOU WONT STICK WITH IT PLEASE DO SOMETHING REAL"

Name of band?

The grounds are that I see all you motherfuckers all day on my social media feeds with like #workin #grindin and shit..with your stupid picture of your computer and your midi controller..but I click on your soundcloud and it's all shit.

You'll never get them to dig 60 cycle hum

Oh of course. The majority of it is shit ass garbage. But at least they're having fun playing in their own shit

I will not post it because i'm part of a very PC scene and being associated with this shit would hurt our reputation.

It's a shoegaze band and we're from chicago.

It doesn't matter if you use a computer with 50 VST plugins or a shitty broken ukulele with a contact mic and overdrive, so long as the result is good.

squarepusher did an entire album just on his laptop, some time later he started Shobaleader One, almost entirely accoustic takes on his previous work.

there's idiots on both sides who say their approach is better. the result is what counts

My Cucky Valentine?

Or how about Sup Forumsdive?

I agree. I'm definitely being a huge asshole. It's cool that people want to make art instead of just going to electric forest and listening to terrible music.

yeah shoegaze seems to be "hip" at the moment

I love electronica. I just know that 90% of people with midi controllers and laptops are going through a phase because EDM is so popular right now.

and its incredibly boring to drum for

How bout we go back to pictures of instruments? I like pictures of instruments

most amateur EDM is pure cancer. I'd rather go with IDM, aphex twin, squarepusher, venetian snares. modeselektor, autechre ...

fuck that kid skrillex though

cheers, mate! any demos of yourself?

Autechre is tight.

My coworker listens to lots of what I consider terrible dubstep thats just fucking blows. It has no feeling at all.


>My Cucky Valentine

I can relate. People fall for the worst crap today.
Flying Lotus, Gonjasufi, Kendrick Lamar ... -->> !

i just got a shitty laptop with fl studio 12, headphones and some small midi

I'm implore you not to look at my other videos from like 6 years ago but whatev.

I've played/play for a handful of small pub bands and a couple jazz combos. Been trying to get a ska group together but it's difficult in NoCo I'm finding.

I mean, they're making actual music

he speaks the truth,

I agree with you, i also think its important for people to have hobbies and learn shit.

but as a musician who actually puts time, money, and dedication into his work it's really fucking depressing to see kids with a laptop posting a dj mix on soundcloud and getting thousands of plays.
none of them are in it for the long term.
only a small handful of them will continue to do it for the rest of their lives.

Music to me is literally what i do with my life.
you have to take different avenues whether they be recording/ mixing, licensing, playing in touring bands, merchandising, and whatever else.
it's a full time commitment... while also having to have a job on the side that pays the bills. because money is a thing.

the EDM craze really is just devaluing musicians who are born to put their life into their craft,

Ah sweet Chicago. My favorite band, Knuckle Puck is from there. Have you ever met them?

Post souncloud or it didn't happen.

nice amp, good warm sound too

Palladino is a brazy mofo

But that's just it. Most of those kids get no more listens than they do subscribers for their Minecraft let's play. Their not a threat, it's just obnoxious and makes people think EDM sucks when I'm sure there's some fantastic fucking music out there

Fucking love Palladino. I play in a 3 piece with some old high school buddies of mine and the guitar guy is just obsessed with John Mayer Trio so I play Pino quite a bit lol

My midi interface between my laptop and digital piano is strictly there so I can learn how to play; I'm not "mixing" any edm.

John Mayor, amazing guitarist, terrible singer/ song-writer

I'll say. My guitar friend doesn't sing so I have that privilege while playing bass and I just don't like singing Mayer's stuff. No real reason, it just doesn't grab me. I prefer to play Cake-type stuff.

I don't mean to say their a threat personally.

what is a threat is what they add to the over-saturation of the market.

It's hard to get people to pay attention to music when literally everyone with a laptop is posting links to their mixes on soundcloud now. most people pay no mind to it anymore. you have to do things that are attention grabbing, which makes it harder to make genuine music.

A lot of the time, people who are making genuine music are looked over on the internet at least.

Oooh my warwick. Bet you can't tell what bands I like

Definitely. I went to uni to be a photographer and degree or not, because everyone can be one now I'm heavily discredited and have given up on it. Same deal.

I'm not worried about them hurting my market since I appeal to a completely different fan base.

I just literally think they're worthless pieces of garbage and that their music is not even music.

I don't like pop punk but i think they played the festival we played at double door? i dunno

me too lol.

I started in film school, and studied camera work/ photography. I realized right away that in order to "make it" in that field and be respected, you had to have a lot of money to spend on high quality gear, or else no one is going to hire oyu or take you seriously in the professional world.


I never managed to iron out the latency issue on my midi controller. Tried installing asio drivers, didnt work.

Kind of a funky subject. How do I get it working?

>only 4 strings
>only 3 knobs
>no switch
>gay unfitting sticker
what a loser

if your music is good, you'll have no problem getting it out there. it's just a fucking lot of work on publicity. The only true rewarding thing is playing gigs and talking to people afterwards.

when this random dude just walked up to us and helped us put our stuff back in the car, with a big smile and totally into the music. that's rewarding. if you depend on it financiyll though, it starts to suck

that's not necessarily true, even with good publicity it can still be hard. the internet is a tricky place. people either care a lot, or they dont at all. But i agree with you for the most part.


I gave up on spreading the word online. Even people you know often don't react and you hardly reach new people, if you're starting. That thing buying ads and traffic on fb is bullshit. I figure if I really had the time, I'd start writing directly to small, weird venues and organize a tour myself. That's what most independent bands did in my city.

I do solo stuff. As a band, we are just two guys. Him playing bass and doing vocals and me on drums, keys, vocals. Easy to find time to rehearse and organize gigs.

Yeah I think the pop punk community is fucking cancer, but I just love those crunchy riffs, catchy choruses, beautiful distortion, and the bands I love are fucking talented song writers. Knuckle Puck is also pretty emo and borders on hardcore.

check out this band from ohio