Alright Sup Forums rekt thread

Alright Sup Forums rekt thread
Give me your worst

Other urls found in this thread:

You're a virgin




HD version?

Post or gtfo



rekt of ur face


Thats gore you retard.


Tell me what you think about these



Eat my pussy faggot

>(10 KB, 276x183)

I hope you get mauled to death by a roving pack of pitbulls you fucking piece of shit asshole.

Kys newfag

This one made me puke

How about this

>Kys newfag

found the newfag

Pretty much the same level


Fucking carnage I tell ya

check em

check what? there are no dubs you assface



They STILL fucking suck. Take this shit to /fa/ you fucking teenager.

>How about this

This really makes me hungry, i've seen worst than this

Then post it if you have it

You sick fuck

Delet this

by another virgin

Look mom, a firecracker

You're going to see these every fucking day until you love them faggot.

I remember when I was just a child. I wanted mcNaldo's so badly. My mother wouldn't provide transportation for me to safely arrive at the establishment. I had already pledged my undying loyalty to the one and only Rhonda mcNaldo. I went through miles and miles of barbed wire coated in lemon juice, bee hives filled with hornets, and minefields in order to safely arrive and consume my delicious beef wellington ensemble. I would recommend it 10/10, I would take my own life in order to even come close to the pristine dining experience that mcNaldo's offers.

> (You)
>Then post it if you have it
Sorry bro, i'm at work(in a mall)

Rip send it after if you can

That's gnarly as fuck. Only thing that made my heart skip a beat in the whole thread

why did this make me laugh

> (You)
>Rip send it after if you can
I really on my work, i'd like to send, but i didn't bring my hd

Is he alive or is that just postmortem twitching?


> →

I always thought the guy pointing was hilarious like, oh thanks, I almost missed the two dead guys in the trees. I would have stopped looking at this picture thinking it was a weird gathering of white people.

The guy with its hand pointing up? No? The one with the Hitler's mustache??

Someone here play ingress?
(It's me on the pic)
(Yes, i'm Br)

Old pic, i'm already L10

gold guardian pleb

Is he dead ?

Mind. Blown.

his/her gender is rekt

i bet a lot of bitches got fucked that night. good times.

makes it even worse

is he dead?


Reported you fucking degenerate

For fucks sake, your two threads within the last 24 hours didn't go anywhere, and no one but an edgy unemployed high schooler draws on their shoes. It's not " custom" you're just gay for some one bullshit band. Take this shit to /fa/ so you and your self fellating, fart sniffing, asshole shaving, cock worshiping brethren can ooh and ahh about your amazing and unrecognized talent. Then you can have the attention of other men that you so desperately crave.

Did he died?

rip Don King


Bernie's still got a shot, I just donated $120, match me?


> (You)
>gold guardian pleb
Send your agent name ;-;
Lets make a fucking field
Ultralink softbank isn't a problem

why does everybody always rip on the op?

I used to draw on my shoes when I was a kid too.

Because op is always a fag. I'd tell you to lurk moar but i think it's pointless now.

even you as op?

Looks like some Tyler, The Creator shit




holy fuck, instant trust issues
fucking files too large for Sup Forums so here's a random rekt

The only rekt video I can't watch

Is he kill?

your musical tastes is as shit as your drawing skills
jk gotta love that Getter

I can't watch the one of the guy fisting a cheese grater, shit makes my fist cringe.

Alive and completely conscious. I made the mistake of watching the video with sound. Those screams.



*Insert sarcastic jab at how obvious the two dead African American are amongst a sea of Caucasian Americans*


Will never forget. Imagine trying to protect your face only to realize that your bloody stumps are useless and that you cannot blink or close your eyes.

However, what got me the most was Sweet Child of Mine playing on the radio at the end.

Imagine the agony while this song plays your final moments to hell.

>That guy just standing there looking like he's about to walk away

Josephine Otero, hung to die slowly while BTK wanked off to her terrorized face.

Just beforehand, most of her family was killed in front of her.



Jesus, this right here is probably the most fucked video I've seen yet. GJ

Shut up, you edgy wannabe

yea this one was probably the worst ive ever seen. the fact that he was alive the whole time is fucked up. they skinned his face, cut off his hands, ripped out his eyes, and shoved a machete in his mouth then beheaded him all whilst he was making blood gurgling noises. fucked up





I have no idea how to make a webm because I am a faggot.

But there's a website chock full of animal abuse. It's a blog meant to raise awareness, but here's a screenshot of a dog being blowtorched slowly to death after being boiled alive/fur ripped off while the Chinese cackle and laugh at it scream and try to escape, only to be dragged back to its agonizing death.


you're cooking that dog wrong idiot

holy fuck


Just google that, hit the video section up top and China - Uncensored.

This one is probably the worst in my opinion.


You fucking deserved that one bud