ITT we post punk, emo, goth and "alternative" sluts

ITT we post punk, emo, goth and "alternative" sluts.
Show me your favorite products of daddy issues.

Other urls found in this thread:







If anyone has some good pics of girls wearing black lipstick, chokers or both you have my eternal gratitude


exgf, related
>broke up when i found out she did porn


Sure would help if it wasn't a picture for ants.



Do you not recognize the haircuts and glasses? These are social justice cunts, not emo. Silly nig nog.

Tried to make it proportionate to ya'lls dicks



Wouldn't stop me from violating them with my vicious male gaze.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch. I’ll have you know my name is John, and I woke up this morning 5:30 sharp to the smell of wet pussy. I was getting a blowjob from two bitches (Shit was SO Cash), one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. I gave it to them and they were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. Must have come about a quart of sperm and compressed air. Imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. I had to go to base camp so I front-flipped from my 14th floor barracks into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connexions). Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. When I entered, I became a top sniper and was granted access to the entire arsenal of the USMC. I learned how to kill someone in over 700 different ways and was assigned to be the leader of a squad that will kill 300 terrorists using gorilla warfare tactics. Also did 6000 push-ups, 8000 sit-ups and bench-pressed 30 plates in 16 minutes. After basic training, I met a network of secret spies who will help me trace your IP address, while eating gold plated sushi and 15,000 $ champagne. My unit got the rest of the day off and I became captain of our base’s football team and starter of the basketball team. I got straight A’s on the military entrance exams and received more awards. Meanwhile, you were jacking off to pictures on Facebook and naked drawn Japanese people. Went back in the Lambo to my barracks and now I am getting ready to go to sleep. I am going to graduate at the top of my class in the Navy Seals tomorrow and I want to look pretty much perfect for it. Don’t be a stranger and remember, I did more in one day than you will your entire life..
Also nice trips faggot



I also don't really have many pics that fit the bill for this type of thing..I just started the new thread.


old meme is hella old
And trips don't lie fgt


Also nice dubs faggot



This guy fucks

Thx nigger


Vulpixc on SG, i knew her in school




O.G. Skinhead here, almost every girl I fucked looks like these hos, 88's for Desmond Dekker and I'll dump 16 years worth of nudes

This must be samefagging or just plain ol shitposting


no thanks. only fat chicks fuck skinheads

I don't know what that means, but nudes pls


whatever helps you sleep at night, bitch



88 get is only 1 in 100 chance, you think we got time for that?

PS: white power is retarded.


nice angle. almost hides the fat.

88 get




Obvs not a pro at pic analysis




Nobody wants nudes from 16 years ago of fat chicks some neo nazi hick fucked

roll for 88

speak for yourself


pic related
Desmond Dekker




how about you contribute then?

This girl ain't half bad

>implying you banged that gothic chick.



without hat: 6/10
with hat: 12/10

88 get

I have been you silly bitch








dump faggot.

Moar of this girl?





Why are you posting this lesbian of a man?




>not liking pixie cut tomboys with 10/10 aesthetic bone structure + eye color



It'd help if we could see more of her body yafeelme

And I would quickly close each cabinet right the fuck back up





>implying meme is a dead term

Try and make some sense there's no other word for it.