Let's talk a bit about unpopular opinions

Let's talk a bit about unpopular opinions.

I honestly feel like the mentally handicapped and physically deformed should be eraticated. They are a burden on society and a leech to families. Best case scenario is they are competent enough to wipe their own ass and don't sperg out too much when with their families out in public, but for many, people have to completely devote their time and efforts to taking care of these useless sacks of shit.

How about you Sup Forums? What are some of your unpopular opinions?

Completely agree

I'm physically disabled and depend on others for care. But I also earn six figures a year running my own business, supporting 15 other businesses.

So if anyone is useless, and deserves to be cleansed from the earth, it's probably you. user posting on Sup Forums in the middle of the day while yelling at your stupid mom for running out of your tendies.

Under no circumstances is murder a good idea. They're alive, user.

Simply mandate that all pregnancies are monitored, and defective fetuses aborted as needed. As far as conception, those who have mental/physical deformities themselves should be fixed to avoid needed abortions.

Same thing with blacks. Fix them, let the race die out. They'll never have a positive net effect on society, always negative.. and their IQ's are retarded anyways.

well half of Sup Forums is mentally handicapped but i kinda agree

TBF he said
> mentally handicapped and physically deformed
Nothing more you are not inside this category

Can't spend those six figures fixing yourself so, jog on, if you can

From a guy who has a retarded uncle...i agree, hes a burden to my grandmother

Jesus user, I know you wanna kill yourself but don't kill all of your kind

MAGA get rid of all the burdens on society MAGA


So you'll join them?

you are a retard.

Totally agree i have retarded brother his a fucken pain in the ass

>Same thing with blacks
I'm sorry sir, but you're a victim of UAE. And you haven't used specific enough language to better deal with said issue. There's a lot of redundancy.

Does "mentally handicapped" include intellectually retarded people who can't see a slippery slope argument?

What the hell is UAE?

I can only think of the Emirates.

Ultimate Attribution Error.

Opinion? You are an idiot.

Every decision rests on the peak of a slippery slope. You're retarded, and should have been aborted.

poor ricky berwick.

try to tell that to a mother with a handicapped son you fucktard, seems to me you would be the first on eradicated

Even Nature realized her mistake. She was working overtime trying to correct it, having reduced the global black population to some 20 million in 1800.

Then the white guys came, adopted them as retarded children, and fucked everything up.

I need your mom's phone number, user.

I don't think they should be eradicated but I think foetuses need to be screened for handicaps and aborted if down's syndrome or something is confirmed.

thats a very popular opinion.
among edgy teenagers.

pedophilia should be legal

You spelled 'eradicated' incorrectly, you mentally handicapped douchebag. So do the world a favor. Stand true to your own beliefs, put yourself at the front of the line and cleanse the earth of your retarded, useless ass.

Liar liar pants on fire

that's called euthanasia and the nazis did that. A lot of stuff on here lately actually goes in that direction...

I can sympathize with the spartan way of life.

However, who are you to say how people spend their lives?

Also, if it wasn't for empathetic people complaining for people with these durrsibilities, medicine wouldn't be looking for fixes to the occasional genetic defects. We'll probably be better off in the long run, especially from the ones that consent to prototype procedures focused on mental activity/mobility.

did his job when normal.
then all that thinking made him like that.

Still pretty heavy on the UAE, there. Evolution isn't a sentient, curated, planned process. It's completely random, and depends on the "selection pressures" that surround it.

I'd hate my kid to have Downs or Autism

kindred spirit detected

Every decision leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (negative) effect, the user says. Not that every decision can lead to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (negative) effect.

so we should have eradicated hawking?

OP is talking about people uncapable to do work, you are clearly not in this category so put that victim card away before you get yourself a paper cut or something

If their families want to take care of them why shouldn't they.

good idea, we should begin a breeding program where we mate the best and brightest, then we wouldn't have retards coming on Sup Forums wanting to "eraticate" people

Your closed down line of thought is in itself a form of handicap.
You just shoot yourself in the foot.

Now, go back to stock those shelfs at Walmart, fucking piece of worthless shit.


Mating the best and brightest can still result in the worst and dimmest. You need more than just good genes. You need infrastructure. You need a good system/s.

I'm not claiming a consciousness in Nature.

I'm simply saying: blacks aren't intelligent enough for life, let alone society. Their lack of intellect was slowly but surely leading to their extinction via disease, famine, war, etc. Their own genetic faults doomed them.

and I am GOD

>all schools nation-wide should be uniformed until college/university
>public displays of affection should be illegal
>women who cannot support themselves should be banned from having children
>women who become pregnant while on welfare should be sterilized
>homosexuality/queersexuality can both be a choice and/or the result of social conditioning
>people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom should be gassed
>bigotry and racism are just two big signs of human weakness and fragility
>pant-sagging should be a criminal offense
>abortion should be legal, and mandatory in some cases
>students who miss 3 classes for a reasons other than significant sickness and/or death should be dropped from the course
>parents who don't vaccinate their children should have those children taken away from them
>there needs to be less spending on the military and more on the sciences
>every child should be made to know at least pre-calculus by age 10
>all children should know how to code
>potheads are annoying, and weed is overrated
>heavier women deserve love, too
>feminism wouldn't exist if men weren't such shitlords to women
>cigarettes should be taxed more heavily
>alcoholic beverages should also be more heavily taxed
>athletes should be paid less
>Janeway was the best Starfleet captain, and Voyager, the best series
>women are people too, and their experiences are just as valid as any man's
>Japanese popular culture is superior to Western popular culture(s)
>If your personality is nothing more than an extension of your sexuality, favorite sports team, or political allegiance, then you're probably a shitty person.
>the exceedingly wealthy and automation is what's killing the country, not immigrants and homosexuality
>The Abrahamic religions are, more or less, the same bullshit
>Disney has done a fine job with Star Wars
>notions of 'country, family, and faith' don't really matter in the grand scheme of things
>Visual Kei is the music of the future

I totally agree with you OP.
We should dispose of the unnecessary, like the niggers and the jews.

mmmm... chicken

Yeah but user can walk up stairs

i didn't read all that shit, but i can tell you automation isn't killing this country, it's the way of the future.

I was in this category until I earned my degree.

You have absolutely no idea how reviled you are until you try and apply for a job and you're disabled. You're waiting for that one charitable business to give you a shot, and overlook the physical.

I'm pretty goddamn right wing, libertarian thinking, but Jesus Christ, this is literally Nazi level eugenics style of thinking.


You're simply saying that blacks aren't intelligent enough for life, let alone society.

But they performed agriculture, lived in tribes, and had several religions. They had concepts of slavery. They had their own philosophies. And, they learned to adapt to their environment. And those of whom that have sickle cell, are essentially immune to malaria. Come, now. The only Africa the world cares about today, is the post-colonialism, post-civil war Africa. The one that was the trust fund of the industrialized world.

There's more at play than some "genetic faults".

Automation of (particularly manufacturing) jobs, I meant.

the problem with that is the people in charge are downsizing to increase their profit. there are a few companies who automate without downsizing... I work for one of them, and it makes our company amazing. and a great place to work.


You degenerate piece of shit.

I see. It does take some careful planning and a desire *not* to just lay off people willy-nilly, but not enough firms are willing to do that, I think.

It's 2017 and the best you can do is describe blacks in a way that translates to "they were almost as capable as Neanderthals".

> A race of people who vanished because of their genetic faults.

That's hilarious. You're fucking hilarious.

it takes a futurist view, i think. instead of looking at the immediate gain of increased profits now, they should be looking at the increased life of the company itself. leading the field in manufacturing technology, including automation, while still having a competent loyal workforce can only be good for the company's future. unfortunately people in general want what they want now, and never want to wait for good things.

Well, I wasn't describing Africa in current year, user.

I was describing the Africa that was free of significant outside influence. Which is probably why you never saw the levels of technology and cooperation present in areas where cultural contamination and constant trading/innovation occurred.

And, what? Who vanished because of their genetic faults? Neanderthals didn't vanish. "Blacks" didn't vanish.

>you should not get a scholarship because you're good at a sport
>people who get upset when a band breaks up need to die

I don't have many unpopular opinions

He's talking about the real handicap people who can't care for themselves or run their own business and five hundred others while juggling shit nut. Shut your yapper.

my unpopular opinion: i really liked Avatar: the last airbender... the movie.

ricky berwick can fuck right off

You must be fun at parties

thats on loli thread bruh

I wouldn't exactly say this is an unpopular or at least uncommon opinion. Almost everyone who looks at retards wonders why they don't just kill themselves. But nobody is going to openly say this. Sadly everyone's fear of not being PC makes the possibility of retard holocaust camps not likely to happen in our lifetimes.

I don't go to parties.

>Voyager, best series
the rest of your shit is invalid

Though you may have trips, the Force is not with you.

That would include people with autism. Of you did that then there would be no one to browse Sup Forums

you truly are a hero

The hero Sup Forums deserves.


Most of these are good. Some a little over the top but most are fantastic.

I think people who bring down the country as a whole by supporting culture that praises violence and negativity deserve whatever they get.

>I think people who bring down the country as a whole by supporting culture that praises violence and negativity deserve whatever they get.
Couldn't agree more. That just causes more problems for everyone involved (except those who find a way to profit from it).

Unpopular opinion?

Carousel of progress is the best ride at disney world.

If you got your way, we wouldn't have these threads any more

>people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom should be gassed

>(except those who find a way to profit from it).

Eh, it still has an influence on a majority who believe in a lifestyle limited to said acts. It's good that they're making money themselves but it has the potential for have a bad impact one people.


YES, THEY SHOULD. Not necessarily in a lethal way. Maybe something more like the CS chambers in Basic Combat Training.

I just don't want to see a real-life "Battle Royale" on the horizon.

What do you do?