Favorite Sup Forums sluts you saved

Favorite Sup Forums sluts you saved




to the dude looking for more...


BRUH, How did you get these man I didn't think she was that kind of girl

Kids these days, they're so much more mature then I remember


from an older thread a while ago. you know her?

U shittin me!?


? Sorry?
Yeah I did a university course with her last year



nice lol. unfortunately thats all i have.

Like the looks of that

Fuck man for real I was getting ready for a massive dump, thanks for sharing she's gotten me hard as fuck anyway, she's just as sexy in real life too and I'll be doing more courses with her this year so this will be a nice save for me


Post some pics you took of her in class

anyone got the webms of that redhead chick that gets fucked really damn fast? i think her name was Dawn something.


I haven't lol why would I, she's sexy but I don't do that sort of stuff often so I don't have any

Dump your favorite slut sets in this (V)ola
much easier to upload everything at once, been going strong for a few weeks.


no problem.



Legend, thanks again I thought she was hot but not that sexy, such a nice figure

you will show her the naked pics? lol



That's kind of make our friendship awkward, I could but I'm not sure how I would go about it, suggestions?







I always enjoy seeing this slutty MILF posted.







you can blackmail her or you can be a "hero" and tell her that some one is sharing her naked pics on the internet





I love her

same, looking for more

Now why would I be a hero lol, not sure blackmailing her would work though

its a shame this was all that was posted from her. wish i had more.

you could play innocent. be like "oh i found this online omg wtf? how could someone do this?"


What would that lead to though, she would just thank me for telling her and that would be it

you have more?


my jaw just dropped like Σ(゜o ゜)

or, she'll be all like "wow he's so nice for telling me. i should suck his dick"

or not idk these things work out better in my head than in real life.

Yes. You like her?

Very hot. Shame her husband never posts her full face.

She's got a boyfriend so I don't think that would work, I wish she would though she's got a cute as fuck face, do you still have that pic you replied with originally in the old thread?


a lot

Do want.


Fuck yes. Love the lace.

ME likey. Moar?

damn she has so sexy legs

Someone please upload the videos of this girl....

Can't get enough of this one. Who has more?


post post

Saw posted earlier. Sauce or more?

like the faggot i am , i forgot to save her boobs.


if you mean this one, i didn't post it. someone else did. ill start a new thread with it to see if that person has more. hopefully they see it.

My favorite

anyone know more?


more more

Holy fuck that's hot, keep going.

Post the pic with the cum on her face


bretty gud tbqh





anyone have her wins?

Was a Sup Forums whore, now is just a regular Cam Whore

How do you know this goddess?

yes please

Not OP; looking for more

just saved her from another thread

Sexy af.
