Oh look, another squadron of stupid dindu nuffins, torturing and degrading a mentally disabled man

Oh look, another squadron of stupid dindu nuffins, torturing and degrading a mentally disabled man.
Sup Forums, Why does shit like this keep happening? Trump is in office now, I accept this, but why do the dumbass dindus continue to rally against him? Nothing can be done.

Also, this should be classified as a hate crime. Dumbass Chief of Police in Chicago must be some sort of idiot. What do you think, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


hate crime charges were filed, stop being dumb as the people you're crying about

because he was retarded not because he was white




>4 new minutes of footage

Lol y'all white people ain't gonna do shit about it. Keep on computering

just niggers doing what they do best
make another reason why they need to die

Keep talking shit and see how much you rely on white people and their compueting

What a racist asshole you are. A WHITE man sold them laced marijuanas that made them act violent.

these niggers need to get a 20+ year sentence, but we all know they wont even get a month in jail. if a bunch of white people did this to a nig, the world would erupt.

hopefully someone kills them after they get released.


Nigs gonna nig

Redpill me on citing citations

i am not amerifag but i thougt... what the fuck is wrong with this fucking cuck police chief... what an idiot

hee begging for that chinese/white-made computer nigger meme
>grats you're learning your place

lol a white guy went to a black church and killed like 9 people just for being black.

You're so wrong but I'll forgive you as you probably have the same IQ as the guy in the video.

Because Jews brought the apes over here and unleashed them upon us.
Should have sent them back when Lincoln set them free.

until you white people fix yall selves then we will fix us

good, I hope an entire city block is next.

these monkeys don't deserve to live if they are going to act out like this, we all know what happens to a dog that bites its master.

Are you retarded ?

if colors were reversed a shit storm would have immediately broken out.

Ignore the nigger... one of their own put it best.

Chuck D from Public Enemy said that when blacks get mad at whites, they riot and fight and tear up stores and vehicles, like that really affects anything.

When whites are mad at blacks, they vote to de-fund 'dem programs,' they vote to weaken affirmative action, they vote against legislation that matters to blacks.

That's why after 400 years, they still live like animals in ghettos and always have a hand out.

When Italians and Irish were first here, they were the same as niggers are, but they assimilated into the country and added their culture to America's instead of strutting around claiming "dey wuz some kangs."

lol it's front page on CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC what else do you want them to cover?

Are you mad because white people aren't out being idiots rioting in the streets? Go ahead if that is what you want.

bottom right just proves how much i fucking hate niggers

I think this niggers family is hungry we should order food for them


>being idiots
our m.o. is more subtle
stay tuned :3

First time I hear of that guy and he seems to be an acceptable (black man) member of society.

Wish they could learn from that, and stop being niggers.

Being civilized is the difference between a black person and a nigger.

>Why does shit like this keep happening?
Because we've mistaken blacks for humans.
deaf guy detected

Yeah Dylan Roof was so "subtle."

Fuck off you racist piece of shit.
Stop separating yourself from the rest of humanity you fucking shit for brains inbred failure.


What is your point? How are people this fucking stupid?

i want my grey poupon and caviar.
jeeves, lets go looting

I really, really, really like this image.

make these punks pay:

Why do we continue to allow niggers to exist again?

Uh he said the world would erupt if anything similar to this happened to a black guy with white attackers.

Much worse has happened and the world didn't erupt. The justice system is doing their thing just like they will with these losers. Take off your racist goggles for a second and just relax and be happy they'll be in prison soon enough.

petition for a pardon.

This is literally what the old Sup Forums would do to rile everyone up.

But this place has been boring since 2009.

EUROPE TAKE NOTE. The Niggers will be holocausting your asses if you keep bringing them into your country.


I guess making more money, leading successful lives, and stuffing you dindu animals in a cage is "nothing".

mfw white racists get all butthurt because ONE white guy, a retard no less, got roughed up by a few blacks. Lmao u gonna compare that to SLAVERY? fuck outta here with that shit.

no such thing as racism, they're called facts, niggers are fucking niggers and will never change

At least he didn't live stream it like a full retard.

you're looooost, little giiiirl

Ok? Sure call me a nigger all u want, unlike u snowflakes words don't hurt my fee-fees

ONE retarded white guy = 1000 niggers

They was just getting they life in order. Goin to church every Sunday.

At least with slavery every single nigro was working and extremely unlikely to commit a crime.
Slavery was the best that happened to the blackies of North America.


This is probably even worse, these people supposed to be more intelligent and with knowledge in history know that this wasn't then and isn't acceptable now either. Literally this makes it even worse.

pfft 1500 bail, wtf?

because they have a couch and you dont?
Its okay man

You know, I don't always get to say it...but thank you, white people. Thanks to you I don't have to live life dodging savages like these 24/7. I don't have to live in raw sewage, wipe my ass with a stick, or worry about catching diseases from drinking water that everyone else shits in because they're too stupid to figure out how that might be bad. And on top of it all, I get to experience the wonders of technology. Any white people in here? Please let me shake your hand. THANK YOU.

This place must be full of idiots now. Low quality bait attracts them like flies.

RIP Sup Forums


What did he mean by this?

Bet u anything you would literally never say that to a single person you know irl coward.

>trump supporter
>mentally disabled person
Why am I not surprised?

m glad these nigs show the world how worthless they are and how retarded you are for voting for hillary.

Dindu nuffin

different crime, this is before the nigger torture the white. Just normal nigger criminal record.

fucking niggers

And I bet you can't prove me wrong. Also wrong, there are others who think like me.

Says the monkey on the keyboard.

Riggity rollin'

whats the difference

I don't see why you make a big deal about the victim being mentally disabled, when you know very well that he still has a higher IQ than the chimps in the hood

Black lives matter?

If the roles were reversed niggers would be burning the town crying dat raccis
Fuck off Sup Forums yard ape


>mfw the victim had a higher IQ than his captors.

Your kind can't hold a family together. What makes you think anyone believes you can salvage your race?

you do have a point there

well, for one, he wasn't a Trump supporter
it's just that violent deranged niggers dislike Trump and think all white people voted for him
tl;dr you are niggers

oh thought because he was white not OP still messed up, makes it more fucked up

No, we're mad because black on white crime drastically outnumbers white on black crime, despite them being only about 12% of the population. This is one of the tiny, tiny numbers that get any media coverage at all. And slavery was over 150 years ago, so no "slaves" have been around for a very long time, nor any slave owners. Nigger.

the difference is that a mentally disabled person voting trump is smarter then the average hillary supporter

the video is evidence.

Scary that this worked on yr post

>Jerilius Jones

Sounds like a running back for Arizona State

>trump is in office
Found the 5th nigger

There is no difference sadly if your black your a nigger end of story

you're a fucking idiot.
Yes he is.

they do that shit all the time over here but with heroin or methmixed with bathsalts, really fucks people up.

>mfw society cares more about one white retard than 1000 nigs gunned down by cops.

Stay second class, citizen.

you ever been a slave? don't think so, you also never met a slave in your live.

go to sleep faggot

so youre a trump supporter huh?


how the fuck could that nig run with fucking pants almost all the way down.

Lol continue

I guess you think all Chinese people are good at math and like to yell in mandarin too? Or that all of us are high class sophisticated socialites holding posh parties? Or that Irish people love potatoes?

Stop being retarded.

Just, you're wrong.

you're white, stop trying to act black you cuck.

He probably was thinking of this

>fresh from the easy bait oven


Someones illiterate.

Reported for hate speech.


1500 bail what the fuck for kidnapping ?
is it photoshopped ah probably she snitched and is going the end up in a dumpster somewhere.
When they cooperate with cops even junkies they give them low bail amount, they stay probably a month or less then they disappear well that is over here sometimes end up in a trunk.