I'm black and just wanted to come here to say fuck the black community

I'm black and just wanted to come here to say fuck the black community.
I've just felt so sour about the African American community since I was in high school, now I'm 24 and see no promise in the majority of blacks.

This most recent news about the Chicago attack on the mentally ill man was absolutely absurd. These little fuckers thought they were commiting an anti white crime when all they even fucking did was attack their own race. Now black people everywhere in the country are judged once again.
Like I understand people don't like Trump but this is absolutely disgusting and puts a terrible image on all black people in the country, I can't believe people would go out of their way to commit such an atrocious act of hate and racism.

Some black people today really get to me, it fucking really makes me upset about the current state of the African American community in the united States. It's absolutely fucked up.

That's the end of my little rant.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, it's fucked up, but don't expect Sup Forums take you in as their token black

Race traitor!
KIll Whitey

>don't expect Sup Forums take you in as their token black

Lol wow dude seriously. I've been here for 9 years I don't give a fuck. I don't closely affiliate myself with very many people, especially those on Sup Forums.

And the token black term is way middle school m8, work on your dank memes please that was not an exceptional meme.

I can tell you are 100% white kek

And go fuck yourself, we were all the same race when we began to colonize on this planet. So go getchu a woman who isn't your race and contribute to exterminating all the races and creating one global race that is a combination of them all.

>I'm black

Fuck off, ghetto bunny.

>implying we wont stereotype over other shit when skin color is no longer a factor

What does SKRT mean, OP? Only heard it on the blm kidnapping video and filthy franks songs

You have horrible people in every single race on the face of this earth.
When things like this happens it gets heated up to the level of napalm.
People do things and say things in frustration. Hell even my co worker who is the most liberal guy I know went all race wars yesterday.

The most racist man I know is the guy who lives down the street and who is black. He is black himself and seriously hate his own race. I remember during that Trayvon case, he was filling gas at the station and man, did he had strong opinions about that black kid. Dude scared me lol. I don't know his backround or what his story is, but he is more racist towards his own race than anyone I have ever heard of my entire life. He has a daughter and he litterary refuses her to date black kids, even those living in my middle class area.

I know humans are literally garbage that was probably dumped on a random planet by our alien predecessors. I bet they didn't know what parasites we would turn into, waiting for years and years until we decide to engage in war with the heavens that gave us the life we have now. Then we will do the same with another species when our science is that far advanced, and once again that creation will return to destroy us just as we did to our original fathers.

I don't know bud I wasn't raised like a fucking animal.

Uncle Ruckus was right tho

Mr. Tommy Soto is that you?

ITT: niggers join the KKK


>4 idiots commit a race crime
>fuck the black community


It's not entirely black people's fault they're so fucked up but it's not like no one was told.

It begins

Hey OP keep that in mind when you are hanging from a tree. Fucking shitskin.

I can tell you are a little kid.

Have fun in middle school little guy!

I know right?! Even Bill Cosby turns out to be a serial rapist!

See translation.

How to argue like a butthurt liberal:
1.) Immediately attack point made as immature or subsophmoric
2.) Dismiss claimant
3.) Present no logical disagreement
4.) Proceed to insult claimant

Hillary lost.

where is translation?


I for one have no ill will towards black people, but think this black "culture" manufactured by those who will not be named to be completely cancerous.

Are you actually retarded?

I hope black kids don't torture you ):

every blood killa

Do you think this will make more ppl want to do this type of thing?

Fuck off

you are not black

you're not black, and neither are any of the other neo nazi 12 year olds pretending to be black on this website.

The black community should put their fatherless kids to watching anime.

Exhibit A.

>you're doing it right

>a Sup Forumsack attwhore
The little faggot truly believe can start


Not sure what the context of your question was, but yes. I feel like when evil acts such as this crime are globalized to the masses, that the uneducated and misinformed individuals who have a bad upbringing will be inspired to commit even more sinister crimes.

It opens a new door to the transformation of this social stigma that unfortunate individuals are sucked into. Those people are weak minded and can easily be manipulated into doing something because they saw it on TV or something.

Btw I dislike most people, I'm honestly just waiting to die peacefully or for the aliens to come absolve us of all our wrongdoings and finally bring an end to humans and save the universe from our intent to dominate and destroy.


No you fuck off

No one cares what you think about anything.

Prove I wrong.


Are you okay?

I mean if you really want to get technical I can cut you open, and then we can cut me open and we'll both just be red in the end.

But when I don't go that deep, yes it appears that I am in fact black.



Well you sure seem to care a lot.

Fucking dumbass.

she'll be seeing a lot of bars soon


fuck i had so much fun with this


OP here and what the fuck is this bullshite

When is racism from blacks towards whites ever going to be taken as seriously as whites towards blacks.

Sure there was alot of commotion about this stuff. But now imagine if it was 4 white kids vs a black kid, yelling "fuck obama" and "fuck niggers". Shit wouldve blown up 100000x worse

roll kek


They are unrestrained animals. Look at them.

Good answer. I was thinking it'd be like the knockout game. Ppl do stuff they see without thinking about it.

Chek'd and apologies for the short answer, I'm yawning at work waiting for the right time to leave


Yeah, OP here again and I agree.

Racism is racism. And black people are blatantly racist on a regular basis. It infuriates me that people can't just focus on the bigger picture in life and can't let go of shit that happened a long fucking time ago.

>"when you're hanging from a tree"
Hurr durr


Np m8, appreciate you taking the time to reply

Can we get the Klan to show up to her house lmfao

Good on you for speaking out, Uncle Tom. Yous a reeeeal fine house nigga, ain'tcha?

I guess. Seeing as I live in an actual house and not some shitty low income apartment like the rest of em.


Remember this one? So fucked. Sooo fucked. I know black families who are the kindest, most generous people you could think of. But I see the opposite far more often, unfortunately.

>These little fuckers thought they were commiting an anti white crime when all they even fucking did was attack their own race.

Exactly give OP credits for this.


Can everybody just come the fuck down with these blanket statements. Every race has people who do crazy violent shit for no reason other than >muh genetics r better than urs, fuk u 4 being born the way you are

So I clearly see that you keep the hate of other crimes alive. Its a counting battle. Its not going to end and we will never forget and forgive you. You live in a white country, and nobody will ever accept your kind because we are not stupid to think you will ever accept your superiors.


This don't prove anything.






Its called Afrocentrism and 78% of Afro Americans believe those theories (And Similar).

You need this

KYS faggot. like every nigger needs to think similar about everything. You are the reason why whites easily generalize all niggers. The hyvemind or niggers will outcast you.

For your comment from a white person.
> hail OP for individualism
> fuck all those copy-niggers. you are all the same and deserve a bullet (all of you).

You're a nigger haha
>nigger nigger nigger
>also stop being nigger

>400 pages of hatespeech
Nobody needs Malcolm x. Really nobody.
Get of our continent niggers. Hush.
Nobody keeps his old machinery

The "community" and "culture" have been affected by a small group of people who have much to gain by ruining the image of black people as a whole.
Black people are being used by the elite to create a divide [and conquer] between the races.
They are being used to collect revenue through the prison industrial complex.
Their communities have been repeatedly targeted with tactics like chemical warfare (spraying chemicals in the streets to test it on humans, infected with syphilis, spreading crack cocaine)

>This in effect helps keep us ALL in servitude to the elite.

.... And you have the brain of an infant.

Privileged white people deserve the same

In 1950 M A Y B E 20% of Afro Americans believe those theories.
Illiterate redneck

"All niggers have to fucking hang"

famous qoute from Full metal jacket.

It was "All fucking niggers have to fucking hang"

>Now black people everywhere in the country are judged once again.

Well, if I'm being totally fair, we never really stopped. Granted, there are a few "good ones" like Neil DeGrasse Tyson and..i dunno, basically anyone who doesn't talk like they came out of the hood (i've heard it called a country accent, but who knows.) But for the most part, black people are a burden on society.

You fuck too much, you shit out babies, you're prone to crime, you're poor and stupid and you depend on welfare. I grew up pretty poor as a kid, and couldn't afford to go to college when I graduated high school. But I busted my ass, used library computers and got my hands on as many books and text files as i could read and learned to program/use OS's/etc. By the time I was 24 I had an okay IT job,and it only blossomed from there.

Put a black guy in the same position and you get someone who concentrates on three avenues:

1: Rapper
2: Basketball/Football/Sports
3: Gangsta.

That's it. Sure, there's exceptions. But it's like a ratio of 1 in 20, maybe 1 in 15. You complain about racial profiling, but the vast majority of you ARE crooks. You're like cheap hoods out for whatever you can get. You demand handouts and you have two ideas of how you can live. Either poor as fuck or rich as shit. And even when you do get rich, you spend it on 4 million dollar cars and you let other niggers into your money like the rappers or basketball players do, and you're back to doing local insurance commericals like M.C. Hammer inside 5 years.

You may seriously consider pushing for slavery to be reinstated/the repeal of the 13th amendment. We could get your population in check. If regulated it would ensure more humane conditions than before. You would have good healthcare and living barracks, and you'd be taught useful skills that could be used after a set term of work in which you could be emancipated.

Because this current situation simply isn't tenable, and we're going to win anyways.

Nope. The majority of Melanoids believe their ancestors are form Egypt.

Read something Bobby Ray

I see those dubs nigger
But unfortunately I'm no infant
More importantly niggers & privileged white people are my enemies
Just how I feel


Nation of Islam

Im not form the States but your weak common sense impressed me. Your comment shows why you are not able to comprehend and take it as the black mein kampf.

Congratz nigger and enjoy your inferiority (every day, every second).

Lmao stop trying to be accepted by Whites. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Whites don't see Blacks as equals.

Obviously he's whiite, he can read and write.

people say "skrrrrrrrt" like a car when it screeches

its just some dumb ghetto shit

See, we need more like him, we just need more dylan roofs to go to the problem areas, not fucking churches. Drop him off in body armor, fully stocked with grenades, AR-15's, handguns etc and have him get out at Freaknik or just the ghetto in summertime and have them go nuts. Bowlkut Apocalypse in Englewood. And they'll shoot back, but they're all such crap shots he'll last a good long time. It's like suicide by cop, but where the cops shoot like retards.

gim sum watameln

dey c me rollen dey hayten

I had this idea in my head but this is also just a widely believed myth that has yet to be proven to be exactly true.

I think is halfway true, but I also think that the social media has a big take on it.
Like these kids weren't raised right so they think these rappers really live ghetto thug lives. It's not true, it's all acting.
The rappers are just musicians who discovered how to make something of themselves.
Unfortunately the young kids think that the lyrics are all real life events that occur in the rappers real life, so it manipulates their pure image of the world around them and infiltrates their mind with ideas of immoral things they can do and get away with because... Well because it seems cool.

People just don't know right from wrong. They don't get that we all need to dedicate our humanity to the core concepts of love and knowledge on top of the concepts of wealth and power/respect.

Like my dad always said, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

It's an onomatopoeia for tires skidding on the road in a chase

And we Asians are superior at everything in life over whites.

>I'm black and just wanted to come here to say fuck the black community.
I feel as if you're a cuck. I like the black race don't get me wrong. But the BLM and the people in the photo are retarded. I'm sorry on behalf of the user's who are constantly saying n*gger. Your modesty and respect is gifted but don't expect people to not be racist towards you. I wish it were otherwise but knowing Sup Forums they have less brain cells than an ape.