He unironically likes lyrics about anti-consumerism

>he unironically likes lyrics about anti-consumerism

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>he unironically likes music
what a fucking pleb

>"fuck capitalism amirite?"
>"but hey make sure you guys go buy my new album on itunes for the bonus tracks!"
this is why leftist musicians are the worst

>better just fade into obscurity and starve to death amirite
This is why capitalism* is the worst. Commodifies dissent.

(s)he has a cute mustache :3

>you have to completely reject self-interest and economic competition in order to critique capitalism
You must have better reasoning than this

don't bother

You won't starve if you just be a man and actually work for a living like you're supposed to. Even before 'capitalism' was invented this is what a man did... These days little punks just want everything for nothing. Fuck this is Sup Forums right why am I talking about this shit.


michelle obama

It's hypocritical is all. How are you gonna posture your morality and denounce a system you directly benefit from?

her name was albert einstein

why you can't denounce a system you directly benefit from? There are plenty of things you can denounce that you would have a very hard time stopping from benefiting you.

I understand your point is that the musician in your example is a hypocrite for selling his album on itunes with bonus tracks but your reasoning sucks

If you're benefiting from it, you're not in the position to denounce it. It completely delegitimizes your argument

What about those of us who distribute our music via alternative record stores, live in communes, produce our own music, grow our own food and dedicate our entire lives to destroying capitalist exploitation?

Aus-Rotten showed me the way.

third track literally ruins the entire album

Pajeeta Punjababu

I want to poo with her.

I understand he point you're trying to make but its not realistic. Like I said, there are plenty of things you can denounce that you would have a very hard time stopping from benefiting you. You couldn't do it within reason, you would likely need to completely isolate yourself from everything.

what does that mean

I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumerism is a problem in our society.

Are you serious? I can recognize that things might benefit me, but that they are still bad for society at large. A refusal to give jobs to black people and women would open up more options for me, but I would denounce such a system.

>goes on a music board
>complains that people shouldn't make music
Pic related

>capitalism is good because it's good
>work because I said so

I guess you just BTFO all those leftist academics like Derrida, huh brainlet?

literally how can someone with access to a computer be this dumb

Why is it so unpopular to just want to reform capitalism instead of going full on fuck the system? Music for these feels?



Somehow I knew I would get this response. Not being an asshole is not the same thing as being whatever exactly it is you're trying to call me.

>being autistic and posting a meme to vaguely articulate a point you're having trouble making

You're a limp wristed white guilt faggot with no pride. That's the point I'm making

You don't visit many other boards do you?

Capitalist logic:
>poor person criticises capitalism
"You're just jealous that other people are more successful than you"
>rich person criticises capitalism
"You're a hypocrite because you have benefited from capitalism"

Therefore no one can ever criticise the system, no matter how broken it is.


It's the only plausible system. What do you suggest? if you say communism I'll give you a knuckle sandwich I swear to g-d

get out more dude you're embarassing yourself

totally dude haha fuck white people for real i mean I'm white but im an ally. i put "black lives matter" in my twitter bio so everyone knows im a good white haha bash le fash

yikes... please kill yourself.

That wasn't even what the first person said you contrarian fucking retard.
>hurr I act racist so that nobody thinks I'm a numale

The point is you can and should make critics to try and think of ways to improve the system we're in. I think capitalism is the way to go, but consumerism is bad. Depleting our resources and exploring people is very destructive to our own society. We should value human and natural resources as much as we value money. Something that should be expended carefully.

hurrr look at me being an anonymous sjw on Sup Forums durrr. kill yourself fagota

>starting a thread on Sup Forums about anti-consumerist lyrics so that you can rage about black lives matter and call people gay

Has the word SJW lost any semblance of meaning? I was talking about a goddamn hypothetical situation. Nowhere did I even comment on social justice or a problem with our society.

Right, Im all for regulating big banks but putting restrictions on businesses like oil or what have you because of the environment is not the way to go. i hope you know that man made climate change is a spook

you cant exist in this society if you dont make money through capitalism. you can't have any sustainable acceptable life without being a consumer.

not sure why that makes you think people can't object to that just because they have to make money to live.

Basically capitalism but with higher taxes and better social security. Something like Nordic countries have.

My point was not that capitalism is bad (although I do think that America's system is pretty fucked) but that saying rich people are hypocrites for criticising the system is just a way to avoid any actual debate about the topic.

That wouldn't work in America. It works in Scandinavia because they have a small population and the vast majority of their population are tax payers whereas America has a large population and there's a chunk of the population that pays no taxes (83% of tax payers are white) That system would not be sustainable

guess you dont realize rich people can criticize capitalism & not be hypocrites by like idk giving their wealth to charity & shit.

but i cant expect much from some faggot living in the 3rd world like yourself to know anything about america.

"I'm an ally". lol. It's not a fight man. And black and white are not separate sides. Can't you see we're all just people trying to get on with our lives? Have you actually interacted with a black person? I didn't like BLM personally because I thought it was antoganizing, like we were two separate groups. It seemed to have the same line of thinking you do, although more lightly

You can have this kumbaya mindset but it's not reality. Black people stick together, mexicans stick together, white people didn't seem to get the memo, especially young whites. I truly think multi racial societies are unnatural, it's uncomfortable for all involved

what is the point of the "83 percent of tax payers are white" comment when literally 13 percent of usa is black & 17 percent is latino

& yeah thats because the income gap isnt unreal like in our country. has nothing to do with the population

awkward retarded bait or just some fat flabby european faggot who knows nothing about america

anyone here like music??

Obviously it wouldn't work if you just suddenly hiked up taxes and increased welfare payments, but I think it could work if you increased taxes and government spending over a period of ten or twenty years. Now, that would be difficult to get public support for but changing a system like this is never going to be easy.

Fuck off, reformist. Rosa BTFO you all with Reform or Revolution.

Imo it's less about restricting and more about they actually valuing these resources, instead of seeing like an infinite source of money to be explored. Because it's not infinite at all. Even considering that climate change was false, treating resources like they're endless is an animal instinct that is a sure way to extinction when you consider the rate humanity grows. You don't spend your money like it's infinite because it would cause you to go bankrupt. When you spend at a faster rate than what you earn, it eventually ends. What happens to natural resources when you use them up faster than they regenerate is very similar.

Just look at what happened at the Easter island: their civillization cut down their trees to build monuments and drove themselves to extinction. We live in a much bigger "island" but we are bigger as well and growing each day.

Regulated capitalism is bullshit, as is charity.
>Rosa Luxemburg - Reform or Revolution
>Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism

>rich people can criticize capitalism & not be hypocrites by like idk giving their wealth to charity & shit
Most of them do give to charity. How much of their money do they have to give away before they can criticise the system? 10%? 50%? All of it? As if that would actually get people to listen to them, everyone would just call them crazy.

>some faggot living in the 3rd world
Nice ad hominem bro.
My country outranks America in basically every measure of quality of life, but keep telling yourself that America this the best country in the world and every other country is a third-world shithole.

I understand what you're saying, really. We are a tribal species, and there is a natural urge to enclose yourself in a group because of some shared characteristics and alienate other groups because of differing charateristics.

Race is an example in multiracial places, but is the same idea of what makes people form cliques like skaters, nerds, jocks, and whatever. The thing is if jocks didn't exist, sports wouldn't exist. If skaters didn't exist, we wouldn't be able to buy pot. And people that actually apply themselves academically are obviously useful.

There is surely not a problem in forming your "tribe", it's completely natural. The problem is the other urge, to fight the other tribes. In order to evolve as society we must stop seeing the people different from us as enemies and understand that we all complement ourselves to make society function.

yeah but no one knows anything about your country or can even point it out on a fucking map meanwhile you apparently know about our politics, elections, music, celebrities, geography. LMFAO @ looking over at america & learning about the world everyday while you fucking live in the forest in europe or whatever.

& it was just an example. rich people can criticize capitalism but cant expect much from some retarded degenerate janitor like yourself to understand that.

>waahh why can't life be easy
Kill yourself breh