This is the best metal album ever not fake I swear on Big Macs

This is the best metal album ever not fake I swear on Big Macs

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>frog on the cover

Are Boris alt-right? When are they coming to the United States so that I can beat their facist racist ass?

flood's better

>pepe on the cover
go back to pol

please don't talk about genres you don't know batshit about thx

I bet you like power metal FAGGOT

>Not Absolutego
absolute plebo

akuma no uta > amp worship > feedbacker >> absolutego

fascism doesn't matter unless it's done by white people. pay no attention to the mexican mafias who are ethnically cleansing blacks from california as we speak

>not flood or akuma no uta or pink
>picks the average drone metal albums

pink and flood are barely metal
and pink is definitely not better

im just talking about best Boris albums in general. Amplifier Worship just sound like your everyday drone metal. Still an awesome release tho


vomitself is pretty great tho

>Amplifier Worship just sound like your everyday drone metal.
nah. what would you compare it to?
amp worship and boris' drone metal records in general (excluding absolutego which i find mediocre) have a really nice punk/hardcore punch to them i don't really hear in drone metal all that often, outside of early melvins and harvey milk. add to that a mythic, occult atmosphere that boris does so well, they're pretty distinctive really

>what would you compare it to?

lol what

>have a really nice punk/hardcore punch to them i don't really hear in drone metal all that often

Do you even know what drone metal is?

heres a good comparison

not a good comparison at all. earth is constant guitar noise, no dynamics, no drums, no progression beyond the chords themselves.

have you even listened to the albums you're talking about?

Here come dat Bo(r)i(s)

just saying you cant make a comparison to boris's drone metal is a pretty stupid statement. Regardless of how good my example was. It can still sound incredibly similar

i literally just asked you what you would compare it to, and proceeded to compare it to two other bands myself. you're making an ass of yourself. try to work on that reading comprehension before jumping down others' throats. also listen to more music before you make statements you can't back up.

getting a bit to mad are we? Maybe learn how to relax before assuming im jumping down anyones throat. Listen to more drone metal.

does anyone here like black boned angel? since we'll probably never hear a metal boris record again, sadly

i'd say read over those posts again but obviously you know you fucked up, given this ridiculous backpedaling and projection...

All im saying is artists are categorized for a reason. I didnt fuck up nothin.

Flood > absolutego > amp worship > pink > akuma no uta > feedbacker > heavy rocks

Gensho was pretty banging I think there's a new one in our future