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Gross nigger

You have been visited by the white trash ugly bald sex offender fairy of Sup Forums. Ugliness and male pattern baldness will come to you unless you comment "you're ugly and white trash" on this video. There are no immunities.


OMG HAHAHAHAHA looks like the underminer from the incredible's



i dont believe in this






Okay let me start with some fresh OC greentext

>be me, 20/f
>recently broke up with horrible boyfriend
>love sex, so try to get some dick
>meet a 29/m at new job, kinda weird, gangster type, but seems innocent enough
>we text back and forth and eventually finally fuck him
>afterwards, i'm just relaxing and he keeps saying things like
2017 will be our year
I want to be your man
>confused as fuck but whatever
>finally the kicker:
We need to make a scrapbook of 2017 so we can always remember our time together
should i cont.? prolly will no matter what

Cont you cunt pls

>I just agree with him, think that he's just trying to be nice to fuck me
>even though i've made it clear I'll fuck him regardless
>so we fuck a couple times, not too much more happens
>only really weird thing is telling me his into fashion,
>tells me he loves to dress up and loves fedoras and he like to look "classy"
>whatever I don't care too much really, just a dick or so i thought.
>fast forward to last night
>we decide to get high and then go to our local arcade
>he only plays CoD, but whatever
>get so goddamn high i just release all information I've ever learned onto him
>mostly history facts and all that, really stupid shit
>half expecting him to shut me down, as I mean I'm just high rambling
>instead then tries to tell me something he learned on the history channel - hitler survived the war or something like that
>laugh and agree
>then out of no where he says:
Zeus though, right babe? You know Zeus
>What the fuck, but whatever he's high
>say some vague shit about him, even though i'm not interested in all
>instead of shutting me down, he proceeds to say
Hahah, yeah babe I knew all that shit. See? I'm not dumb haha, people just think I look dumb but you know I'm not

DON'T make this three fiddy shit!
Go on.


That guy looks fucking cool

>we continue talking, just random things here and there
>start to question if he really is understanding or just agreeing with me
>say somethings to contradict myself to see if he'll agree with either side or if he'd finally disagree
>agrees every time, it gets really annoying
>at first I think, okay whatever he's just trying to get laid
>but then as the further along we got, the further he took his agreements
>it went from "oh man I totally understand" to things like
oh man babe i totally understand, I mean I'll always understand you, you know? Because I'm a nice guy and I'll always listen to you.
>every. single. time
>I brush it off the first few times, call him sweet
>He won't stop it just keeps getting more desperate
>finally gets to the point where this is his agreement:
Oh man babe like I just so get it I think we are just so connected and together you know? And I'm just gonna treat you right and love you and always be sweet to you cause I'm a nice guy. I'm not a man whore or anything like that I'll always be loyal I mean you can tell me to do anything.
>what the fuck someone help me
>eventually sober up enough to get him home
>acts fishy as fuck the whole time while at the same time just talking in my ear about how great we are amd especially how great he is

Did you pretype because you should've

jesus fucking christ please people visit his deviant art profile for ultimate cringe hyenarbp.deviantart.com/


Check em



that brings us to today, he's texted me a couple times so far, nothing nearly as cringey as what he was saying last night
>almost forgot
>i'm super into the daddy fetish and I love big, chubby, hairy guys
>This guy looks like that, so I call him bear
>tries to tell me his last name means bear, which is crazy cause "i'm his bear"
>i've taken 3 years of German, it is nowhere near that

i puked

No this cant be fucking real user

Why is there police in the backround

Is that his daughter? If so, he has nothing to worry about.

oh another thing, he said he bought his fedoras from a site where its by 12 for the price of 10. Does anyone know if that's real? Like he says he'd buy like 2 dozen at a time.

sauce of webm>?

I thought only Richard Stallman did that...

Poor thing got his right side of the nose burned


that's a tongue

when he leans toward the camera, i feel the need to grab some stridex

I'ts burned nose.

that is cringe, bro


tell me what happened to your dick? does your daddy burnt it with grill lighter when you were 6 years old?




here's his profile

tits of stfu




why???? This ain't cringey!

I'd be so much better for you girl, I have an opinion not just like those douches that just want pussy or shit, jesus why do they always get the girl, I just... I'm just sick of them using and treating you like a box full of chocolates and they only eat the white ones, and I want the white ones cause the rest usually have nuts and I'm allergic to nuts, but for the rest I'm really healthy like really good dna.. Our babies would be really good babies, like without glasses and really strong and stuff. You have childbearing hips btw?


Your response is cringe. KYS





I need 2 ask u a question




Here's my question: youtube.com/watch?v=0aFplQOWz_k

that's a mentally disabled person, you fuckin' retard, there's nothing funny here, dumb fuck

kill yourself newfag

You don't wear fucking jeans with a dress shirt and vest, you fucking moron. Invest in some fucking dress pants!

it's called learning disorder, faggot

it's from a show called You're The Worst


Look at that face, what do you think he did

lmfao his so fucking shy



I'll post some of my autism because it usually gets a laugh.

>out at bar
>hate bars
>friend's girl wants to go
>obviously I have to come
>>we like drinking and watching cooking shows, not bars
>girl talking to me
>clearly trying to hit on me
>hella oblivious
>eventually tells me I smell nice
"I have a shower."
>she proceeds to walk away
>drink my boilermaker in peace

Pest post in a Cringe thread I've ever seen. It's getting screencapped and copied for the Pasta folder.
Congrats user.

That's pretty funny though



Love that look, would definitely bang.




is that labanna


That is exactly what I was going for, but you are offputting and I don't like you for it

> will come

I wish.

Hitler.. We need you..pls come back

Which is which?

my ideal gf in highschool

she looks like a curious smuf or some shit

Same here. And still is my ideal gf NOW. Why wouldn't you date her now? Besides the fact that ~20yo girls are fucking boring, batshit insane and full of BS.

Physically cringed

Retard detected

If specials want equal treatment then if they, like anyone else, look amusing, then they can/will he laughed at

makes me wanna get fucked tbqh

what is it in the red circle???

now that's murrica

i think its a dropped magazine.


>not filename "trump voters united"
