New thread, new mupdate

New thread, new mupdate
In the conclusion of the Melee at Harrenhal, many lords vied to win the treasured Valyrian Steel sword, however a Northern hedge knight managed to suprise everyone by winning the melee.
On his way to the Gift what he best could home he decided to take a rest
Lucky as he was in the melee, unlucky as he was tonight, his throat was slit by a lone wildling
The wildling, thinking he could regain his pride once more, offered the blade to his former lord, the Magnar of the Thenn
GRRM couldn't write it better


Other urls found in this thread:

Thenn > siege Castle Black

>King Tyr of Thenn, King beyond the Wall, Magnar of the Thenns, Master of Harrenhall

Siege mc

>Lord Rynar Stark, Lord of winterfell, Ruler over the twins
>Allies: Tyrell, Baratheon
>Bonus: +1 against arryn

Siege yronwood
>Lord Lyonel Baratheon, Hand of the King +1T
>Allies: Tyrell, Stark

I siege the Twins
>Lord John Tully, Lord of Riverrun
>Allies: Arryn
>Bonus: The Trident

Also arryn did not roll last update but magically got land back??

>Lord Rynar Stark, Lord of winterfell, Ruler over the twins
>Allies: Tyrell, Baratheon
>Bonus: +1 against arryn

Tyrells> Tullies

>King Bard Tyrell First of his name, Lord of Highgarden, Lord of Casterly Rock and Defender of Old Town
>King of Westeros(T2)
>Allies: Baratheon, Stark

I might have completely fucked that up, yeah
I already felt like something was wrong.
Will fix it next mup

can we speed this up a little be good to get to a conclusion soon seeing as its lasted 4 hours

Yeah was thinking of that already, seeing as most disappeared

I reclaim my land
>Lord John Tully, Lord of Riverrun
>Allies: Arryn
>Bonus: The Trident

Siege eyrie

>Lord Rynar Stark, Lord of winterfell, Ruler over the twins
>Allies: Tyrell, Baratheon
>Bonus: +1 against arryn

Thenn > siege Castle Black. Use Giants

>King Tyr of Thenn, King beyond the Wall, Magnar of the Thenns, Master of Harrenhall
>King Beyond the Wall (+1 T), Valyrian Steel Sword (+1 Siege)

Border Riverrun


>King Bard Tyrell First of his name, Lord of Highgarden, Lord of Casterly Rock and Defender of Old Town
>King of Westeros(T2)
>Allies: Baratheon, Stark

Night's Watch > Thenn
Swarm the area of Craster's Keep
And with that I quit the game, it's getting boring
>1,000th Lord Commander Francis of the Filth

now thats kinda rude when most of the game all I have been trying to do is protect my lands

shouldn't have fucked Lord Hand Baratheons daughter

>King Bard Tyrell First of his name, Lord of Highgarden, Lord of Casterly Rock and Defender of Old Town
>King of Westeros(T2)
>Allies: Baratheon, Stark

im sorry but she was hot, also I recieved a raven from her she apparently pregnant and I am the father, sorry not sorry
>Lord John Tully, Lord of Riverrun
>Allies: Arryn
>Bonus: The Trident

Fucking awesome, game of bros! Can I join?

almost over :(


Well, it seems like this thread will have a quick death
Shame, but that's what you get for taking it slow on a weekday
Still was fun you guys
Here is the endmup, for as far as that is possible

Sorry mate, too late, only by a couple of minutes


I'm going hard mode and claiming Myr
Rolling for Targ claim
>sig incoming

Got the north, the iron islands, and the vale. Ill take it.

>Lord Rynar Stark, Lord of winterfell, Ruler over the iron islands and the vale
>Allies: Tyrell, Baratheon
>Bonus: +1 against arryn

>Dat bullshit map
Wait, how the fuck did Thenn beat me? I was still standing in the last round. Fuck you, OP you inaccurate BITCH!
>1,000th Lord Commander Francis of the Filth

I Winrar?

>King Bard Tyrell First of his name, Lord of Highgarden, Lord of Casterly Rock and Defender of Old Town, Slayer of Lannisters, Breaker of Dorne, Friend of Baratheon and Stark, the one true King of Westeros
>Long may we reign
>King of Westeros(T2)
>Allies: Baratheon, Stark

Because you left

I guess you and Stark did conquer the most, so yeah

>Lord Rynar Stark, The winterwolf, Lord of winterfell, Conqueror of the iron islands and vale, Slayer of Greyjoy and Arryn
>Allies: Tyrell, Baratheon
>Bonus: +1 against arryn

New game?

Siege yronwood
>Lord Lyonel Baratheon, Hand of the King +1T
>Allies: Tyrell, Stark

I'm down

tfw i find a game of bros but it is the endmup

There are 10 people in this thread now we should play a new game.

you should join the discord tbh

Whats the discord?


fug 1 sec